Author Topic: Ballot Paper Printing Scandal: Al Ghurair Asked Uhuru for Printing Job  (Read 5410 times)

Offline Omollo

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You are either a washed up propagandist or are really ignorant of what happened in 2013.

Here you are trying to belatedly sanitize TNA - IEBC relationship with Kencall without sufficient knowledge of it.

IEBC shared ONE server with TNA. It is not a question of two people meeting in a bar or a hotel. It is about the two sharing one lodging, one bed and one set of bed sheets. Now you are free to argue that they never had sex or as Bill Clinton said, I smoked marijuana but I never inhaled! Or when Monica gave him a BJ, he could argue to his Baptist Pastor that that is not sex!

You're full of jokes.

It is an old old law that has been repeated so many times people have become immune to it. But all things have their time to matter. It is like this Pundit: Canvassing is an automatic disqualification. That should take care of the qualification part.

This is an election. We cannot take anything for granted. One of the contestants is procuring materials to be used in determining the winner. Now NASA has every right to cry foul. Why is Uhuru and his brother so keen on having Al Ghurair land the contract? Chiloba awarded it, the courts nullified. Then Chibukati was about to award it, the courts stopped him and when he got a chance to do single sourcing, he went for it! That is despite KNOWING that it would cause a serious row!

IEBC will never get anything done - with rumours & propaganda.: Majority of Kenyans do not want any party to be given advantages. That includes even the appearance of advantage. You should join them instead of defending your party's advantages. After all you keep saying you will win with 13.5 million votes. If you are so sure of victory, why taint it with having Uhuru's brother print ballot papers? NASA would be justified in claiming he printed a few extra secretly for Karangi to stuff in boxes
IEBC is independent - time for NASA to trust them to deliver fair, credible and free election:How independent is it when the President summons the CEO to state house to meet a potential supplier. The CEO then goes ahead and awards the contract to the President's brother's firm and does so illegally! No Pundit, at this point the IEBC is anything but independent of Jubilee
our supreme court (also independent) - will overturn the verdict:Lest you say we never said before: NASA will not go to court over the election. The IEBC must conduct a credible election and it it fails do not expect anybody at the supreme court. It has been repeated several times but the media aint telling some of you. Therefore the belief that you will rig elections and then NASA goes to court and Iringo and Kimemia raid national Bank and cart out billions in the name of "police Commissioner" add some more and pay huge bribes to judges and threaten those who don't take the bribes. It won't happen bro.
Now we simply don't have time to indulge and entertain ODM/NASA tenuous linking of Uhuru with Abu Graib. Uhuru and his brother are shareholders in Al Ghurair. There is nothing tenuous about it. Uhuru held meetings with Al Ghurair. The media has published it and there has been no denial from Uhuru because the evidence is overwhelming.
Less than 2 months to election date - the printing press should already be running and the logistics of getting those papers to every polling station in high gear. You are in a hurry to return to your party but we will not join you in your rush. The country has a record of completing nominations three weeks to elections and got all the printing done on time. Using non existent time constraints to rig elections is an old Isaac Hassan tactic. It worked once , won't work again.

This is akin to Kencall - handling TNA & IEBC - as call center business. Do you want IEBC to exclude all suppliers who work with either side? And how would they check that. As far as IEBC goes - Abu Graib applied for the tender to print & supply ballot papers - met all requirements - and were competitively awarded the contract. If we go that route - IEBC will never get anything done - with rumours & propaganda.

I don't see Jubilee crying all day that Chebukati was recently a life ODM member who ran ODM ticket or that they're luhyas who support ODM or whatever one can conjure.

IEBC is independent - time for NASA to trust them to deliver fair, credible and free election - and if they disagree - our supreme court (also independent) - will overturn the verdict.

Now we simply don't have time to indulge and entertain ODM/NASA tenuous linking of Uhuru with Abu Graib. Less than 2 months to election date - the printing press should already be running and the logistics of getting those papers to every polling station in high gear.

If one of the parties in an election is involved in the tender for ballot papers, his relative and aide the local contact, are we supposed to just ignore that?
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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This whole IEBC thing stinks to high heaven seems like a deliberate move by Jubilee to sabotage general election...
Their Spin Doctors advise them to accuse NASA of not wanting elections or creating the conditions to reject "defeat". All these are pre-rigging preparations.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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All I am hearing is that without any evidence you don't trust IEBC will do it's constitutional job and you're going to second guess them all the way to the election day.
Unfortunately for you IEBC have mandate to conduct the election they way they deem fit and according to the law.
Your recourse as I see is to go back to court and block the tender again. If that fails - is to participate or boycott election.
If like MOAS is predicting - Raila loses - you've the option of going to court or using extra-judicial measures to force NARA or repeat election maybe supervised by the UN (or Raila's wife Ida?).

As far as Jubilee goes...they are gonna let IEBC conduct election & judiciary arbitrate and of course trounce NASA...get fresh mandate..and if NASA tries games..the security forces will do their job.I don't think Jubilee are in the mood to entertain NASA just after they put Chiloba-Chebukaiti recently to accommodate NASA animus against Hassan team.


You are either a washed up propagandist or are really ignorant of what happened in 2013.

Here you are trying to belatedly sanitize TNA - IEBC relationship with Kencall without sufficient knowledge of it.

IEBC shared ONE server with TNA. It is not a question of two people meeting in a bar or a hotel. It is about the two sharing one lodging, one bed and one set of bed sheets. Now you are free to argue that they never had sex or as Bill Clinton said, I smoked marijuana but I never inhaled! Or when Monica gave him a BJ, he could argue to his Baptist Pastor that that is not sex!

You're full of jokes.

It is an old old law that has been repeated so many times people have become immune to it. But all things have their time to matter. It is like this Pundit: Canvassing is an automatic disqualification. That should take care of the qualification part.

This is an election. We cannot take anything for granted. One of the contestants is procuring materials to be used in determining the winner. Now NASA has every right to cry foul. Why is Uhuru and his brother so keen on having Al Ghurair land the contract? Chiloba awarded it, the courts nullified. Then Chibukati was about to award it, the courts stopped him and when he got a chance to do single sourcing, he went for it! That is despite KNOWING that it would cause a serious row!

IEBC will never get anything done - with rumours & propaganda.: Majority of Kenyans do not want any party to be given advantages. That includes even the appearance of advantage. You should join them instead of defending your party's advantages. After all you keep saying you will win with 13.5 million votes. If you are so sure of victory, why taint it with having Uhuru's brother print ballot papers? NASA would be justified in claiming he printed a few extra secretly for Karangi to stuff in boxes
IEBC is independent - time for NASA to trust them to deliver fair, credible and free election:How independent is it when the President summons the CEO to state house to meet a potential supplier. The CEO then goes ahead and awards the contract to the President's brother's firm and does so illegally! No Pundit, at this point the IEBC is anything but independent of Jubilee
our supreme court (also independent) - will overturn the verdict:Lest you say we never said before: NASA will not go to court over the election. The IEBC must conduct a credible election and it it fails do not expect anybody at the supreme court. It has been repeated several times but the media aint telling some of you. Therefore the belief that you will rig elections and then NASA goes to court and Iringo and Kimemia raid national Bank and cart out billions in the name of "police Commissioner" add some more and pay huge bribes to judges and threaten those who don't take the bribes. It won't happen bro.
Now we simply don't have time to indulge and entertain ODM/NASA tenuous linking of Uhuru with Abu Graib. Uhuru and his brother are shareholders in Al Ghurair. There is nothing tenuous about it. Uhuru held meetings with Al Ghurair. The media has published it and there has been no denial from Uhuru because the evidence is overwhelming.
Less than 2 months to election date - the printing press should already be running and the logistics of getting those papers to every polling station in high gear. You are in a hurry to return to your party but we will not join you in your rush. The country has a record of completing nominations three weeks to elections and got all the printing done on time. Using non existent time constraints to rig elections is an old Isaac Hassan tactic. It worked once , won't work again.

