Author Topic: Reverse Psychology 101  (Read 5615 times)

Offline Omollo

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Re: Reverse Psychology 101
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2017, 07:39:31 PM »
For now and before I embark on fiction writing, I will concentrate on reality. Pole! I know it hurts to be starring at defeat.

Omollo use your creative insanity to write work of fiction.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline vooke

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Re: Reverse Psychology 101
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2017, 09:14:43 PM »
Like I said before I witnessed the ruling party lose elections in Sierra Leone as it accused the opposition of rigging.

Jubilee for all the braggadocio from pundit here planned on rigging itself back. Multiple methods of rigging including the Chirchir-pundit voter database tampering. They were only missing one thing: the percentage of victory. Would it be 53 as polls told them Raila's hypothetical win stood at that or should they "annihilate " him with 70+

At the time they even said "Raila's Specter could print the ballots and they could still win". It brought giggles to their followers but some of us wondered how Ruto could say that. In one meeting I remember asking and was told it's just his new found arrogance. Arrogance or failure of Psychology 101 ?

Here was a man unknowingg sharing with the world his secrets. Ezekiel Mphalehle wrote about the macho politician in Africa:  narrating the story of the deliberate arrogant bigamist minister who knowingly broke the law! He broke it knowingly and made no effort to hide conceal or hide. In his mind he felt and believed himself above - not just the law - but hovering in the heavens of the laws made down below for lower beings. There is no greater arrogance that nears blasphemy than that.

Well I don't believe they are manipulating odm or NASA into a position. The anger in uhuru is genuine and agrees with reports to nasa of late night drunken tirades against "muguruki" Kimundu jaluo.

I gave up NASWA dream after watching Raia booed in Bomet. Not even Rutto could calm them. There's no Rift in the Rift while Uhuruto have made inroads in Coast and Western, two areas Uhuru performed worst. How can Raia win?

Rigging if at all will just take care of the thickness of the margin of victory above 50%
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Reverse Psychology 101
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2017, 11:58:03 PM »
Boeing can be organized and it was organized in Bomet, Nandi and Kericho. The man organizing it is William Samoei Ruto.

How do you respond to boeing: You can ignore it. That is hard when the booers wore ODM uniform to gain access to the area near the dais before putting on red Jubilee caps to boo.

You can have them removed. Often they have already coordinated with a cameraman who has got the footage and in the world of fibre optic cable, it is showing on periscope around the globe. Any fracas will just make more news.

Can NASA revenge? NASA has debated that and found it would not help and might actually play in the hands of Uhuru who is eager to present Raila and "violent". This is an old Kibaki propaganda line which Uhuru has been too eager to resurrect but it has simply fallen on itself.

The internal NASA polls show CCM vote increasing to a level that means Laboso will be walloped. CCM popularity has reached Narok and Kericho.

The old problem of logic returns: It is really telling when one says he gave up on a coalition because of one incident of jeering. I have seen Uhuru booed in Kiambu, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Kajiado, Narok, Kisii, Nyamira and totally boycotted in Kakamega. If NASA is losing because of one incident of boeing in Bomet,  to whom is it losing? The party that is jeered more than NASA?

Some things are written for other purposes.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Reverse Psychology 101
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2017, 12:03:36 AM »
Its amazing how Raila being booed means he is loosing   but warm welcome does not mean he is winning.

Boeing can be organized and it was organized in Bomet, Nandi and Kericho. The man organizing it is William Samoei Ruto.

How do you respond to boeing: You can ignore it. That is hard when the booers wore ODM uniform to gain access to the area near the dais before putting on red Jubilee caps to boo.

You can have them removed. Often they have already coordinated with a cameraman who has got the footage and in the world of fibre optic cable, it is showing on periscope around the globe. Any fracas will just make more news.

Can NASA revenge? NASA has debated that and found it would not help and might actually play in the hands of Uhuru who is eager to present Raila and "violent". This is an old Kibaki propaganda line which Uhuru has been too eager to resurrect but it has simply fallen on itself.

The internal NASA polls show CCM vote increasing to a level that means Laboso will be walloped. CCM popularity has reached Narok and Kericho.

The old problem of logic returns: It is really telling when one says he gave up on a coalition because of one incident of jeering. I have seen Uhuru booed in Kiambu, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Kajiado, Narok, Kisii, Nyamira and totally boycotted in Kakamega. If NASA is losing because of one incident of boeing in Bomet,  to whom is it losing? The party that is jeered more than NASA?

Some things are written for other purposes.
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Offline vooke

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Re: Reverse Psychology 101
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2017, 12:15:19 AM »
Boeing can be organized and it was organized in Bomet, Nandi and Kericho. The man organizing it is William Samoei Ruto.

How do you respond to boeing: You can ignore it. That is hard when the booers wore ODM uniform to gain access to the area near the dais before putting on red Jubilee caps to boo.

You can have them removed. Often they have already coordinated with a cameraman who has got the footage and in the world of fibre optic cable, it is showing on periscope around the globe. Any fracas will just make more news.

Can NASA revenge? NASA has debated that and found it would not help and might actually play in the hands of Uhuru who is eager to present Raila and "violent". This is an old Kibaki propaganda line which Uhuru has been too eager to resurrect but it has simply fallen on itself.

The internal NASA polls show CCM vote increasing to a level that means Laboso will be walloped. CCM popularity has reached Narok and Kericho.

The old problem of logic returns: It is really telling when one says he gave up on a coalition because of one incident of jeering. I have seen Uhuru booed in Kiambu, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Kajiado, Narok, Kisii, Nyamira and totally boycotted in Kakamega. If NASA is losing because of one incident of boeing in Bomet,  to whom is it losing? The party that is jeered more than NASA?

Some things are written for other purposes.

You need to spend some time reviewing Bomet. It was the ENTIRE crowd. They not only booed but were least enthusiastic. Why Bomet? That's the place where The Rift in the Rift supposedly started. They were just there, not eager that their son was in the privileged First Five.

Nothing excited the Bomet crowd, and note, NASA were not saying anything controversial or sensational, just the normal BS and they booed.

Now, there was an incidence when hired goons disrupted or attempted to disrupt a meeting. That was well covered. This was not it. This was a terribly pissed off crwod that barely tolerated NASA.

We can go back and forth with you but it's pointless. Pundito MOAS reckons Rutto is going to be humiliated and NASA will get less than they did in 2013. I'm not bold enough to say that, but I generally agree that Rift in the Rift, the ONLY any for Rao to beat Jubilee, is illusory
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline vooke

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Re: Reverse Psychology 101
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2017, 12:20:53 AM »
Its amazing how Raila being booed means he is loosing   but warm welcome does not mean he is winning.

Boeing can be organized and it was organized in Bomet, Nandi and Kericho. The man organizing it is William Samoei Ruto.

How do you respond to boeing: You can ignore it. That is hard when the booers wore ODM uniform to gain access to the area near the dais before putting on red Jubilee caps to boo.

You can have them removed. Often they have already coordinated with a cameraman who has got the footage and in the world of fibre optic cable, it is showing on periscope around the globe. Any fracas will just make more news.

Can NASA revenge? NASA has debated that and found it would not help and might actually play in the hands of Uhuru who is eager to present Raila and "violent". This is an old Kibaki propaganda line which Uhuru has been too eager to resurrect but it has simply fallen on itself.

The internal NASA polls show CCM vote increasing to a level that means Laboso will be walloped. CCM popularity has reached Narok and Kericho.

The old problem of logic returns: It is really telling when one says he gave up on a coalition because of one incident of jeering. I have seen Uhuru booed in Kiambu, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Kajiado, Narok, Kisii, Nyamira and totally boycotted in Kakamega. If NASA is losing because of one incident of boeing in Bomet,  to whom is it losing? The party that is jeered more than NASA?

Some things are written for other purposes.

It's simple; a warm reception does it necessarily translate or convert to votes, but a hostile crowd necessarily means no votes.

Both sides have faced hostilities even in their strongholds which have everything to do with simmering anger over primaries as well as juggling party loyalties vs Independent Factor. Another reason for booing is when visitors insult local leaders. You saw NASA speak so politely of Munya. Again, this was not it.. But in Bomet, none of that was at play; they just detest NASA/Luo ticket.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Reverse Psychology 101
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2017, 03:36:44 AM »
Let the record show that laboso is married to an uncircumcised jaluo. The record also shows the same Mrs Abonyo was elected after her sister - an ODM MP - died in a plan crash after the 2007 elections.

I would be pleased to know how detestation specially directed st Luo/NASA differs from other forms of jeering? How is this one's dna formed? Are there any distinguish features? Any notable idiosyncrasies?

I would wish to offer free lessons in logic and even go back in philosophical history to touch on Reason!
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Reverse Psychology 101
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2017, 07:38:45 AM »
Why not ask me about Bomet - I was there over the weekend - very very few people will vote Raila - even those who are Isaac Ruto diehards are talking about revenging 2022 - but giving Uhuru a pass this time round. Their beef seem to be restricted to William Ruto mistreating their hero. They want Ruto to bend over and embrace Isaac/Gideon/the rebels.

Voting for Raila require another huge leap of faith nobody is willing to do that after what Raila did in 2007.

I mean Kalenjin really took a big gamble in 2007 - when they abandoned Kalonzo for Raila - that gamble backfired so badly -- I don't see Raila getting any more votes from Kalenjin than he did in 2013. Pre-2007 they knew Raila history - but the anger against kibaki - was such they didn't care.

This time the anger against WSR is more sibling rivalry thing..nothing deep.

Offline vooke

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Re: Reverse Psychology 101
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2017, 08:10:07 AM »
Let the record show that laboso is married to an uncircumcised jaluo. The record also shows the same Mrs Abonyo was elected after her sister - an ODM MP - died in a plan crash after the 2007 elections.

I would be pleased to know how detestation specially directed st Luo/NASA differs from other forms of jeering? How is this one's dna formed? Are there any distinguish features? Any notable idiosyncrasies?

I would wish to offer free lessons in logic and even go back in philosophical history to touch on Reason!
You can keep your lessons for the postmortem of the thrashing Rutto and NASA will receive in Bomet. Whatever failures DPORK may have, he has retained Kale voting bloc. Yes I know it hurts you endlessly but that's a fact.

Baba betrayed them in 2008. A Luo betrayed them. No foreskin you moron, it's pure betrayal. Moi harassed Kikuyu leaders in the late 80s and early 90s and they never forgave him; almost always voted against Kanu in 1992,97 and not even their own in 2002 impressed them
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.