Author Topic: Is It True Prof. Mbithi is a Pickpocket  (Read 2278 times)

Offline Omollo

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Is It True Prof. Mbithi is a Pickpocket
« on: October 03, 2017, 03:02:55 PM »
There is information that he owns / runs all the shops, kiosks at the University and all its constituent colleges. While his peers have invested in hostels built close to the university of in some cases on University land they stole (Mugenda & Imbuga) he has chosen to run all the retail businesses.

These shops and bars used to be run by the student union.

vooke usually has an ear to the ground.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Is It True Prof. Mbithi is a Pickpocket
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2017, 03:34:13 PM »
That would be strange and farfetched In our time SONU & SWA (student welfare) ran the shops & kiosks. Why would a prof in charge of billions that rival most counties ran around selling mandazi. The guy oversaw a billion dollar building - and can get the usual 10% -  100m - from chinese.

As of this year Uon had proposed budget of 6.2B! Why would someone who has been DVC finance and now Chancellor sell mandazi in kiosks.

There is information that he owns / runs all the shops, kiosks at the University and all its constituent colleges. While his peers have invested in hostels built close to the university of in some cases on University land they stole (Mugenda & Imbuga) he has chosen to run all the retail businesses.

These shops and bars used to be run by the student union.

vooke usually has an ear to the ground.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Is It True Prof. Mbithi is a Pickpocket
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2017, 04:10:33 PM »
Pundit, this happens all the time.  Money is not like food that fills one up and then one has to wait until they are hungry again. Folks who are greedy for money will collect big and small and not feel ashamed at all.

That would be strange and farfetched In our time SONU & SWA (student welfare) ran the shops & kiosks. Why would a prof in charge of billions that rival most counties ran around selling mandazi. The guy oversaw a billion dollar building - and can get the usual 10% -  100m - from chinese.

As of this year Uon had proposed budget of 6.2B! Why would someone who has been DVC finance and now Chancellor sell mandazi in kiosks.

There is information that he owns / runs all the shops, kiosks at the University and all its constituent colleges. While his peers have invested in hostels built close to the university of in some cases on University land they stole (Mugenda & Imbuga) he has chosen to run all the retail businesses.

These shops and bars used to be run by the student union.

vooke usually has an ear to the ground.

"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline bryan275

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Re: Is It True Prof. Mbithi is a Pickpocket
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2017, 09:47:52 PM »
Tonight I heard that UON was shut down to make way for the rig machine.  They need to relocate from bomas to a nondescript location where large computers won't look or of place.

Offline Ole

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Re: Is It True Prof. Mbithi is a Pickpocket
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2017, 10:00:05 PM »
These students students are stupid to protest on behalf of babu owino. Students should be students and only protest when their welfare is threatened. Let baby owino and ilk hire their own goons to face the police.
Tonight I heard that UON was shut down to make way for the rig machine.  They need to relocate from bomas to a nondescript location where large computers won't look or of place.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Is It True Prof. Mbithi is a Pickpocket
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2017, 11:28:37 PM »
You are deliberately missing the point. You know exactly why they are protesting. MWU=SOB and people should not be arrested on trumped up charges for calling anybody MWU.  As Gaitho stated in one of his articles recently " Ouru and Ruto have a well-documented history of hurling insults at Raila and yet they cry-like babies when they are on the receiving end.  A Vernacular radio station associated with the Kenyattaa family every morning spews violent ethnic bile as well as the jubilee social worriors all over the globe and yet they act as saints when a they are given just a little taste of their own medicine.  What happened to Babu Owino was abuse of power and misuse of independent public offices like the police, DPP and the judiciary.  Public money and resources was wasted to arrest and prosecute Babu just because Kwmwana was insulted.  This is what the university students were protesting and you know it.  The problem of Kenya is not even Ouru and Ruto but people who blame the victims instead of the perpetrators.  If you do not like the word Babu used to describe Kamwana then the best response is: "I would not use that language but I will defend your right to use it". A certain faction of Jubilee went as far as urging Ouru to become a "benevolent dictator".  It sounds like an oxymoron to me.

These students students are stupid to protest on behalf of babu owino. Students should be students and only protest when their welfare is threatened. Let baby owino and ilk hire their own goons to face the police.
Tonight I heard that UON was shut down to make way for the rig machine.  They need to relocate from bomas to a nondescript location where large computers won't look or of place.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline vooke

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Re: Is It True Prof. Mbithi is a Pickpocket
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2017, 05:30:30 AM »
There is information that he owns / runs all the shops, kiosks at the University and all its constituent colleges. While his peers have invested in hostels built close to the university of in some cases on University land they stole (Mugenda & Imbuga) he has chosen to run all the retail businesses.

These shops and bars used to be run by the student union.

vooke usually has an ear to the ground.

This is patently false. All the UoN  pupils I know tell me otherwise
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Is It True Prof. Mbithi is a Pickpocket
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2017, 12:21:59 PM »
This is patently false. All the UoN  pupils I know tell me otherwise
So I guess the UoN student leaders were lying to the media (including international press) when the listed this and a string of other charges against him. They specifically stated that he runs all the shops and kiosks in the university.

I am also surprised but not entirely shocked. I have seen people who run billion (pick your currency) budgets and (by any measure) some of the largest in (pick any) country who were found engaged in some mortifying activity. I know of a guy who was so "honest" he couldn't ask the finance manager to arrange "something" but instead would go shoplifting. He was caught once and some female national staff had to intervene and clear the mess.

So having responsibility over a huge budget or even holding positions where most organizations would "ban" you from entering a supermarket or any shop in the (guaranteed) event you will not be given a bill for whatever you select to buy, is no guarantee against mischief (this is treated a corruption)
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread