NASA is done. They have no options. Knowing raila he will continue with protests and most of his supporters will get tired and fold
You may just be right.
What I see happening here is the creation of a body that can earn international recognition as a legitimate representative of people from regions that feel alienated from the current govt/state. This is the game here. I may be wrong and it seems radical, but I really don't think I'm misreading things.
Whether it succeeds is something else.
I'm also of the same opinion that Rao's looking for a way bring up secession and become king of the castle.
At the moment, he has a lot of support from his ardent supporters but, and this is important, the governors, MPs, etc. from the affected regions, not knowing where they'll get money to steal (not to mention salaries plus benefits), will be very wary of such a move. They'll be cutting off their own livelihoods before they've even started recouping their campaign expenses.
I doubt it'll go very far when the true implications of secession sink in and they'll start abandoning him.