Author Topic: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi  (Read 5561 times)

Offline vooke

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2017, 12:00:27 PM »
It is true that money cannot buy one class or gravitas. Any leader of a country which calls itself a democracy should have enough class and basic understanding of what a democracy is and should not go on national TV and talk that kind of low life trash Ouru spewed yesterday. His primitivity and lack of respect for this country and its citizens is now in full display.  Even Sonko has more class than the son of Jomo. He has no respect or understanding for the basic tenets of a liberal Democracy and therefore he speaks like an idiot.

Ouru goes on National TV and brags to the country that he will rule Kenya, tupende tusipende.  He even threatens that if Kenyans elected someone other than him, he has enough legislatures in his back pocket and on his laps who will impeach a duly elected  president if NOT him. He then brags that he has enough legislatures to change the constitution but he does not tell us what he intend to change it to.  He is just thrilled that he can change it to whatever he wants. This idiot is drunk with power and taking Kenya down with him. 

There will be no election on the 17th of October if NASA's demands are not met and he can start being a dictator right away. Once IEBC has elevated him to a dictator then we will deal with him as such.

The jubilant wants the same structures and individuals that failed rigged the election at the helm without change.  He is telling NASA and other Kenyans to go fuck themselves.

This feeling of power also thrills the jubilant on the street to no end.  Have you noticed that they keep saying they decided to obey the court, almost as if they have a choice?
One must question the insanity of Kenya in overwhelmingly voting a man who lacks 'class and gravitas'. Quite possible the alternative terrorizes them and gives them nightmares

Because the verdict is they have not overwhelmingly voted for the fellow, that question is moot.
They did. Zero evidence apart from Nazi fantasies of rigging (unless SCOK says otherwise). That 54% is legit and no amount of barking can bring it down
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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2017, 12:40:26 PM »
It is true that money cannot buy one class or gravitas. Any leader of a country which calls itself a democracy should have enough class and basic understanding of what a democracy is and should not go on national TV and talk that kind of low life trash Ouru spewed yesterday. His primitivity and lack of respect for this country and its citizens is now in full display.  Even Sonko has more class than the son of Jomo. He has no respect or understanding for the basic tenets of a liberal Democracy and therefore he speaks like an idiot.

Ouru goes on National TV and brags to the country that he will rule Kenya, tupende tusipende.  He even threatens that if Kenyans elected someone other than him, he has enough legislatures in his back pocket and on his laps who will impeach a duly elected  president if NOT him. He then brags that he has enough legislatures to change the constitution but he does not tell us what he intend to change it to.  He is just thrilled that he can change it to whatever he wants. This idiot is drunk with power and taking Kenya down with him. 

There will be no election on the 17th of October if NASA's demands are not met and he can start being a dictator right away. Once IEBC has elevated him to a dictator then we will deal with him as such.

The jubilant wants the same structures and individuals that failed rigged the election at the helm without change.  He is telling NASA and other Kenyans to go fuck themselves.

This feeling of power also thrills the jubilant on the street to no end.  Have you noticed that they keep saying they decided to obey the court, almost as if they have a choice?
One must question the insanity of Kenya in overwhelmingly voting a man who lacks 'class and gravitas'. Quite possible the alternative terrorizes them and gives them nightmares

Because the verdict is they have not overwhelmingly voted for the fellow, that question is moot.
They did. Zero evidence apart from Nazi fantasies of rigging (unless SCOK says otherwise). That 54% is legit and no amount of barking can bring it down

You lost me.  Are you hearing an amount of barking somewhere?  Voices perhaps?
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Offline bryan275

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2017, 01:08:40 PM »
If the process is tainted so are the numbers.  The evidence is overwhelming.  I didn't even need scok to tell me that the thieving bastards had done a number on kenyans

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2017, 01:40:03 PM »
I had a Ugandan friend who supported Museveni and was blind to his obvious metermophism from a liberator into a dictator until now. Uhuru has made the transition. He now talkes and acts like a dictator and his tribesmen are cheering him on wildly. We cannot wait for him to be full fledged dictator before we act. The first step is to stop legitimizing a power angry budding dictator. Imagine a soccer game where opponents are bought or threatened to forfeit the game. The mafia used to do that in American boxing. A democracy cannot work when one side uses corruption money to buy and intimidate the other side into submission or to join them. Democracy only works when people are free to think, associate and express themselves. Ouru and Ruto have created an atmosphere which has sucked the air out of democracy, suffocated democracy and democracy is on its death bed. Ouruto will stop at nothing to rig these elections and will never hand over power because they will never allow the elections to be free and fair. I have sadly concluded that stealing elections and creating a fictitious super majority is the goal of this duo and this will be the last semblance of a democratic elections in Kenya before we plunge into a full fledged dictorship and a mockery of justice. NASA should never participate in a sham elections and legitimize these dictators. Let them do it themselves.

If the process is tainted so are the numbers.  The evidence is overwhelming.  I didn't even need scok to tell me that the thieving bastards had done a number on kenyans
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Offline Omollo

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2017, 02:50:51 PM »
We can go by the list of strongholds you and LYING Energizer put up before voter registration.

We can also use the governorship  as per the 2013 elections (they being the only legally binding elections since the 2017 elections are NULL and VOID)

Pundit please disabuse yourself of the idea that Jubilee actually got votes in Western, Nyamira, Kisii, Narok, Kajiado etc. Jubilee LOST very heavily. Though you claim to have been drunk when Chirchir was stealing, please sober up and accept that Kalenjins and Kikuyus do not have a majority without others and that Kambas, Luhyas, Luos, Miji Kenda, Kisii, Turkana plus plus are the majority.
Nonsense. What makes you think NASA is equal to Jubilee. What formulae are you using to assign weight to political parties? IEBC should get neutral persons with each party allow to object with evidence the partisanship of anyone who has applied for RO job. IEBC should objectively evaluate such evidence and if there is merit - such person will be disqualified.

IEBC commissioner were six months ago - feb this year - selected in an elaborate process - clearly they are not even done with honeymoon.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2017, 05:12:07 PM »
IEBC will conduct elections barring judiciary stopping them.The rest are nonsense

Offline Omollo

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2017, 05:23:03 PM »
I am not sure I read anybody saying anything different. Not the court; Not NASA and Not Raila. All say IEBC will conduct the elections. Is this another case of creating your own case (like The Mullah, Ngatia, Muite) and then proceeding to answer it.

IEBC will conduct elections barring judiciary stopping them.The rest are nonsense
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2017, 05:31:05 PM »
How will they conduct elections if NASA is not participating.  Its like saying that you will referee a soccer match when you only have one team playing.  First and foremost how do you conduct an election with only one presidential candidate.  If NASA  gets all its supporters to stay home on election day, what election will IEBC will be conducting?

IEBC will conduct elections barring judiciary stopping them.The rest are nonsense
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Offline Omollo

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2017, 05:35:45 PM »
Boycotting an election is just a technical term. Like a strike.

When you strike you have to picket the employer and fight off strike breaking and strike breakers.

How will they conduct elections if NASA is not participating.  Its like saying that you will referee a soccer match when you only have one team playing.  First and foremost how do you conduct an election with only one presidential candidate.  If NASA  gets all its supporters to stay home on election day, what election will IEBC will be conducting?

IEBC will conduct elections barring judiciary stopping them.The rest are nonsense
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2017, 05:37:03 PM »
Not participating is part of election and the law anticipates such.Raila should formally write to IEBC to withdraw his candidature so IEBC can declare Uhuru elected unopposed.If doesn't withdraw iebc will conduct election and again declare Uhuru the winner coz it's obvious who the winner will be.There only recourse Raila has is to ran to judiciary and convinced the Judges that IEBC are not doing their job...if they ignore as they should the so called minimum condition.IEBC are constitutional body whose job is to conduct elections independently

Offline Omollo

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2017, 05:44:50 PM »
I hope you are not banking on NASA withdrawing because it won't happen.

Today marked the beginning of pressure on the IEBC to clean itself. The huge demo ignored by the Githeri Media is just beginning. NASA is drawing up a comprehensive list of initiatives to achieve that.

In the end it will become clear that it is NOT the IEBC behind all the rigging but Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto. These two are aberrations that interfered with the country's natural progression towards a democratic society commensurate with her level of development.
Not participating is part of election and the law anticipates such.Raila should formally write to IEBC to withdraw his candidature so IEBC can declare Uhuru elected unopposed.If doesn't withdraw iebc will conduct election and again declare Uhuru the winner coz it's obvious who the winner will be.There only recourse Raila has is to ran to judiciary and convinced the Judges that IEBC are not doing their job.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2017, 05:48:00 PM »

No pundit, NASA is not going to make it that easy.

Not participating is part of election and the law anticipates such.Raila should formally write to IEBC to withdraw his candidature so IEBC can declare Uhuru elected unopposed.If doesn't withdraw iebc will conduct election and again declare Uhuru the winner coz it's obvious who the winner will be.There only recourse Raila has is to ran to judiciary and convinced the Judges that IEBC are not doing their job...if they ignore as they should the so called minimum condition.IEBC are constitutional body whose job is to conduct elections independently
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2017, 05:58:32 PM »
Only the idiotic judiciary can put brake on IEBC otherwise waste more lives in violent demos which the police will easily quell and wake up to find Uhuru is pork.Election will be held on 17th barring a court injunction by SCOK.NASA has no path to electoral victory but sorry we are a democracy and clearly even the suicidal judiciary knows they given the last hail mary pass to Raila.Its ethnic politics stupid.No path to 50%

Offline Omollo

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2017, 06:11:16 PM »
You are a firm believer in the coorcive powers of the state when you think you control them. When you were the leasd warrior glorifying the murder of Kikuyus in RV you did not think much about the police.

But then you are special. God created only you and the Kalenjin.

He also created you with the capacity or is it weakness not to see what other people are capable of. He also "blessed" you with selectively amnesia.

You said the exact same stuff when CORD went to the streets to get rid of Isaac Hassan. Then the talks started and you got "busy" only returning to claim that CORD has achieved "nothing". I regret educating you on what had been achieved because you went to Ruto and within a few weeks Duale was in parliament reversing some of the gains, which led to the recent fraud. Luckily the rest of the mechanisms ensured that you were caught red handed.

The police is what we refer to in Luo "ng'ombe ya shangazi". It gives birth and we all pay bride price. It doesn't belong to the elder or youngest son. Uhuru will lose and lose the police as well. Then you will discover the civil methods of resistance - should you have cause.
Only the idiotic judiciary can put brake on IEBC otherwise waste more lives in violent demos which the police will easily quell and wake up to find Uhuru is pork.Election will be held on 17th barring a court injunction by SCOK.NASA has no path to electoral victory but sorry we are a democracy and clearly even the suicidal judiciary knows they given the last hail mary pass to Raila.Its ethnic politics stupid.No path to 50%

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2017, 06:41:39 PM »
Omollo it's plain simple.Raila political sunset is upon us.You can accept or you can be forced to accept it.Its over for the Luo Nation as far as Jakom goes.Invest in Babu Owino. There is no known maths that could make Raila pork and everyday he is going to be deserted.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2017, 06:48:40 PM »
RV pundit, has no moral compass. He is not the first nor the last to believe that might makes right. The Mugumo tree analogy by Kibaki back then reminds me of some of utterances him now-"no path to victory". Kibaki as he sincere believed that their was no path to victory for opposition.  Ouru and Ruto are not stronger than the colonialists or the slave owners or the Boers who thought there was no way out for the people they set to oppress.  RV Pundit sincerely believes that Ouru and Ruto will  buy, intimidate, threaten, murder and force their will on all the peoples of Kenya under the guise of democracy and tribal numbers.  It will fail because there will be enough people left outside their sphere of influence to fight back.

Only the idiotic judiciary can put brake on IEBC otherwise waste more lives in violent demos which the police will easily quell and wake up to find Uhuru is pork.Election will be held on 17th barring a court injunction by SCOK.NASA has no path to electoral victory but sorry we are a democracy and clearly even the suicidal judiciary knows they given the last hail mary pass to Raila.Its ethnic politics stupid.No path to 50%
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Offline Omollo

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Re: Baba has spoken - Twende Kazi
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2017, 09:46:50 PM »

Nyani haoni kundule! I believe you too cannot see your own red ass instead are staring at others and laughing.

Let us imagine -- for your sake - that Uhuru loses the election. Peer in the future. The Kenyatta family has mortgaged everything even their banks to finance this election. The Kikuyu wealthy have done the same until people like Munga are facing bankruptcy as we speak! Munga going bankrupt means Equity going under.  There is nothing comparable to it! Perhaps MT everest collapsing in to an abyss and creating a 10km deep valley.

You have not understood why they are willing to negotiate rather than lose. Ruto does not understand it either hence he is likely to be jettisoned. It would mean the end of life as the Kikuyu Intelligentsia knows.

Not because Raila will kill them as they claim! No! Because they lose the government which is the cow they milk. A closer examination of their so called "business" is nothing but the plunder of state coffers.

Ruto having failed will have no relevance. He will be fodder to the Moi family and replaced fast by those ready to renew the ODM alliance.

If you think Raila alone is responsible for the upsurge of NASA you are as mistaken as those now planning all manner of assassination attempts on his life. I hear Poison is top on the list followed by a grisly road or air accident. Raila became an IDEA a long time ago. In fact it is time the party added his name to create NASAR :D :D :D Like it has been done in Pakistan for Nawaz

As for being deserted... mhh Munya deserted who? Who else let's see Musila .. loser Namwamba ... loser ... Gumo ... loser (who needs to stay close to jubilee to avoid charges); Give me some more names. Please make sure they have won an election and did not get 54% or 41% or 32% The desertion narrative is a self-debunking LIE that even you cannot believe.

As for math, we know your math Pundit. You haven't been good at it unless regurgitating what Chirchir tells you to pass to us. Uhuru did not win as you claimed. The only true thing you wrote here (before you were BRIBED through Jordan) is that Uhuru will rig elections!
Omollo it's plain simple.Raila political sunset is upon us.You can accept or you can be forced to accept it.Its over for the Luo Nation as far as Jakom goes.Invest in Babu Owino. There is no known maths that could make Raila pork and everyday he is going to be deserted.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread