I'm still lost as to why the Jubilidiot thinks there's room for ambiguity in the Kiai decision when all it was serving was to ensure that results as read at the polling station were final as indeed they should be.
Why (in the absence of rigging) would anyone want to change the results from what's declared at the polling station. Heck all they need to count is a max of 700 votes minus any no shows etc.
This "confusion" is a sideshow not worth the bandwidth being wasted on it..
Again, Chebu is as competent as any SCOK Judge yet when he followed Kiss case to the letter, SCOK faulted him.
Chebu is no Jubilee by any stretch if imagination.
The question is which between 34A and 34B should be used to generate the final results?
Chebukati's hurried declaration of the loser the winner is what led to the scok decision. There has to be a responsibility on his part to check, and verify that the declaration was correct before making it. A highly qualified individual such as this does not need the law to direct his behaviour.
The obvious conclusion drawn from jubilee tears is that chebukati was cajoled into announcing uhuru the winner, falsely believing that the declaration was irreversible regardless of the major fraud underpinning it.
Common sense says that the aggregate of forms 34As is the primary document due to its proximity to the ballots. In a sterile environment, aggregate forms 34A=Aggregate forms 34B=form 34 C. Simples.
I think self examination is key here.