Author Topic: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity  (Read 15400 times)

Offline MOON Ki

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H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« on: November 29, 2017, 01:10:57 AM »
At the height of his ICC "issues" Uhuru led from the front, as one would say, on the story of how Africa's "real problem" is that it has been held back by neo-colonial wazungus, but enough was enough.  Africa was capable of solving its own problems, people were turning East, etc.   Threats from the AU: "Meet our demands for this or that reform, or we all withdraw; and even though you folks fund most of  of the AU's budget, and we constantly have to beg for it, this time we are serious!".   There was some rah-rah on financial independence etc., and to start things rolling, GoK put $1 million on the table.  Pap!  Other countries apparently had the faith but not the money to blow on this sort of this independence stuff.  So that was that.  The Uhuru and his sidekick escaped the noose.   The "endless problems" with the ICC bazungu also disappeared, as did the corresponding threats; and African "leaders" went back to the usual business of sending their "unfriendlies" to the court.   Coverage of the ICC, including its ASP, is back to to the near-zero that it used to be.   And not just in Kenya.

All of that probably has nothing to do with anything, but, for some reason, it was the first thing that came to mind when I read of what His Excellency had to say on The Great Day:


Sober stuff.  Can't argue with that.   H.E. is in fact well placed to comment on how "we" have f**ked up (and are still f**king up).    I have looked at much of GoK's stuff---including Vision 2030 3020---and it's not easy to see if anything has been learned from the "Asian economies" that  "have risen to wealth" and are now the new point of comparison.  Maybe all that is required is a "vision".

H.E. then showed his funny side: Stern Warning No. 673 issued to corrupt and lazy civil servants.   


Smart.   This would not have been the day for "Aaiieee! Ngai! Nitafanya nini!".

And so on, and so forth.   Great stuff.   Funny stuff.   Now, as H.E. Mwai Kibaki would say, "kazi iendelee". 

Kalongolongo.   What a game.
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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2017, 01:42:13 AM »
Thanks for the summary. I am so against Uhuru and  his friends akina waiguru that I cannot say I have ever read any of his speech. To me Uhuru is joke a bad joke being played on Kenyans

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2017, 03:54:18 AM »
Thanks for the summary. I am so against Uhuru and  his friends akina waiguru that I cannot say I have ever read any of his speech. To me Uhuru is joke a bad joke being played on Kenyans

Don't be too tough on the guy.   From what I can tell, Uhuru used to be an easy-going guy, more concerned with the bottle and the weed than with anything else.    The kind of guy you would want as a wingman when out looking for easy ding-dong.    What he seems to lack is the strength of character that would have helped him negotiate his own path amidst the Machiavelli (for whom he was a "project"), the Junior Machiavelli (that is now his sidekick) the Dragon Lady of a mother, and the Hard Men (Michuki etc.).   

What is the "issue" with Waiguru?   That she is a thief?   It's a country of thieves and would-be thieves.   From top to bottom.    Thrown out of one office for theft, elected to an even higher office by our compatriots; the only joke on Kenyans is the ones they eagerly welcome.   There are those who don't like her on the basis that his His Excellency has supposedly been tapping a nice, soft one on the side. I see no problem there.   The stresses of high office are what they are, and even in our times a Leader of The Free World has been known to  relax with a bit of  the nice and soft on the side ...  some initial brouhaha, but with all-around understanding at the end.   

The most important thing about Ms. Waiguru is that, given the way our political systems work, she is pretty good 2022-VP-candidate on that side.

Anyways ...

I consider that part of Uhuru's speech to be significant, even though I consider the entire speech to be mostly meaningless and useless and whatever-less for any Kenyan who expects any real change in the next five years.   What is significant about that bit is that we actually have a "prominent" African "leader"---don't forget "middle class", "economic powerhouse of East Africa", "Silicon Savanah", etc.----get up and say "it's just that we are perpetual victims of neo-colonialism, and the Asians keep getting oodles of FDI and whatever; it's time to look at reality and admit that we have f**ked up".    It's like those rehab programs or whatever: the first step---and it's a huge one---is just getting the dope-fiend to admit that he has some control over his choices, and he just can't keep saying that he must snort or shoot up until the world stops doing whatever to him.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2017, 06:32:52 AM »
The usual nonsense. There is lots of emperical data out there showing Uhuru has been nothing but a transformative leader. He has done great.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2017, 09:19:12 AM »
You and I are also responsible for Kenya's dismal performance by our little or missing input. Why should Uhuru be more exceptional than we? If you're starkly aware of the flaws you're best placed to fix them. It's not just Uhuru's or Raila's job.

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Offline hk

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2017, 09:32:25 AM »
You and I are also responsible for Kenya's dismal performance by our little or missing input. Why should Uhuru be more exceptional than we? If you're starkly aware of the flaws you're best placed to fix them. It's not just Uhuru's or Raila's job.

Ask not what your country can do for you.....
I couldn't agree more. How come there're no serious companies being started by us africans? All the pieces are in place, and by the very fact that we're under developed it means there are more opportunities to be exploited. We have this propensity to blame everybody else but us.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2017, 09:52:06 AM »
Haha hk don't ask. Apparently the reason for lack of serious enterprise is Uhuru. It's possible some industrialists here have been denied licenses to setup Manufacturing 2.0. The more the problems the bigger the opportunity.
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Offline Empedocles

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2017, 11:49:52 AM »
Haha hk don't ask. Apparently the reason for lack of serious enterprise is Uhuru. It's possible some industrialists here have been denied licenses to setup Manufacturing 2.0. The more the problems the bigger the opportunity.

Very true:


I could personally write a book on the trials and tribulations I first went through when I started my business in .ke, ranging from corrupt KRA staff, city council, cops (I started with the importation of containers of 2nd hand spares in the days when the police had to verify the contents when the container was opened. I still had to part with 30k monthly to the OCS.), etc. It was a very steep learning curve.

I'm not the only one, as can be read in this infamous thread: Have you ever failed flat in business?

For those not inclined to read through the whole posting, this one comment from the thread sums it up very nicely:

Nabwire I hear you.

The turnover rate of my friends who came back is 99%. I'm the only one who's stayed. The rest, just got tired of the nonsense in this country.

Why is it that its easier for me to borrow in a bank in a country that calls me a nigger but entering a banking hall in my own country, I have to leave my children's names and numbers at the door?

Incredible taxation from central and local gov't. Not taxes that you pay but what they come up with when they visit your office.

Employees who think that their work is to sit down on their computers and comment upus on wazua. I was once told that my hiring skills were bad, so I decided to hire in India. No problems there at all.

I'll speak about my industry which shall remain nameless.

Most of the companies offering these services are just plain charlatans. I was once hounded for weeks ati because I was to give someone sijui 30% for a contract. Kubaff...I had not even sought the contract, they had sought me. I told them to go to hell.....on foot.

I have been asked for proposals....Another con game. You send your proposal, they tell their buddy what to quote on theirs. So I don't send proposals anymore.

I have been given a contract then it suddenly changes on pay date. For those ones I just walk out the door. I still have some guy trolling me on FB because of that. He couldn't believe someone could walk away from such a sum.

I don't believe there are good stories on entreprenuership in Kenya simply because the system is not made that way. The system is simple.

1. You bribe a journalist with 10k to write about how rich you are
2. You get calls from gate keepers who ask you for a bribe to meet the guy
3. The guy agrees, you then have to bribe them to get the contract signed
4. Then you have to bribe them to get your payment processed
5. Then you have to take them out to celebrate.

This is upus. Especially in my industry where it would be cheaper just to spam you and get it over with.

That is why a lot of Kenyans would rather get paid a paycheck than go forward with a business idea. See the story of Able wire. Super idea that can change Africa and the world, yet he's expected to bribe his way into super stardom

Pole sana Nabwire. I understand.

As for the topic OP, yes I've fallen flat. Couldn't even pay my rent. Food shida...

I'm only breathing when I realised that Kenya sio mama ao baba yangu...Looked outside the borders and somehow, others value effort. Hapa ni ukora tu.

I've experienced all that. At the end of it all, I had no other option than to adapt to the reality so as to survive.

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2017, 03:23:44 PM »
The usual nonsense. There is lots of emperical data out there showing Uhuru has been nothing but a transformative leader. He has done great.

Which part is the nonsense?   The part where Uhuru said this?


That seems to be new on his part.   It also seems to be a plain statement of fact; so I wouldn't call it nonsense. 

This, however, was definitely his usual nonsense:


We have had it 100 times without anything happening.

You and empirical data?    That pretty funny!
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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2017, 03:28:16 PM »
Why should Uhuru be more exceptional than we?

Because he is  the president and the head the government?   

Because the political power of his position gives him a lot more say in what he complained about, i.e.  the use of "politics for selfish gains at the expense of the country's  prosperity"?

Because he actually has the powers to do what he says, as in "I will not allow faceless bureaucrats and functionaries to deny the public [we] the quality of service they deserve from their government"?     

Should I go on and add to the list, or does that give some idea?
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2017, 04:12:04 PM »

Kenya has lots of problem especially about harassment from COTU, council, police kra etc. But mostly it depends on the industry. However most of the enterprises being started are just copy and paste stuff. There's hardly any disruption in most sectors which points to low level of innovation.

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2017, 04:36:10 PM »

Kenya has lots of problem especially about harassment from COTU, council, police kra etc. But mostly it depends on the industry. However most of the enterprises being started are just copy and paste stuff. There's hardly any disruption in most sectors which points to low level of innovation.

That could be so.  How do you think the levels of innovation in a place like Kenya can be improved?   It is interesting to look at how East Asian countries that started with plenty of copy-and-paste have gone on to do very well.   In 1963, South Korea was a poor agrarian economy; last year it was No. 1 in the world on the 2016 Bloomberg Innovation Index.    What would you say has been key in their success?   Perhaps we can learn from such.
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2017, 05:06:24 PM »
Why should Uhuru be more exceptional than we?

Because he is  the president and the head the government?   

Because the political power of his position gives him a lot more say in what he complained about, i.e.  the use of "politics for selfish gains at the expense of the country's  prosperity"?

Because he actually has the powers to do what he says, as in "I will not allow faceless bureaucrats and functionaries to deny the public [we] the quality of service they deserve from their government"?     

Should I go on and add to the list, or does that give some idea?

Kamwana's job is pomp and pageantry and ruling.  Why would anyone expect him to fix shit? :-\
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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2017, 05:14:17 PM »

Kenya has lots of problem especially about harassment from COTU, council, police kra etc. But mostly it depends on the industry. However most of the enterprises being started are just copy and paste stuff. There's hardly any disruption in most sectors which points to low level of innovation.

That could be so.  How do you think the levels of innovation in a place like Kenya can be improved?   It is interesting to look at how East Asian countries that started with plenty of copy-and-paste have gone on to do very well.   In 1963, South Korea was a poor agrarian economy; last year it was No. 1 in the world on the 2016 Bloomberg Innovation Index.    What would you say has been key in their success?   Perhaps we can learn from such.

Kenya has no innovation culture. How many patents are filed every year? Very few going by KIPI records. How much do companies spend on R&D? Very little indeed. Any patent laws?

Most of the funds - like Spark, or even Uwezo - are for typical investments - the "copycats". Innovation means solving real problems - like drought, internet access, education, etc. I see BRCK as one of those - manufacturing low-cost, off-grid hifi gadgets for internet access.

M-Kopa, OneAcre Fund, SunCulture are good examples of innovative companies. A new M-pesa agent or Chicken Inn on the other hand not so much.

There was an auto maker in the news sometime. Mobius? That's good if they can hack the economics and the politics.

To inculcate innovation one area is our education. The talk of half-baked or misskilled graduates is real. We have had overhauls and reviews in basic education but not college. Besides the traditional college we need more Andela type of initiatives. I wish the likes of Udacity and U2 would invest in Kenya and East Africa. I know it's a stretch to tell people dying to make it to Kenyan university that it's probably the wrong place to go at this juncture.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2017, 05:18:06 PM »
Why should Uhuru be more exceptional than we?

Because he is  the president and the head the government?   

Because the political power of his position gives him a lot more say in what he complained about, i.e.  the use of "politics for selfish gains at the expense of the country's  prosperity"?

Because he actually has the powers to do what he says, as in "I will not allow faceless bureaucrats and functionaries to deny the public [we] the quality of service they deserve from their government"?     

Should I go on and add to the list, or does that give some idea?

Kamwana's job is pomp and pageantry and ruling.  Why would anyone expect him to fix shit? :-\

I expect so much better than he has done. I'm not his fan. What have you done as a private citizen? That's a very pertinent question few will answer with pride. Our private sector is dead as a dodo because of an absence of talent and enterprise. Much more than political failures.
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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2017, 05:30:03 PM »

Kenya has lots of problem especially about harassment from COTU, council, police kra etc. But mostly it depends on the industry. However most of the enterprises being started are just copy and paste stuff. There's hardly any disruption in most sectors which points to low level of innovation.

That could be so.  How do you think the levels of innovation in a place like Kenya can be improved?   It is interesting to look at how East Asian countries that started with plenty of copy-and-paste have gone on to do very well.   In 1963, South Korea was a poor agrarian economy; last year it was No. 1 in the world on the 2016 Bloomberg Innovation Index.    What would you say has been key in their success?   Perhaps we can learn from such.
I think the key is productivity, if its farming to produce more. productivity hasn't kept up with improvements in things like child mortality rates. Copying and pasting from different countries is ok, I meant the me too businesses where kenyans just copying each other because those companies are easily replicated.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2017, 06:01:34 PM »
Of course you're nitpicker who never see the big picture however much we try. Facts are right there in Uhuru speech. For example, Uhuru has introduced business reforms that are well captured by WB's "Ease of Doing business" that has seen Kenya jump 60 positions - to position 80 -- top 3 in Africa - and has been on most improved WB list the last 2-3 years. In short Uhuru has made it easy for anyone to start and do business in kenya  - so if somebody has no started or prospered in business - Uhuru is less to blame now than when he became pork.

