Author Topic: Joste...You're right in the sense that WSR has undersold URP and is a traitor.  (Read 5281 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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I see you're battling Jubilee alone in the restroom...with the usual manfool  twisting facts.

First start from governors...URP clearly has the lead (10 governors)

9   Mandera   Ibrahim Roba Ali   Omar Mohamed Maalim   URP
11   Isiolo   Godana Doyo   Mohamed Gulleid Abdille   URP
25   Samburu   Moses Lenolkula Kasaine   Joseph Lemarkat   URP
27   Uasin Gishu   Jackson Kiplagat Mandago   Daniel Kiplagat Kiprotich   URP
28   Elgeyo-Marakwet   Alex Tanui Tolgos   Gabriel Lagat Kosgey   URP
29   Nandi   Lagat Cleophas   Dominic Kimutai Biwott   URP
30   Baringo   Benjamin Cheboi Chesire   Mathew Kipyator Tuitoek   URP
33   Narok   Samuel Kuntai Ole Tunai   Aruasa Evalyn Chepkirui   URP
35   Kericho   Paul Chepkwony Kiprono   Susan Chepkoech Kikwai   URP
36   Bomet   Isaac Ruto   Stephen Kipkoech Mutai   URP

Compared to TNA (8 governors)
14   Embu   Martin Wambora Dorothy Nditi Muchungu [18]]
13   Tharaka   Samuel Mbae Ragwa   Eliud Mate Muriithi   TNA
18   Nyandarua   Daniel Waithaka Mwangi   Waithaka Mwangi Kirika   TNA
20   Kirinyaga   Joseph Kathuri Ndathi   Julius Muthike Njiri   TNA
21   Muranga   Mwangi wa Iria   Augustine J Gakure Monyo   TNA
22   Kiambu   William Kabogo   Gerald Gakuha Githinji   TNA
31   Laikipia   Joshua Irungu   Josphat Gitonga Kabugi   TNA
32   Nakuru   Kinuthia Mbugua   Joseph Kibore Rutto   TNA

While APK has one (okay if you even grant TNA that one) still makes it 9 governors...less than URP
12   Meru   Peter Munya   Raphael Muriungi   APK

URP can counter that by adding West Pokot's Kachapin who won in KANU.

So basically URP based on that senior to TNA...but WSR want to pretend to be  loyal dog to his master..not party leader of major national party URP.

Offline RV Pundit

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Senators...TNA has 11 versus 9 URP
5   Lamu   Abu Chiaba   TNA
7   Garissa   Yusuf Haji   TNA
13   Tharaka   Kithure Kindiki   TNA
18   Nyandarua   Muriuki Karue   TNA
20   Kirinyaga   Daniel Karaba   TNA
21   Murang'a   Kembi Gitura   TNA
22   Kiambu   Paul Kimani   TNA
31   Laikipia   Geoffrey Gitahi Kariuki   TNA
32   Nakuru   James Kiarie Mungai   TNA
34   Kajiado   Peter Mositet   TNA
47   Nairobi   Gideon Mbuvi   TNA

9   Mandera   Billow Kerow   URP
11   Isiolo   Mohammed Kuti   URP
25   Samburu   Sammy Leshore   URP
27   Uasin-Gishu   Isaac Melly   URP
28   Elgeyo-Marakwet   Kipchumba Murkomen   URP
29   Nandi   Stephen Sang   URP
33   Narok   Stephen Kanyinge ole Ntutu   URP
35   Kericho   Charles Keter   URP
36   Bomet   Prof Wilson Lessan   URP

APK has 2 (Meru+embu); Kanu has two (Baringo+West Pokot)

Offline RV Pundit

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MPS..TNA has advantage there..of 13 more seats.

TNA   89 (72 const)
URP   75 (62 const)

APK 5 balance out with KANU 6.

There is absolute no explanation why William Ruto would willingly make himself a junior partner.

Why he would grant Uhuru 10yrs of leadership without even trying.

If a vote was to be done in 2013..Ruto would have be very near Uhuru...maybe 24% versus 26%...give those elected const mps are good indicator of the national vote.

Offline RV Pundit

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Offline RV Pundit

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Bottom-line; 2017 is going to be Uhuru's waterloo like 2002 a third of kalenjin will rebel and vote Raila if current situation hold.

Offline skatebodi

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Bottom-line; 2017 is going to be Uhuru's waterloo like 2002 a third of kalenjin will rebel and vote Raila if current situation hold.

At least we can praise WSR for a very bold experiment. It seems like nothing changes on the other side though!


Offline Joste™

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RV Pundit,

Thanks for these stats. Mansfield has already gone silent... he want us to believe that TNA is a colossus national party while URP is a tiny tribal party to be dismissed with the wave of the hand.

WSR should come out of GEMA armpit and do what we all expect, and indeed elected, him to do - be a true equal partner in Jubilee.
Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does.