This is akin to Kencall - handling TNA & IEBC - as call center business. Do you want IEBC to exclude all suppliers who work with either side? And how would they check that. As far as IEBC goes - Abu Graib applied for the tender to print & supply ballot papers - met all requirements - and were competitively awarded the contract. If we go that route - IEBC will never get anything done - with rumours & propaganda.

I don't see Jubilee crying all day that Chebukati was recently a life ODM member who ran ODM ticket or that they're luhyas who support ODM or whatever one can conjure.

IEBC is independent - time for NASA to trust them to deliver fair, credible and free election - and if they disagree - our supreme court (also independent) - will overturn the verdict.

Now we simply don't have time to indulge and entertain ODM/NASA tenuous linking of Uhuru with Abu Graib. Less than 2 months to election date - the printing press should already be running and the logistics of getting those papers to every polling station in high gear.

If one of the parties in an election is involved in the tender for ballot papers, his relative and aide the local contact, are we supposed to just ignore that?

Offline Omollo

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Let me share with you a short story:

In 2007 I ran in to an old friend when I worked in a volatile country. He was working there as an intelligence officer and was actually the "dean of intelligence officers" in that country (even those hostile to his country - these things happen).

He told me that Kibaki was planning a coup. I thought it was a joke. Over the next several months, he would tell me about the secret (not so secret) meetings in State House planning how to short change Raila.

It dawned on Kibaki that he could not beat Raila and he decided to do everything in his power to steal power. I shared all this information with those close to Raila but you can guess they thought I was telling the thing that will not happen. I posted at RCB nobody took it seriously - not even you. You said that the era of rigging elections is long past and Kibaki cannot do that. I am sure you changed your mind afterward.

I learned a number of lessons about rigging by the incumbent:

1. Waiting until he has done it to complain whether in court or on the streets is a waste of time
2. Protests and court actions are calculated within his plans and obviously deemed to be minor setbacks not capable of derailing the rigging plan.
3. The real war must be fought before the elections or you are dead in the water
4. Incumbents take no prisoners and take none

Go slow on those Ruto matusi. Advise Ruto it is the small things a big man says that ruin him. The reason we have advised NASA brigade to not attack him (except Joho who has his own private vendetta) is because insulting Ruto may be taken very personally by his many supporters. When he learns that his insults directed at Raila (and now his wife) are taken very personally by Raila's supporters, he will know why he is hated in Nyanza and Western. So hated if he appeared without his security he would be lynched.

All I am hearing is that without any evidence you don't trust IEBC will do it's constitutional job and you're going to second guess them all the way to the election day.
Unfortunately for you IEBC have mandate to conduct the election they way they deem fit and according to the law.
Your recourse as I see is to go back to court and block the tender again. If that fails - is to participate or boycott election.
If like MOAS is predicting - Raila loses - you've the option of going to court or using extra-judicial measures to force NARA or repeat election maybe supervised by the UN (or Raila's wife Ida?).

As far as Jubilee goes...they are gonna let IEBC conduct election & judiciary arbitrate and of course trounce NASA...get fresh mandate..and if NASA tries games..the security forces will do their job.I don't think Jubilee are in the mood to entertain NASA just after they put Chiloba-Chebukaiti recently to accommodate NASA animus against Hassan team.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Rigging is not hard to hide. Kibaki having been beaten in 2005 constitutional referendum certainly set out to rig.Opinion polls showed Raila winning. His rigging was obvious..from unilaterally appointing ECK commisioners to brazen rigging on live TV..and reactions of kenyans was clear. Here I don't see any rigging. I see IEBC manned by new team appointed without controversy who are doing their job. I see confident Uhuru who just won 2013 and has kept the same coalition and added more winning again.

NASA knows they've no clear path to victory. Not even one opinion poll the last 4 yrs has shown Raila beating Uhuru - and please don't post fake news from fake websites.  Raila knows age has caught up with him. He is desperate for an opening but he aint getting any.

