Tuju is overreaching himself. I agree that he's trying to provoke NASA by appearing "weak" (we're complying with the law, you see?) and to deflect attention from the overt actions Jubilee has taken to defy the courts. Just to cite two recent ones.
1. Extrajudicial killings. If Uhuru really won elections, why did he preside over the killings of innocent protesters? Who has been prosecuted for running over protesters on Kenyatta avenue? Who has been prosecuted for killing protesters including a baby, an 86 year old woman and a student? If there is defiance to the courts, extrajudicial killings is the epitome of it.
2. Miguna deportation (at least 5 express court rulings openly defied).
Tuju talks of context. Having defied the courts, the Police IG, DCI boss and Immigration chief are all in contempt of court (Justice Luka Kimaru ruling yesterday). Since the court will be summoning them and since Miguna will be suing each of these Jubilee minions in their personal capacity, Tuju is setting up Jubilee (not NASA) to defy the courts again by refusing to honor summonses for these individual Jubilee minions. He is saying they will not appear in court and will not respect the court orders against them.
Second, Githu Muigai resigned a few days ago. If Tuju feels NASA defied the courts by boycotting elections (how is that a crime?), shall we also say Githu Muigai defied the courts (he was the legal mind, or should have been, behind Miguna's deportation and will be sued in his individual capacity still)? NASA should respond to this because Kenyans are too gullible to see through these jubilee machinations.
Miguna Miguna will be instituting an earthquake of lawsuits. Jubilee knows it has shot itself in the foot and Tuju is setting up Uhuru and Ruto to defy the courts under the pretext that they once complied by accepting the Maraga ruling on the illegitimate elections.
Again, ordinary Kenyans like NASA leaders and their fellow citizens did not swear an oath of office. Tuju and his bosses swore an oath to protect the constitution. They will be held to account unlike Miguna or Raila (people's president is not in the constitution). There is no crime committed by swearing in to an office not recognized in the constitution, that's why Raila cannot and will not be taken to court. Tuju can cry all night about it but Raila committed no crime unlike murder which is well defined as a crime in the courts.
Tuju is setting Jubilee up. NASA needs to respond merely because Kenyans are gullable. Otherwise they should just watch the nguruwe akijipaka mafuta ya sewage.