These counties with 2.5m votes is where NASA need to re-focus - if they hope to get to power this century
- parts of these counties - are so remote, so insecure, so illiterate I don't see IEBC gadgets working - manual voting & transmission will have to kick in.
Lamu Swahili 30%,Gikuyu 25%,Mijikenda 75338
Isiolo Borana 37%,Somali,Samburu, Turkana ,Meruu & Gikuyu10% 75338
Samburu Samburu 79%,Turkana, Gikuyu & others (21%) 82787
TanaRiver Mijikenda 28%,Orma (25%) & warder 20%,Somali(15%) 118327
Marsabit Gabra 28%,Borana,Rendile,Burji &others 5% 141708
TaitaTaveta Taita 63%,Akamba,Taveta 155716
Wajir Somali 98%,Gabra &others(2%) 162902
Garissa Somali 80% (ogaden),Others & Akamba (20%) 163350
Mandera Somali 98%,Gabra,others 2% 175642
WestPokot Kalenjin 95%(Pokot),Luhya & Turkana & others 5% 180232
ElgeyoMarakwet Kalenjin 93%,Luhya & others 5% 180664
Turkana Turkana 94%,others & luhya 6% 191435
TharakaNithi Meru 55%,Tharaka 40%,Mbeere & others 5% 213154
Baringo Kalenjin 88%,Ilchamus/Njemps 8%,Gikuyu & others 5% 232558
Laikipia Gikuyu 63%,Maasai 20%,Kalenjin 6% & others 3% 246487
Vihiga Luhya 96% ,Luo, Kalenjin & others 4% 272409