LOL! I used to think this was some kind of urban legend but in the last year a lot of things I never took seriously before I now do.
Like genuine white supremacy among many conservatives. I always thought it was an exaggeration. I still think it is. But I had no idea how deep/wide it is. It's not 100% like many on the left believe but it's certainly not as insignificant as I used to think. It has left me in a weird political landscape I'm gonna call limbo. No way in hell I'm gonna align myself with these secret KKK sympathizers no matter how loudly they sing praise and worship songs on Sundays.
INCEL...this phenomenon is a dangerous contributor to the alt-right crowd. Just like hopeless, jobless Kenyan youth or gullible youth in Muslim countries, they are ripe for the picking by dangerous ideologues. In my admitedly short experience in a Western country, the dating culture seems particularly shallow and cruel IMO, not exactly encouraging settling down but rather endless game playing by some people. What I think happens is that a few calous individuals are doing all the hooking up which leaves some people without women. It's funny to talk about but I think it's ultimately
really, really bad for those societies long term. Yet I have no solutions to offer