Now I get it. Poor thing. The day our politician genuinely fight for graft - the whole edifice will come crashing down.
All documents to be tabled before parliament and committees from the executive go through the Leader of Majority. Ruto happens to control both. Duale could have stopped it but he noticed and kept quiet. Kiunjuri is now claiming that the name was added between his office and Parliament.
That is a hard sell: Because the total number of names he provided earlier = the total number of names on the list. Unless one was replaced ( and he is not saying which).
He is also fudging that the Muhoho company asked to import in 2011 and not 2017. In which case he has LIED to parliament because he presented a list of those who imported sugar in 2017. In short Kiunjuri has either been played or is part of the play. He has angered his benefactors real bad.
On the other hand there are those who say he was slow to join Ruto's bandwagon and was therefore given a kick in the balls so he can know where to stand or so he can reveal his true position. He is not doing well.
Uhuru lacks a Biwott like figure. What with Njiraini openly blaming him before parliament and Kinyua being absent minded and even lying in court. Now that is a jon you give Omollo or Pundit. On condition pundit stops drinking. Alcohol interferes with memory and denies one concentration. In brief and seriously Uhuru has been played and he just has to negotiate his exit.