People think that the boycott of 10/26/2016 was useless, but it was really huge. It empowered citizens in away that was unfathomable not too long ago. Before, 10/26/2016, Kenyans thought all they could do was to vote and if the votes were stolen then there was nothing ekse they could do but to accept and move on or "if you cannot beat them join the" like Robina did. Those who stole elections believed they were invincible and therefore the MOAS. Now Kenyans have realized the power of boycott and they now have five /four years before 2022 to plan, threaten and carry-out the boycott if there demands are not met. Demoralized voters who passively stayed away polling booths because their votes did not count, favored the thieves. However, affirmatively and strategically boycotting the polling booths is a very assertive/aggressive political statement that cannot be ignored. Ouru's second term is already considerably diminished irreversibly because of the boycott which was vert hastily put together. The next boycott will be much better organized and will be more effective if it has to be deployed.
What did Muluka say? Is there a link that I can watch this show?
Muluka is delusional if he really believes Mudavadi can win and be declared winner in 2022 with the current setup.