Mwenesi is nuts:
not valid or legally binding.
I know Law is sacred and all but I don't need a Law degree to see through this bullshiet.
Section 83 speaks of non-compliance with 'any written Law' then further on the paragraph mention constitution. There is some clear distinction between Constitution and 'any written Law' which obviously refers to election laws such as the Elections Act itself.
So methinks the point is not an election that is against the Constitutional principles of Free and Fair as laid out in section 81, but procedural stuff set out in the electoral laws.
Supposing there is no form 34A and instead, the results are handwritten in an A4 page,signed by al agents,observers,PO,DPO....and pinned outside a polling station after they have been scanned and sent vide KIEMS.
Yes the results are not in accordance the 'written laws'(Elections Act), but are they invalid?
Which principle of the katiba did they breach? Is there constitutional infraction?