Day In Day out, you make so many unsubstantiated claims nobody takes them seriously. I will only respond to the serious stuff...
Issue no 1; TURN OUT
I have no problem backing up my claims unchallenged. All you have to do is point out what you need backed up.
I checked the 2013 turn out - and it was really good everywhere except - Turkana, Mombasa, Kwale & Kilifi. Those are facts. 2013 turn out is off the charts - Luhyas who normally turn up at 50-60% turned up at 86%(Bungoma)-88%(Busia).
Let's use the No Show Voter Numbers: These are the top no show counties and which coalition they leaned. 6 0ut of ten were CORD areas representing 540,000 votes versus 200K Jubilee. That points at an active vote suppression
1. Nairobi-318,138-Fifty/Fifty
2. Mombasa-136,429-CORD
3. Kilifi-117,958-CORD
4. Kakamega-92,682-CORD/Amani
5. Kiambu-80,093-Jubilee
6. Nakuru-79,001-Jubilee
7. Machakos-73,018-CORD
8. Kisii-64,283-CORD
9. Bungoma-59,457-CORD
10. Meru-57,446-Jubilee
The Turn-OUT riddle that will be answered in 9th August is...
1) Can we replicate 2013 turn out (86%), the highest in kenya history - previously the highest we have ever turned out was 72% - this one thing MOAS got wrong .I didn't in my wildest imagination foresee 86% And this was across the board. I am leaning towards IEBC machines failing and when manual backup was allowed - it become free for all? . And Raila(CORD) ought to be thankful for that turn out - coz Uhuru was winning by 53%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And where do you pluck 53% from ?
2) If turn out goes back to "normal" -Kenya goes to historical average of 70% - then CORD is in BIG trouble - Jubilee core base of GEMA+Kalenjin have historical turned out at 85-90%. In the NASA coalition -only Luo Nyanza can boast of similar record. That will knock 3% of NASA sails! Uhuru win goes to 55%.
As you note all that is conditional on turnout being higher in Jubilee Strongholds and being low in NASA areas.
What you are not stating is why there should be such a scenario. Is there any factor akin to ICC where kalenjins were told that Raila was saying they were all murderers? How about Kikuyuland where the usual scare-mongering occurred?
Clearly you are upping the possibility of a high turn out and completely ignoring the factors suggesting it may not be that high.
There is also the electronic tinkering which you naturally deny but which we know happens and working hard to see an end to it.
3) If the answer is yes - then I doubt anybody can top up 2013 - except in those few counties -mainly in COAST - where turn out can be improved - which would add 1% advantage to NASA.
This is how the NIS topped up Uhuru (read very carefully because you have moved in to an echo chamber):
1. Having gained access to the IEBC database with administrative authority, Jubilee - NIS raided the database early in the morning and grabbed about 2 million voters from across the country.
2. They did this by indicating that the said voters had already voted. Thus whenever they surfaced at any polling station to vote they would be sent away and told they had already voted. To maximize their gains they targeted CORD areas so that they did not inadvertently grab voters who were already voting for Jubilee
3. "Armed" with these voters, they carefully "transferred" most to other areas where there would be little scrutiny. Here Polling officers could be told what figures to transmit to the IEBC after the elections. They distributed these 2 million votes across the country, making phone calls to Polling officers and ROs to receive and enter the results. In fact CORD only got evidence of some of these (the smaller fraction) from CORD strongholds where they were forced to doctor results after it became impossible to add any more in Jubilee zones without attracting attention or breaking the turnout and registered voters total.
4. The NIS working with the IEBC would then adjust the number of registered voters in a given location to include the new inflated numbers and keep within the "normal" turnout and under the Registered Voters. Hence Only the IEBC could tell how many voters were in any given area.
5. To guard against recounts ordered by activist judges, centres were created where ballots already obtained from friendly printers and augmented by those printed locally (when NIS using a commissioner obtained samples from the printer) they would mark the actual ballots and then deliver them for storage at "secure" locations. One such centre was at Kenyatta University.
It would be harder but not impossible to repeat. They can't set up fake polling stations or inflate figures at existing ones because of the 700 voter limit and the demand that ALL polling stations be published, complete with the number of voters.
note: these % are not idle talk - but based on my multivariate regression analysis .
I must say while doing MOAS - turn out has always been very very hard to model. It pretty easy to assign ethnic votes to various basket but turn out is nearly impossible to nail...which is why in my MOAS I always have +_3% error margin (otherwise if you understand the tribal tapestry of our great nation kenya - you can nail how people will vote - long before they turn up).
You are trying hard to doctor the process to given you the desired outcome. That can not work.
Issue No 2: Registration.
Without going into details - the stars if I can remember were Kiambu, Kajiado, Meru - those are Jubilee leaning zones. I can ran comparison per county for newly added votes and see which side did well.
And please don't monitor me. I am simple man.