All this is clearly weak-kneed attempt to discredit IEBC, plunge the country into crisis and hope for NUSU mkate. It aint happening. NASA have to demonstrate to Kenyans & the world that election have been rigged. So far we are hearing allegations without EVIDENCE.

Bring in solid evidence...not the usual rumours.

Ruto has been hated so many times by so many people ..because he is damn effective campaigner... I know NASA people really hate him now because he is killing Raila - Ruto would make Joseph Goebbel proud! I mean when is the last time you heard Raila say Kitendawili :) I was in western kenya recently when Ruto was addressing the rally somewhere and he asked the people - if SGR looked like Kitendawaili or something serious - the whole bar went wild  with laughter and they were mostly NASA folks.

Ruto is pretty much sinking Raila the way he sunk Ntimama by reffering to his as vascodagama & plus many others. He has successfully caricatured Raila into one old tired joke nobody should take seriously.


Let me share with you a short story:

In 2007 I ran in to an old friend when I worked in a volatile country. He was working there as an intelligence officer and was actually the "dean of intelligence officers" in that country (even those hostile to his country - these things happen).

He told me that Kibaki was planning a coup. I thought it was a joke. Over the next several months, he would tell me about the secret (not so secret) meetings in State House planning how to short change Raila.

It dawned on Kibaki that he could not beat Raila and he decided to do everything in his power to steal power. I shared all this information with those close to Raila but you can guess they thought I was telling the thing that will not happen. I posted at RCB nobody took it seriously - not even you. You said that the era of rigging elections is long past and Kibaki cannot do that. I am sure you changed your mind afterward.

I learned a number of lessons about rigging by the incumbent:

1. Waiting until he has done it to complain whether in court or on the streets is a waste of time
2. Protests and court actions are calculated within his plans and obviously deemed to be minor setbacks not capable of derailing the rigging plan.
3. The real war must be fought before the elections or you are dead in the water
4. Incumbents take no prisoners and take none

Go slow on those Ruto matusi. Advise Ruto it is the small things a big man says that ruin him. The reason we have advised NASA brigade to not attack him (except Joho who has his own private vendetta) is because insulting Ruto may be taken very personally by his many supporters. When he learns that his insults directed at Raila (and now his wife) are taken very personally by Raila's supporters, he will know why he is hated in Nyanza and Western. So hated if he appeared without his security he would be lynched.

All I am hearing is that without any evidence you don't trust IEBC will do it's constitutional job and you're going to second guess them all the way to the election day.
Unfortunately for you IEBC have mandate to conduct the election they way they deem fit and according to the law.
Your recourse as I see is to go back to court and block the tender again. If that fails - is to participate or boycott election.
If like MOAS is predicting - Raila loses - you've the option of going to court or using extra-judicial measures to force NARA or repeat election maybe supervised by the UN (or Raila's wife Ida?).

As far as Jubilee goes...they are gonna let IEBC conduct election & judiciary arbitrate and of course trounce NASA...get fresh mandate..and if NASA tries games..the security forces will do their job.I don't think Jubilee are in the mood to entertain NASA just after they put Chiloba-Chebukaiti recently to accommodate NASA animus against Hassan team.

Offline Omollo

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Rigging is not hard to hide. Kibaki having been beaten in 2005 constitutional referendum certainly set out to rig.Opinion polls showed Raila winning. His rigging was obvious..from unilaterally appointing ECK commissioners to brazen rigging on live TV..and reactions of kenyans was clear.
More brazen that the Tiaty Results?

The commissioners were appointed by GEMA dominated appointments committee which was taken over by the NIS. CORD opted for structural changes that would make personalities useless.

But Uhuru went back on his word and summoned his MPs to change all that and provided for manual voting. Now it is this manual voting that now needs ballot papers off the books.

Here I don't see any rigging.
Could you even if you tried? You are not interested in credible elections as long as Jubilee wins so you start planning for 2022 with Ruto

I see IEBC manned by new team appointed without controversy who are doing their job.
Please! You obviously didn't pay heed when the panel of mostly men of God descended into tribal conclaves.

