All good BUT
Ruto is running for PORK, not Uhuru. Dirty linen is hardly good campaign material. Even stalling Agenda 4 hurts Ruto more than Uhuru.
DPORK has no executive powers including supervising projects without delegation by PORK. Uhuru can fire or hire many offices but not Ruto.
The wide support especially by GEMA MPs and governors wouldn't hold in case of mayhem. The Kurias, Waititus and Muthomi Njukis will promptly abandon Ruto.
NASA vultures are salivating at the chance to replace URP. Kanu and the Alfie Keters and Kutunys are already at it.
The best scenario for Ruto is to bendover for now, and continue to quietly line up options. Already the rungu - DPP & DCI - is swinging and Ruto dogs can only bark. KEBS Ongwae must be Ruto's man. Iko sida.
Ruto played ping pong with Raila while he was PM. Both Uhuru and Ruto wil lose. That is more than assured. Lots of dirt from both sides will be aired. It will be hard to loot from both sides. Unless Uhuru was to purge Ruto men - Ruto will have his gov to supervise - and Uhuru his half. This is a coalition gov. Uhuru wants to pretend it's not. He can get quarrelsome NASA gov or have Jubilee that was mean machine effectively delivering.
This won't end well for Ruto - you can't play ping pong with PORK for 4 years. Appointments will be done without him, the taps closed, and even the GoK projects he's inspecting can be frozen. PORK can refuse to give the principal assistant any duties. He needs to swallow his massive ego and kiss Uhuru's ass until 2022.