Uhuru is promising to continue on that reform agenda - and put kenya in top 50 - or well the best place to do business in Africa.That and many other transformations is the reason some of us queued and vote Uhuru twice on 8th August and 26th October.

Now if after Kenya has become the easiest place to do business - naturally you expect more business to flourish, fdi to increase and more economic development. That just don't happen. UhuRuto have made it happen! something Kibadinga never did it.

You and empirical data?    That pretty funny!

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2017, 06:26:05 PM »
Here is 530Km lapsset highway that Uhuru may deliver and you'll still blame him for everything!

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2017, 06:33:03 PM »
Kenya has no innovation culture. How many patents are filed every year? Very few going by KIPI records. How much do companies spend on R&D? Very little indeed. Any patent laws?

South Korea was once in that same spot.    Companies investing in R & D there now account for most of the R & D, but that was not always so.     I have a paper on innovation in their R & D, and it gives us some idea of what happened:

Science, technology, and innovation have been cited as one of the key factors behind
the economic success of the Republic of Korea.

In the 1960s Korea was barren in the fields of science and technology.
In the early stage of development, the economic development projects were the major force driving R&D and innovation in Korea.
 To help industries to adopt new technologies, the government created govern-
ment R&D institutes in the fields of heavy machinery and chemicals, such as the
Korea Institute of Machinery and Metals, the Electronics and Telecommunications
Research Institute, the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, the Korea
Research Institute of Standards and Science, the Korea Institute for Energy
Research, and the Korea Ocean R&D Institute. These institutes worked with private
industries to build a technological foundation for industrial development.
While promoting technological learning for industrialization, the government also
made efforts to build a base for science and technology (S&T) development during
this period. The Science and Technology Promotion Act and the Science Education
Act were passed in 1967 as a legal base for S&T development. The Korea Institute
of Science and Technology (KIST) was established in 1966, followed in 1967 by the
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the central government agency respon-
sible for S&T policy. In 1970 the government enacted the Korea Advanced Institute
of Sciences Act, which created the basis for the Korea Advanced Institute of Sciences
(KAIS; currently KAIST). KIST was the first organization dedicated strictly to R&D
in Korea
In 1974 the government started construction of the Daeduk Science Town,
where many public and private R&D institutes, including the government research
and development institutes, are now clustered.
How Korea Has Been Able to Build Up Indigenous R&D Capability:
The government responded to the changes in the technology environment by
launching the National R&D Program in 1982 and taking various policy measures
to promote and facilitate private R&D activities, including tax incentives, financial
assistance, procurement, and other promotional actions.
After 1980, it [the government] shifted toward nurturing indigenous R&D capability and, at
the same time, promoting and facilitating private industrial R&D.
This marked a turning point for the Korean innovation system.   
So, in the early development process, the
government played the role not only of planner and rule setter but also of financier.
This was particularly true in the areas of R&D and innovation.

Private industries responded to the changes in policy by investing massive amounts
in R&D.

In Kenya, "Science Technology and Innovation" is a "key sector in Vision 2030.    Here is the relevant webpage:

Click on the links and see how science, technology, and innovation are about to be transformed in Kenya.     :D

Kenya also has the "Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI), a national research institute established in 1979".  This institute supposedly also supports Vision 2030 and in fact has a lot to say on that.  So, what are they doing in an important area like ICT?   Here it is:

Not particularly informative; so I look elsewhere to try and find more on what exactly they are doing.   There is a "research, technology, and innovation" report here:

It is dated 2009.

KIRDI also makes available its Strategic Plan, here:

Bizarre.   The things reads like the stuff companies issue as some sort of annual report or whatever, or the kind of fuzz people produce for funding bodies---not the strategic plan of a national R & D institute that will play a leading role in the industrial transformation of the country.

Page 17-18 has a list of the national research institute's "key achievements" for the period 2010-2015.   Here's a sample:

* Supply of 840 Arc Welding Machines for use by the Constituency Industrial Development Centres (CIDCs);

* Completion of 150 hospital beds for distribution to hospitals in Kenya.

* Establishment and operationalization of honey processing plant in West Pokot

* ...
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: H. E. Uhuru Kenyatta, PORK: Sobriety & Hilarity
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2017, 07:05:37 PM »
MOON Ki am sure there is a longer treatise and literature on the role of the private sector in the rise of South Korea and the Tigers. That is a story on the government.

Kenya's private sector is a joke. The private citizens - Wanjiku - have performed much worse than the state. Yet too many blunderers scapegoat Uhuru and Moi for their own absolute failure. I would be hard pressed to give the government 30% of the responsibility. If you are a D scoring tarmacker - the ugly duckling foundress of nothing - sorry Kibaki did not steal your fortune.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels