Author Topic: Give the devil its due Uhuru is an astute politician and Charismatic leader  (Read 1630 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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This is guy can really give a speech off the cuff. Very articulate and very sober when he means to be. Raila on the hand is incoherent and when he is reading a speech he labors too much. Uhuru should actually get another term only if he drops ruto.

Offline Kadame7

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Ive never understood the idea that being articulate means brains. Its a near universal human presumption. I am not articulate without preparation and Ive been thought to be dumb by more than one person in academic circles because of this. Being a good oralist like Kalonzo doesnt mean being capable but we tend to assume that...why? Off topic, I know, but Ive always wondered. I think being good with words on the spot is a natural talent, like sports or anything. Not everyone has it but it dont mean they have no other useful talents.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Articulation is everything. In leadership articulation carries a lot of weight and you have to have it to win confidence of others.
Those that are articulate and smart make very excellent leaders. Obama without articulation would have been a medicore president.

Listen to this speech by Uhuru he is confident he will win and is actually making a case against the ruling in a very passionate and persuasive way

he is calling Raila tactics out

Offline Kadame7

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Articulation is everything. In leadership articulation carries a lot of weight and you have to have it win confidence of others.
And yet, per your own admission a person that lacks it has managed to win the confidence of millions....

Offline KenyanPlato

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Articulation is everything. In leadership articulation carries a lot of weight and you have to have it win confidence of others.
And yet, per your own admission a person that lacks it has managed to win the confidence of millions....

Yes but the reason why Raila is not a president is because he is going against two articulate young leader Ruto and uhuru. Without Tribalism Uhuru is the president that kenya should have. i think Uhuru is underrated but as a leader he is doing very well

Offline GeeMail

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Al Capone was very articulate and was a violent mobster. As per this deluded hypothesis he should have been elected mayor of Chicago inthe 20s.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.