Author Topic: I told you so: ruto can now form alliance with kalonzo  (Read 6498 times)

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: I told you so: ruto can now form alliance with kalonzo
« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2018, 04:03:15 PM »
I don't really believe this gossip but if true would explain Ruto's impatience.

Your analysis is the conventional wisdom right now. However,  Ruto needs to survive first in order to fight another day. If he fights now he may not live to fight.  My advise for Ruto is to join Ouru and Raila as equal partners to create a power sharing deal that will serve the interest of the entire country.  They should agree to a neutral committee like the Bomas one that will lay down a constitutional amendment followed by a referendum that the three support.  Ruto has the advantage of youth and will be around much longer if he keeps fit, watches his diet and swallows the pills.

That's why I supported Ruto's No campaign - parliamentary with strong devolution reduces the dominance and impunity. But here we are.

The trouble with Raila's plan to tame GEMA is that GEMA knows this full well. They know Raila & Ruto are after the same constituency - the one Ruto has been touring for defections. To go national Ruto had no choice but to battle Raila. Even now to tame GEMA and stand a chance he has been routing Raila/ODM. The competition for the segmented non-GEMA bases makes anti-GEMA strategy tough. If Ruto goes to Raila now,  for instance, he has to stop invading territory which is self-defeating. He would also need to settle for DPORK again - sign 60% MOU - and get screwed over  later.

There is no reason for Raila to align with Ruto now. DPORK has no power to even appoint a CAS. Such a deal must be secret and sealed until early 2022. For state largesse Raila only needs Uhuru.

Uhuru's quest to be PM, if at all true,  is aligned with Raila's plan. This is a golden chance for non-GEMA but sadly a nightmare for Ruto which makes a Raila-Ruto alliance untenable. He therefore has to fight a combined dynasty force which is very costly for his pocket and ambitions.

There is no good option for Ruto right now. Opposing the war on corruption is unpopular except maybe in RV. Uhuru can bark and bite as we see live with DPP & DCI. Ruto can only bark by airing dirty linen. Boinett cannot arrest anybody unlike Kinoti, Kameru and Haji - the trio has made him lameduck. Lenayapa was fired and Kinuthia Mbugua won't let Ruto in on SH proceedings. Even the Ruto "parallel intelligence" that Pundit talks about failed to sniff out the Handshake. One gets the feeling Uhuru has been planning this BETRAYAL for some time.

As Kadame and Kichwa say, Ruto should work out a quiet deal with Raila to have the parliamentary system, then later throw Uhuru under the bus. Uhuru should not be allowed to extend his tenure as PM or otherwise. I just think he needs to be tricked not confronted.

Globalcitizen-thats a lot of Muratina. Nobody cares about elections anymore until the system is reformed.  Once Ruto's greed is tamed, the next think for the other tribes to do is gang together and tame the kikuyu greed/advantage once and for all-that is Raila's ultimate goal.  Ruto just want to substitute the Kikuyu domination with Kalenjin domination while Raila is looking for a solution for all Kenyans.

Hehehe. Go slow on muratina.
Kikuyus can continue stealing elections and forcing opposition to conceed. Raila is sitting there making his money before he dies.whoelse can stop kikuyus. They have all levers of economic, social and political power..kikuyus have been looting Kenya for 52 years and they were even making money during 100 years of colonial rule..kikuyus have invaded riftvalley and now 2/3 of maa land is owned by them ...after uhuru secures oil rights he will do whstever the fuck he wants...uhuru will fuck ruto back and infront and kalenjins won't do a damn thing

Uhuru is not kibaki .. uhuru is a young Kenyatta..a political animal..ask moi why he picked him to rule

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Re: I told you so: ruto can now form alliance with kalonzo
« Reply #41 on: June 28, 2018, 04:05:56 PM »
What gossip is this? I'm lost.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: I told you so: ruto can now form alliance with kalonzo
« Reply #42 on: June 28, 2018, 04:09:56 PM »
What gossip is this? I'm lost.

That Ruto has AIDS.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: I told you so: ruto can now form alliance with kalonzo
« Reply #43 on: June 28, 2018, 04:21:33 PM »
What gossip is this? I'm lost.

That Ruto has AIDS.
Whoah! How would people know? :o WaKenya na rumours, aki. In any case, these days this is not a death sentence especially for a rich man. You know Magic Johnson is still doing so well since 1992. I even saw people urge him to run for office. He is healthy and sharp, almost the same condition as his younger version in the 90s. I was actually thinking its something more serious, like cancer, that'd be a real scare. HIV is manageable.

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Re: I told you so: ruto can now form alliance with kalonzo
« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2018, 04:24:57 PM »
This rumor has been around for a very long time. Had it been Leukemia or some cancer I would say he has a serious problem. But AIDS or HIV+ is not an issue. Almost all MPs, Senators and Ministers have that virus. I had occasion to talk to someone who manages their insurance and was shocked.

Like KM said, if he is taking his pills, staying healthy that should see him live upto 80 plus. His only threat now is to eat at State House.
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