Good morale booster after yesterday disaster in Kipsigis land.
Final Final MOAS has Kakamega at 8% - it was 12% before I reduce that - I think Uhuru will do well in 4 constituencies of kakamega where Wanga live - 1) Mumias East (Washiali is tough nut) 2) Matungu - Were (even tougher nut), Mumias West ( half - we have Rashid of Shebele slums) and Navakholo.
That is enough for Uhuru to improve his 3% to 8%. If you disagree then I need to tell you that Uhuru has been sleeping in kakamega statehouse the last month or so - they have elaborate network of folks including chiefs/ass chiefs (kibaki styro) who will "buy" votes - each person has target of 70 people
Place to watch in Kakamega (2013 reg)
Navakholo - 41,439
Mumias West - 37,492
Mumias East - 34,163
Matungu - 45,969
Like the people of Webuye - Wangas of Mumias - know who collapsed their factories - Raila & Kidero - so mambo na Canaan bandi hawatambui and WSR has been there nearly every month raising money, building schools, churches and etc.
They know who is working with Bahindi to collapse sugar industry by poaching cane from Mumias and transporting all the way to Kisumu (kibos),Kabras,West Kenya and Butali.