I see confident Uhuru who just won 2013 and has kept the same coalition and added more winning again.
You never tire of repeating this LIE. It gets tiresome
Here is the 2013 Coalition:

NASA knows they've no clear path to victory. Not even one opinion poll the last 4 yrs has shown Raila beating Uhuru - and please don't post fake news from fake websites.  Raila knows age has caught up with him. He is desperate for an opening but he aint getting any.
Who owns the poll companies that are saying all the crap?

Let's look at the polls: You ask people who between NASA and Jubilee has been good for development in the last four years? Which NASA existed a year ago?

All this is clearly weak-kneed attempt to discredit IEBC, plunge the country into crisis and hope for NUSU mkate.
A jubilee talking point. NASA will get rid of Jubilee in its entirety. There is no Nusu Mkate which incidentally Ruto and Uhuru were members of

It aint happening.
Oh yes, bro! I can swear for you that! It will never happen. Uhuru is going home

NASA have to demonstrate to Kenyans & the world that election have been rigged. So far we are hearing allegations without EVIDENCE.
You can wait for NASA to beg, it won't happen.
Bring in solid evidence...not the usual rumours.
There is solid evidence. However it is not your job to defend the IEBC. Unless you are the IEBC

Ruto has been hated so many times by so many people ..because he is damn effective campaigner... I know NASA people really hate him now because he is killing Raila!
Ruto is a spent force. He flew too close to the sun.-
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Globalcitizen12

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This is a new low for Uhuru. Why why would even try to get his hands on such a contract? Anyway Africans are fucking stupid. We cannot even print ballot papers or exams because every institution is compromised.

These are thousand of jobs that are going to Dubai instead of Nairobi. Even KCPE and KCSE are all printed abroad.

the gods of tribalism really are some stupid gods..

Offline RV Pundit

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Omollo - Ngilu & Balala were flower girls that brought next to zero votes. You like arguing for it's sake when not spreading baseless propaganda and rumours. Show us the evidence and we will support you.

Offline Omollo

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It is NOT true that its "too late". It is NOT even late. Past experience shows it will only be late if it is a week to elections.

Too late. Election date is set on 8.8
Printing should be sourced to a company either in  UK or USA. These are the only 2 countries that have shown that they can prosecute people involved in corrupt deals. These are the only 2 countries that I know that any aggrieved party can sue the ballot printing company in case of fraud and have a fair day in court.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Watch what you write Pundit. I watched Kalonzo's supporters eat their words in great anger, shame and irritation when Kikyusu close to Kibaki told them Kalonzo was a flower girl!

You see, anybody can become a flower girl - even Ruto.

This is an issue NASA will not waste time seeking "support". It is a matter anybody hearing about it would clearly understand. From a Machiavellian point of view I would like JubIEBC to refuse to address it and continue with hubris because they will eventually lose.

Omollo - Ngilu & Balala were flower girls that brought next to zero votes. You like arguing for it's sake when not spreading baseless propaganda and rumours. Show us the evidence and we will support you.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Tired song. Hassan must go. Kivuitu must go. Chesoni must go. now Chebukati must go. Change the tune.
This is an issue NASA will not waste time seeking "support". It is a matter anybody hearing about it would clearly understand. From a Machiavellian point of view I would like JubIEBC to refuse to address it and continue with hubris because they will eventually lose.

Offline Kichwa

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Pundit, Evil is not easy to defeat. We have taken it upon ourselves to do it-no matter how long it takes- so do not worry about us.  If it takes singing the same song over and over again then so be it. The next generation will thank us.  If NASA allows this election to be blatantly stolen, then the stealing will never end and Kenya will never change. We cannot continue having one sham election after another.

Tired song. Hassan must go. Kivuitu must go. Chesoni must go. now Chebukati must go. Change the tune.
This is an issue NASA will not waste time seeking "support". It is a matter anybody hearing about it would clearly understand. From a Machiavellian point of view I would like JubIEBC to refuse to address it and continue with hubris because they will eventually lose.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza