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Nyakundi thrives on controversy. But I digress.
Secession as propagated is really a downright stupid idea. In truth, while it may stoke the egos of Rao and his henchmen by making him (finally) a president, it still wouldn't solve the fundamental leadership failures Kenya as a whole has been going through.
Without a viable and workable economic plan, which NASA didn't even have going into the 8.8 elections, the new republic would quickly break down into infighting among the remaining tribes, subtribes, and clans for the little itty bitty available resources which will remain. In other words, the new republic would be a carbon copy of the old republic.
As a short-term measure, an outlet for rage mixed with a healthy dash of denial of reality, it sounds good, promising freedom from tyranny and, yet again, promising equitable distribution of resources. For the long-term, it's stupidity perfected. But then again, our politicians have never been known for their intellectual prowess. Why start now?
It'd would be like watching "Gangs of New York", without the charm of Daniel Day-Lewis.