Offline Omollo

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RV Pundit,

Thanks for these stats. Mansfield has already gone silent... he want us to believe that TNA is a colossus national party while URP is a tiny tribal party to be dismissed with the wave of the hand.

WSR should come out of GEMA armpit and do what we all expect, and indeed elected, him to do - be a true equal partner in Jubilee.

You can't hold an intelligent debate on The Other Side (TOS) whatever you do. They are not interested in facts or reason. They are ad hominem junkies.

I agree with you and Pundit. I have looked at the various scenarios and come to a dangerous conclusion. Unless something gives, 2017 may see the worst PEV in Africa.

1. Scenario 1: WSR backs Uhuru again. RVP folks who see the trickery better than him rebel and variously stay at home, vote for some other candidate or even vote CORD (Raila, Wetangula or Kalonzo). whatever the case, a vote lost to Uhuruto is a vote for CORD. They won with a small margin and if CORD retains its constituency and expands in Western with Wetangula and Khalwale's increasing popularity, defeat stares Uhuru in the face: Outcome:????

2. Scenario Two: WSR sees the light and cuts his losses. Joins CORD or creates another alliance to run. He will give CORD and Jitoto a run for their money and needless to say there will be plenty of tears in TNA / GEMA. If WSR joins CORD in a Raila-like anti-KANU deal in 2002 (better known as Kibaki-Tosha), they carry the day. It leads to an electoral defeat of Uhuru just like 2002. Outcome????

Why do I doubt the outcome?

1. Uhuru has continued the preparations that Kibaki started making post PEV for a military takeover in event GEMA is forced to cede power in an election. So a defeat for him or a victory for the opposition leads to the same outcome. It will be the trigger for Karangi or whoever takes over to seize power.

2. Baadaye

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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The underline reason why most kalenjin are frustrated with Ruto is precisely this. He has turned out worse that Kalonzo the VP of Kibaki with a small party of ODM-K with 15Mps by trying to win the most loyal DP ever since MOi. Moi was selected by Jomo Kenyatta...and could be slapped or toyed around with it.

Ruto WON his position. URP is an equal partner to TNA RIGHT.

Ruto need to start leading and stop fawning.

Ruto is not DPORK...not..he is CO-PRESIDENT IN 50-50 COALITION. He has simply refuse to take his job seriously and he has chosen to completely erode his position and by extension the URP party.

If he doesn't want to do that..then he need to step down..and plead for Uhuru to make him DPORK....and Kalenjin can elect someone else.

But he has time to make come out forcefully...esp with continued GEMA stronghold on KEY SECTORS of security and economy.

But will a coward like William Ruto do himself and tell Uhuru that

1) composition of NASC is unacceptable..where only Kimaiyo and Kamba Lady are non-gema?. The same military appointments? Same with composition of prov administration?
2) The same with key sectors of economy...KRA, CBK, name them..need to have the true of face of kenya.

3) Why the hell are they opposing pesa mashinani?

i doubt very much.

RV Pundit,

Thanks for these stats. Mansfield has already gone silent... he want us to believe that TNA is a colossus national party while URP is a tiny tribal party to be dismissed with the wave of the hand.

WSR should come out of GEMA armpit and do what we all expect, and indeed elected, him to do - be a true equal partner in Jubilee.

Offline RV Pundit

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WSR has given up in 2017 without even trying. I think he will soon find out he is not a factor going forward. He has already given Uhuru 10yrs. No negotiation. No debate. Uhuru said he'll do then and Ruto has said yes please do 10.

So in your scenario you want to exclude WSR running.


You can't hold an intelligent debate on The Other Side (TOS) whatever you do. They are not interested in facts or reason. They are ad hominem junkies.

I agree with you and Pundit. I have looked at the various scenarios and come to a dangerous conclusion. Unless something gives, 2017 may see the worst PEV in Africa.

1. Scenario 1: WSR backs Uhuru again. RVP folks who see the trickery better than him rebel and variously stay at home, vote for some other candidate or even vote CORD (Raila, Wetangula or Kalonzo). whatever the case, a vote lost to Uhuruto is a vote for CORD. They won with a small margin and if CORD retains its constituency and expands in Western with Wetangula and Khalwale's increasing popularity, defeat stares Uhuru in the face: Outcome:????

2. Scenario Two: WSR sees the light and cuts his losses. Joins CORD or creates another alliance to run. He will give CORD and Jitoto a run for their money and needless to say there will be plenty of tears in TNA / GEMA. If WSR joins CORD in a Raila-like anti-KANU deal in 2002 (better known as Kibaki-Tosha), they carry the day. It leads to an electoral defeat of Uhuru just like 2002. Outcome????

Why do I doubt the outcome?

1. Uhuru has continued the preparations that Kibaki started making post PEV for a military takeover in event GEMA is forced to cede power in an election. So a defeat for him or a victory for the opposition leads to the same outcome. It will be the trigger for Karangi or whoever takes over to seize power.

2. Baadaye

Offline Omollo

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I never put these green things in my post. Please disable hio
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread