By Peter Kerre... FB
Some Kenyans in the diaspora are perfect examples of the 'Kenyan Self-Hate' and 'tribal cocooning' problem rampant among us. They are here in the diaspora and clearly see a case of a Kenyan being deported from Kenya by an overstepping government, yet by default , they start trying to look for every sort of justification or excuse validating this shocking act, bearing in mind that the Kenyan deported by the Kenyan government was NOT even presented before a judge to sign off on the deportation. He was also held incommunicado for several days within which the Kenya Police defied COURT ORDERS to submit him before Judges. None of them are pointing this out...
These same Kenyans have no hesitancy criticizing Trump for every little cough or tweet, criticizing the US government for deportation of immigrants, and even loudly vouch for black lives matter and other rights campaigns.....YET when it comes to fellow Kenyans, suddenly things change.
The catch is...... 99% of the individuals I have seen do this ( in this specific case of the deportation ) ( and many who I have considered forward thinking friends ) are from one Kenyan tribe....which is greatly represented within government over opposition.
Interestingly, in this diaspora, we ALWAYS get to a point where we need fellow Kenya diaspora to be there for us in one way or another so please take notes of these people , for when that moment comes, would be glad to provide them with contacts of Kenyan government officials who they can email or call to sort them out, since they fail to see any shortcomings by them.
In the meantime, to all other Kenyan Diaspora, be aware of those you count as friends, for we are living in dangerous times when your own folks are ready to consider you guilty until proven innocent if you are from a tribe with a different political leaning ( and this goes both ways ). I don't believe I need to tag anyone as some of them, driven by guilt, will present themselves in the comments section below, otherwise, most of you already know them.