Yeah we leak of mediocrity. But you also reek of stupidity. Kalenjin who 100yrs ago were pastoralist like Maasai are noted farmers - way better than most bantus who've practised it for 10,000yrs. We produce more tea, more wheat, more maize, more milk,more potatos, more beef than any community in kenya - maybe in some few sector(coffee & horticulture) kikuyu have slight edge - but there is no doubt Kalenjin remain the bread basket that feed this country - producing surplus - while most of kenya are subsistence farmers who cannot even feed themselves- and that explain why all agricultural minister for the last 20 or maybe 40 yrs have been kalenjin. I don't know which sector you want to compare - try education - and see how Kalenjin kids are now dominating local universities -- leave alone US IVY league where Kalenjin kids with sporting talent (nearly every kalenjin) are now getting admitted like crazy.
Pokot are as Kalenjin as any other group. Whatever Kalenjin set to do - they do it world class. If it stealing and robbing goK - Moi & Ruto are doing it at world class standards it scare the shit out of you. If it's warfare - you know Kalenjin boys can pretty much beat a modern army. If it running or jumping or javelin or voyeyball - Kalenjin will do it to world class standards.
What makes Kalenjin tick - is their discipline and mental toughness..that is best exemplified in althetics and warfare.
I know what is boiling you. You cannot stand Ruto inevitable rise.Moi was damn good politician who stayed in power for 24yrs despite coming from small community and Ruto is doing exactly that.
Running like horse not an accomplishment. Anyway your community leaks of mediocrity. Moi and ruto are the top of the cream in your society. The average wanjiku in rv is mediocre to core. You guys cannt farm or herd. No wonder pokots once in a while give you a thrashing