Author Topic: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS  (Read 5974 times)

Offline Omollo

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Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« on: July 23, 2017, 09:30:25 PM »
Here are some gems:

Uhuru gets 13% from Kakamega! How about you just give him the 2% he got in the last elections. I can comfortably tell you that Uhuru may get more votes in Homa Bay than Kakamega. That is the town which did what the Russians did to Napoleon - just vanished and made Uhuru so mad he stood up for two minutes to threaten Senator Khalwale leaving.

I know Washiali has cheated you guys. I simply asked you to do one test before giving more money to Washiali: Ask him to hold ONE public rally in Kakamega without the massive security that the Deputy President comes with!

Dr. Kulundu joined Kibaki after the referendum despite being asked to quit. He would henceforth never hold a single rally in Kakamega (his own constituency covered the town) until he left parliament and later died.

Khalwale himself learned to listen to his people: They burnt down his splitting new Prado in town in broad daylight. You Pundit do not know Kakamega.

The police don't dare go arrest Chang'aa people anywhere in Kakamega. They write a letter and respectfully have it delivered to the chief so the suspect can come voluntarily to the police station. That is why the major supplier of chang'aa to Nairobi is Kakamega.

Uhuru cannot get more than he got last time. If anything they have made arrangements to deny him that 2%

so if you are honest make the changes I suggest and we compare.

Next Kilifi
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Offline Omollo

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2017, 09:39:24 PM »
Kilifi is a NASA zone and the vote has increased. Though turnout was suppressed Raila got 83% of the vote against 10% for Uhuru.

I can concede and say fine let Uhuru keep his 10% but no more. Make it 11%.

There is nothing Uhuru has done over there that would give him 30'% vote bro. Pay attention to indicators such as the loss of Malindi by election which was supposed to prove that Kilfi has shifted.

Son of Chief, Mung'aro has not conducted any campaigns there waiting until Uhuru or Ruto comes so he checks out of his hotel room for a short while. Kambi Kazungu is campaigning for NASA.

The attempt to smear Kingi that he has stolen backfired when three Kikuyus were charged after pressure. The other attempt to "launch" county projects backfired. People in Kilifi may not be that educated but because of their knowledge of Swahili, they are highly informed.

Please give the same as last elections but keep this in mind: Raila will hit 90% this time. But for the MOAS change to 85 vs 11 ( am adding Mudavadi's votes)
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2017, 09:47:29 PM »
I notice that you now believe Raila will lose Garissa. Here is disagree. To reverse a NASA majority 49% to 37% is a bit of a stretch? Did Raila massacre students there? Did he rape anybody?

All the attempts to undermine the NASA gubernatorial leadership failed. Had the governor realized that NASA has no support he would have accepted the money and defected as he was being told.

Today the Kamba vote is very organized. The man is in fact now in Wiper. Again in my opinion Garissa is going NASA by 68% to Uhuru's 14%. The police killing of the youth under Uhuru rose. It is an albatross that continues to this day. One would have thought they would ask the killer squads to wait until after elections. They continue and Garissa has borne the brunt of the killings which have no extended to Mandera where an MPs mother was kidnapped by KDF and found in a shallow grave.

Compromise: Keep last election's figures ; Uhuru = 45%   Raila = 49%
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2017, 09:52:40 PM »

Why do you think Uhuru will get more votes in Kitui without Ngilu than with Ngilu?

The propaganda about Musila quitting and joining Jubilee is dead and actually never occurred. Mr. Pimple Face (Nyenze) has as much influence as Magerer had in 2013. He may not even hold his seat. Kitui is unified against Jubilee. It is Kalonzo's home.

One of the polls showed that Kalonzo is more popular than Ruto and is a much greater asset to his running mate than Ruto is to Uhuru. Have you considered that?

I will grant Uhuru 5% and 95% to RailaLonzo

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2017, 10:01:23 PM »

Again we have the Kilifi situation where you out of nowhere give Jubilee numbers it has not earned. Here I have evidence to support my view that ODM will carry Kajiado again: The Nkaissery by-election. ODM won against state machinery. Why would it not win again?

Then you walked in to a trap you created. When the issue of land came up, you should have buried it. Instead you raised it. If Raila is on one side, which side are you? I remember laughing until I coughed in one conference call. Jubilee were played like a guitar. In fact it has helped NASA in Narok.

So why do you give Uhuru 54% ( 2% more than last election). If you keep the same figures and add Mudavadi's to Raila I can concur. However for the actual figures NASA will wallop Jubilee by 60 - 40

For now I accept 52% Uhuru to 45% Raila.

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2017, 10:09:19 PM »
Please Bungoma is NASA and there is no way on earth that Uhuru will score 33%.

Let me use a historical explanation to see if I can persuade you

in 1992 Shikuku ran an insurgent campaign to be Presidential candidate for FORD People. He lost but retreated to Western and campaigned hard almost wiping out KANU. Luhyas voted for Ken Matiba.

