I personally don't swallow the accusation against Kavanaugh. Too many facts against believing it.
-First, it's a recovered memory, not a normal memory, of being assaulted, and they are notorious for leading to wrongful accusations including jail time for innocent men.
-Secondly, every witness named has denied it under oath, including Dr. Ford's best friend and Mark Judge went further to say Kavanaugh just wasn't that sort of person.
-Thirdly, she recalls almost no other details around the incident which is at least concerning. I mean things like place (forget time).
-Fourthly, people who have known him his entire life since high school, college, professional life, vouch for his character especially towards women. I believe 35 or 65 women have defended him, something like that.
-Fifthly, his demeanour during his testimony was consistent with the righteous indignation of an innocent person that's been wrongly accused. I actually teared up watching it. If he's lying, he has to be a damn good actor or a sociopath, which I honestly have little reason to even suspect given his entire life of good behaviour.
I think what's happened to him is incredibly unfair. I didn't care 2 cents before but now I do want him confirmed above any other person Trump may replace him with. His life has been destroyed by a totally factless accusation based on a memory of something that's supposed to have happened nearly 40 years ago between underaged kids at a party, and that was recovered decades later in a therapy session and that remains not only uncorroborated but refuted in addition. There's too much there for me to put one scintilla of weight behind Dr. Ford's recovered memory and I now feel sorry for the man, who is otherwise eminently qualified for the position. If Trump abandons him now, he'll be utterly ruined. I hope he does not.
Edit: So it was not a recovered memory, that was a misreporting by an anchor, I have checked. Still, my position is the same.