The following election Matiba was out but then those votes did not transfer to Kibaki. They went to Kijana Wamalwa.

Please Eugene is no Kijana.

Uhuru will probably get the Sabaot votes - not more than 30K and that is all. If you give him 7% I would not fight. Raila gets 91% in Bungoma
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2017, 10:10:05 PM »
Continue laughing and let's see who will have the final laughter.Final MOAS is final.I am not changing anything unless something big happens.For each of those counties I have keenly analyzed several factors and arrived at those conclusion.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2017, 10:20:22 PM »
If Ouru were to win, it would NOT because of MOAS but most likely because he rigged.  You have a problem understanding the difference between causation/correlation. If It rains a couple times you visit Bomet, you will probably argue strenuously to your  folks that you are the rainman.

Continue laughing and let's see who will have the final laughter.Final MOAS is final.I am not changing anything unless something big happens.For each of those counties I have keenly analyzed several factors and arrived at those conclusion.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2017, 10:25:06 PM »
Yeah Moas is free rigging scheme...Uhuru will use it to rig.You are just frustrated coz tribal maths which the overriding factor in our elections don't favor Jakom
If Ouru were to win, it would NOT because of MOAS but most likely because he rigged.  You have a problem understanding the difference between causation/correlation. If It rains each time you visit Bomet you will probably argue strenuously to your Bomet folks that you are the rainman.

Continue laughing and let's see who will have the final laughter.Final MOAS is final.I am not changing anything unless something big happens.For each of those counties I have keenly analyzed several factors and arrived at those conclusion.

Offline vooke

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2017, 10:29:03 PM »
What is it with this Pundit's MOAS that it is provoking thread after thread?

This is not an opinion poll so comparing it with infotrack is absurdity.

Methinks MOAS is so accurate and in the heart of hearts of some niggas they know it

2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2017, 10:30:24 PM »
I am not frustrated at all, infact I feel very well were we are.  We have the momentum according to all the polls and we have two weeks to Nane.  Its during this time when the undecided move and they usually more  with the candidate with momentum.

Yeah Moas is free rigging scheme...Uhuru will use it to rig.You are just frustrated coz tribal maths which the overriding factor in our elections don't favor Jakom
If Ouru were to win, it would NOT because of MOAS but most likely because he rigged.  You have a problem understanding the difference between causation/correlation. If It rains each time you visit Bomet you will probably argue strenuously to your Bomet folks that you are the rainman.

Continue laughing and let's see who will have the final laughter.Final MOAS is final.I am not changing anything unless something big happens.For each of those counties I have keenly analyzed several factors and arrived at those conclusion.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2017, 10:31:31 PM »
I know-its voodoo

What is it with this Pundit's MOAS that it is provoking thread after thread?

This is not an opinion poll so comparing it with infotrack is absurdity.

Methinks MOAS is so accurate and in the heart of hearts of some niggas they know it
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline patel

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2017, 12:39:08 AM »
The sad part the fucker Bagdad Bob  believes in that tribalism crap. I understand the man has to eat and feed his bastard daughter but at what cost? The kind of pure tribal hatred that's propagated by the so called pundit is troubling........

I know-its voodoo

What is it with this Pundit's MOAS that it is provoking thread after thread?

This is not an opinion poll so comparing it with infotrack is absurdity.

Methinks MOAS is so accurate and in the heart of hearts of some niggas they know it

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2017, 06:24:38 AM »
Go back to I know it pains you greatly that Raila is not making to PORK - but relax - UhuRuto are just about started. You'll need lot more shock absorbers.
The sad part the fucker Bagdad Bob  believes in that tribalism crap. I understand the man has to eat and feed his bastard daughter but at what cost? The kind of pure tribal hatred that's propagated by the so called pundit is troubling........

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2017, 06:28:02 AM »
Uhuru will score some votes in 4 const; Matungu, Mumias East, Mumias West and Navokholo - Jubilee will win 2 or 3 seats - around that area - although Jubilee has some more mps supporting them in Kakamega including Khawale Mp's in Ikolomani - I think Jubilee support will be restricted to Wanga around Mumias who have mumias sugar issue with Raila-Kidero. Therefore I am adding Jubilee 3% to 13%.
Here are some gems:

Uhuru gets 13% from Kakamega! How about you just give him the 2% he got in the last elections. I can comfortably tell you that Uhuru may get more votes in Homa Bay than Kakamega. That is the town which did what the Russians did to Napoleon - just vanished and made Uhuru so mad he stood up for two minutes to threaten Senator Khalwale leaving.

I know Washiali has cheated you guys. I simply asked you to do one test before giving more money to Washiali: Ask him to hold ONE public rally in Kakamega without the massive security that the Deputy President comes with!

Dr. Kulundu joined Kibaki after the referendum despite being asked to quit. He would henceforth never hold a single rally in Kakamega (his own constituency covered the town) until he left parliament and later died.

Khalwale himself learned to listen to his people: They burnt down his splitting new Prado in town in broad daylight. You Pundit do not know Kakamega.

The police don't dare go arrest Chang'aa people anywhere in Kakamega. They write a letter and respectfully have it delivered to the chief so the suspect can come voluntarily to the police station. That is why the major supplier of chang'aa to Nairobi is Kakamega.

Uhuru cannot get more than he got last time. If anything they have made arrangements to deny him that 2%

so if you are honest make the changes I suggest and we compare.

Next Kilifi

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2017, 06:32:27 AM »
Uhuru will definitely improve in Kilifi - and I have seen opinion polls put Uhuru at 25% plus  with lots of undecided. In fact western and Kilifi has the most undecided of votes. This will be thanks to Mungaro & group.
Kilifi is a NASA zone and the vote has increased. Though turnout was suppressed Raila got 83% of the vote against 10% for Uhuru.

I can concede and say fine let Uhuru keep his 10% but no more. Make it 11%.

There is nothing Uhuru has done over there that would give him 30'% vote bro. Pay attention to indicators such as the loss of Malindi by election which was supposed to prove that Kilfi has shifted.

Son of Chief, Mung'aro has not conducted any campaigns there waiting until Uhuru or Ruto comes so he checks out of his hotel room for a short while. Kambi Kazungu is campaigning for NASA.

The attempt to smear Kingi that he has stolen backfired when three Kikuyus were charged after pressure. The other attempt to "launch" county projects backfired. People in Kilifi may not be that educated but because of their knowledge of Swahili, they are highly informed.

Please give the same as last elections but keep this in mind: Raila will hit 90% this time. But for the MOAS change to 85 vs 11 ( am adding Mudavadi's votes)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2017, 06:35:31 AM »
The 2% extra percent was because Jubilee won over Gen Nkaissery (who is now dead). I think Raila screwed the third largest grp in Kajiado- Gusii - when he made incendiary remarks. So I am sticking with those figures. Note - Maasa are probably less than 40% of Kajiado - Kikuyus about the same - so if Uhuru wins Ole Lenku maasai - and add to his kikuyus - he will already be at 50%.

Again we have the Kilifi situation where you out of nowhere give Jubilee numbers it has not earned. Here I have evidence to support my view that ODM will carry Kajiado again: The Nkaissery by-election. ODM won against state machinery. Why would it not win again?

Then you walked in to a trap you created. When the issue of land came up, you should have buried it. Instead you raised it. If Raila is on one side, which side are you? I remember laughing until I coughed in one conference call. Jubilee were played like a guitar. In fact it has helped NASA in Narok.

So why do you give Uhuru 54% ( 2% more than last election). If you keep the same figures and add Mudavadi's to Raila I can concur. However for the actual figures NASA will wallop Jubilee by 60 - 40

For now I accept 52% Uhuru to 45% Raila.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2017, 06:37:35 AM »
The is a reason why Kalonzo is visting Kitui every often. Iko shida. Nyenze-Musila-and several mps in Jubilee - will surely retain 15% jubilee got thro Ngilu. I will default to opinion pollsters here - if you have any. It's an homogeneous county.

Why do you think Uhuru will get more votes in Kitui without Ngilu than with Ngilu?

The propaganda about Musila quitting and joining Jubilee is dead and actually never occurred. Mr. Pimple Face (Nyenze) has as much influence as Magerer had in 2013. He may not even hold his seat. Kitui is unified against Jubilee. It is Kalonzo's home.

One of the polls showed that Kalonzo is more popular than Ruto and is a much greater asset to his running mate than Ruto is to Uhuru. Have you considered that?

I will grant Uhuru 5% and 95% to RailaLonzo

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2017, 06:40:05 AM »
Actually Uhuru might do better than that. He got 12% in 2013 mainly thanks to Mt Elgon Sabaots. MaDVD got 31%. I believe the maDVD vote comes from NFK brigade. The entire NFK brigade moved to Jubilee...and therefore best case scenario is for Uhuru gets 41%...but I am going with 33%.  I expect Jubilee to do well in Bungoma and Tranzoia thanks to NFK brigade.
Please Bungoma is NASA and there is no way on earth that Uhuru will score 33%.

Let me use a historical explanation to see if I can persuade you

in 1992 Shikuku ran an insurgent campaign to be Presidential candidate for FORD People. He lost but retreated to Western and campaigned hard almost wiping out KANU. Luhyas voted for Ken Matiba.

The following election Matiba was out but then those votes did not transfer to Kibaki. They went to Kijana Wamalwa.

Please Eugene is no Kijana.

Uhuru will probably get the Sabaot votes - not more than 30K and that is all. If you give him 7% I would not fight. Raila gets 91% in Bungoma

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Laughing at Pundit's MOAS
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2017, 06:56:57 AM »
Here is synovate Ipos  - Western and Coast - should particularly worry NASA - it shows significant in-roads that Jubilee has made. Of course NEP is all but gone to Jubilee.