Author Topic: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair  (Read 2854 times)

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... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2017, 11:51:54 PM »
We discussed the independent candidate a while back... the more the merrier so long as they back the PORK candidate. Jubilee will benefit from these friendly fights in its strongholds.
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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2017, 11:49:26 AM »
We discussed the independent candidate a while back... the more the merrier so long as they back the PORK candidate. Jubilee will benefit from these friendly fights in its strongholds.


Here is the deal. There is no Independent Pro Jubilee candidates. Those are Jubilee losers in the nominations that Pundit never stops praising as free and fair and better than ODM etc. Now, here is why he is praising the nominations:

Ruto rigged the nominations to remove any smell of opposition in 2022. His reach was far and wide. Now those rigged out and some who may have had mild objections to Ruto have now ganged up in to one powerful faction of Jubilee. They have been joined by others who lost out in the so called party merger. So when Ruto cleaned JP of opponents after merging the parties, he inadvertently split it again - recreating a TNA of sorts. This faction has one thing in common - hatred of Ruto. All else, even Raila is no longer an issue. The man who ruined their carefully laid plans and careers is Ruto and they are going for him.

For them to reach that point, they obviously had support from somewhere. You can help me guess where that is. Hint: If the meeting in Kasarani had been unwanted, you would have seen some teargas and the absence of the conspicuous NIS battalions who practically organized the meeting with Kabogo and PK bankrolling most of it. You can call it Private - Public political Investment, if you like :D.

Sonko in Nairobi is already determined a Ruto Project. The same is now being applied all over the TNA Base. In fact you will begin to see people working over time to distance themselves from Ruto in central. He is the man seeking to destroy Uthamaki. They feel they no longer need him - even though if you ask me, it is a bit too early and he can still do damage.

Benefits to Jubilee: I think it will genuine raise the turnout. It is a region where the elections of MPs, etc is settled once the nominations are over. Now however there is competition.

However the vote stuffing plans would have to go back on the drawing board. The idea was no have no elections for Governor, Senator and Woman Rep. That was there would be no tell-tale evidence of stuffing presidential election ballot boxes. Assuming you need to stuff 1000 votes, who then gets the 1000 for Senator, Gov and WR?

In RV, this is likely to backfire. Those who support WSR fanatically will be angered by this. While those who dislike him will say "I told you so!". It may result in the suppression of the vote for Uhuru or even a protest vote against him. At this stage it is mere speculation. There is no knowing how people will react as the facts come out.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2017, 12:01:46 PM »
It seems the dairy sector subsidies and development agenda by Mwangi wa Iria in Murang'a is not being taken well by the powers that be. They were determined to get him, but this court move just proved suicidal for the party, thus had to be quickly aborted with Jamleck conceding.

Such turn of events are a great blessing for the independent candidates.
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Offline Omollo

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2017, 01:54:04 PM »
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2017, 01:55:24 PM »
It seems the dairy sector subsidies and development agenda by Mwangi wa Iria in Murang'a is not being taken well by the powers that be. They were determined to get him, but this court move just proved suicidal for the party, thus had to be quickly aborted with Jamleck conceding.

Such turn of events are a great blessing for the independent candidates.
Has he conceded? I thought his take was that they will rig again and thus lock him out of the contest. I will ask to confirm
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2017, 12:23:34 AM »

Here is the deal. There is no Independent Pro Jubilee candidates. Those are Jubilee losers in the nominations that Pundit never stops praising as free and fair and better than ODM etc. Now, here is why he is praising the nominations:

Ruto rigged the nominations to remove any smell of opposition in 2022. His reach was far and wide. Now those rigged out and some who may have had mild objections to Ruto have now ganged up in to one powerful faction of Jubilee. They have been joined by others who lost out in the so called party merger. So when Ruto cleaned JP of opponents after merging the parties, he inadvertently split it again - recreating a TNA of sorts. This faction has one thing in common - hatred of Ruto. All else, even Raila is no longer an issue. The man who ruined their carefully laid plans and careers is Ruto and they are going for him.

For them to reach that point, they obviously had support from somewhere. You can help me guess where that is. Hint: If the meeting in Kasarani had been unwanted, you would have seen some teargas and the absence of the conspicuous NIS battalions who practically organized the meeting with Kabogo and PK bankrolling most of it. You can call it Private - Public political Investment, if you like :D.

Sonko in Nairobi is already determined a Ruto Project. The same is now being applied all over the TNA Base. In fact you will begin to see people working over time to distance themselves from Ruto in central. He is the man seeking to destroy Uthamaki. They feel they no longer need him - even though if you ask me, it is a bit too early and he can still do damage.

Benefits to Jubilee: I think it will genuine raise the turnout. It is a region where the elections of MPs, etc is settled once the nominations are over. Now however there is competition.

However the vote stuffing plans would have to go back on the drawing board. The idea was no have no elections for Governor, Senator and Woman Rep. That was there would be no tell-tale evidence of stuffing presidential election ballot boxes. Assuming you need to stuff 1000 votes, who then gets the 1000 for Senator, Gov and WR?

In RV, this is likely to backfire. Those who support WSR fanatically will be angered by this. While those who dislike him will say "I told you so!". It may result in the suppression of the vote for Uhuru or even a protest vote against him. At this stage it is mere speculation. There is no knowing how people will react as the facts come out.

Uhuru benefits while Ruto is the loser... he is gathering enemies quite fast - it used to be in his RV backyard, now it is up to Central. He wants to be president too much, which is off-putting and almost scary. Scheming has a limit - in a multiparty like Kenya - you shove Jubilee down people's throats and end up with the independent candidate we are seeing now. With the growing murmurs in Central, all you need is a defiant upstart who plays his cards well and the 2022 arrangement with GEMA will go up in smoke.

Pundit says Ruto is meticulous  :( ... well, he is a worse dictator than Raila. He used to sing about Luo cabal etc in ODM... the more he attempts a choke-hold on Jubilee the murkier it will get.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2017, 06:49:26 AM »
Show us evidence that rutoh influenced or rigged the vote.In rv many ruto allies lost.Ruto has never interfered with nominations.The losers lost fair and square in most credible nomination weve seen so far and will still lose come 8th.Nasa nomination starting from Busia is a different story..both wiper n odm conducted flawed polls.Again come 8th august the truth will emerge.The otuomas in odm will win but not the kabagos or keneths.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2017, 12:21:26 PM »
Tuju fumbled by design... so Ruto could take over and rig. It all makes of sense now. The losers... do they just hate Ruto? Why do they blame him?

Show us evidence that rutoh influenced or rigged the vote.In rv many ruto allies lost.Ruto has never interfered with nominations.The losers lost fair and square in most credible nomination weve seen so far and will still lose come 8th.Nasa nomination starting from Busia is a different story..both wiper n odm conducted flawed polls.Again come 8th august the truth will emerge.The otuomas in odm will win but not the kabagos or keneths.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2017, 01:37:29 PM »
If they admit they lost because they were unwanted or unpopular that won't be smart. They are looking for some scapegoat. At the end of the day - come 8th August - they will still lose because Ruto delivered very credible poll. Apart from few areas - the voters were quite unequivocal. Look at someone like Peter Kenneth or Kabogo - walloped 1:3 or 1:6 - and they are still crying rigging. If I lost by slim margin - I'd try my luck as independent - coz as credible as primaries were - they are still far from perfect.

Tuju fumbled by design... so Ruto could take over and rig. It all makes of sense now. The losers... do they just hate Ruto? Why do they blame him?

Offline Omollo

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2017, 02:13:14 PM »
Show us evidence that rutoh influenced or rigged the vote.In rv many ruto allies lost.Ruto has never interfered with nominations.The losers lost fair and square in most credible nomination weve seen so far and will still lose come 8th.Nasa nomination starting from Busia is a different story..both wiper n odm conducted flawed polls.Again come 8th august the truth will emerge.The otuomas in odm will win but not the kabagos or keneths.

It is unfair and disingenuous to ask Robina to provide you with evidence of Ruto's interference in the primaries. The right target for your question is the hundreds of Jubilee candidates who lost and are loudly blaming Ruto and accusing him of engineering their losses.

I have to say they make a good case of circumstantial evidence. 

I do not think Ruto had any interest in RV. He may have had superficial interest, especially in his native home but once it backfired he was content not to rock the boat.

Ruto's interest lies in taming potential rivals in central. Which makes me wonder who his advisers are and how competent could they possibly be? Pundit Ruto has already lost - even if Uhuru wins or loses. He had 4 and half years to run away with this thing.

I can now tell you because earlier than now and I would have helped him. The moment he got hold of the Ministry of Finance is the moment he had this in the bag. He should have resisisted the conversion of Rotich in to Uhuru's drinking pal. All Finance decisions should have been made in his office and Rotich asked to sign.

He would have bankrupted or disrupted Kabogo, Kirubi, PK and anybody else he saw as a danger. Without money they pose no threat.

Instead he is going after them politically - something you do when they are on their knees begging to s..k you pipe (sorry Robina).

He started off well when he went after Uhuru's femme fatale - Waiguru. But he got derailed in to becoming an attack dog. His raiding Western and launching personal attacks on Raila got him more enemies than he needed. In away instead of rewarding his rivals with enemies, he took them himself.

But Pundit believes in the magic and miracles of William Ruto (just like my dear friend and brother Kichwa believed in Raila in 2008 - 2012 leading to our clash) and will realize a bit too late that he's been had.

In machiavellian terms, Ruto's best chance is to engineer a defeat for Uhuru this time.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2017, 02:54:22 PM »
And Ruto should listen to you because you've a record of engineering PORK wins? :).Ruto as young as he is has 30 yrs experience at the kitchen of politics. From my reading Ruto understand the amount of hardwork, resource and patience that politics requires..ruthleness & decisiveness needed when hard decision have to be made. Ruto is working mt kenya very well. He has running mate in Kiunjuri who has won many allies..not through rigging..but through what Kabogo calls Kikuyu proverbs.

Anyway Ruto meteoric rise is not stoppable by any of of the current crop of half-baked politicians. The so called independent politician in central making the loudest noises are mostly first-timers who failed on their first test :) and will be forgotten on 9th August.

Ruto of course worked for the current outcome where many potential difficult gema leader fell by the wayside - not by RIGGING - but 4 years of scheming, facilitating & networking. The same with western, coast, somali, kalenjin, maa and name it...Ruto big difference with most of our politician like Raila or Kalonzo or simple...Ruto is hardworking go-getter who makes thing happen - and doesn't wait like a lazy fool for things to just happen.

Ruto is not waiting to be made PORK by anybody - he is making himself PORK - by slowly, meticulously and pain-painstakingly winning voters or people who can influence voters.

Only baba Moi can rival Ruto energy - county the numbers of trips, visits, meetings - most ruining into late nights, phone-calls, and billions of money ruto has spend - and you realize all that coming together is not happenstance - wait for last minute and rig yourself & allies in. That will only lead to Raila type of problems.

For example - Look at Sonko or Kabogo - they just didn't emerge like lazy peter kenneth - but have really worked hard and spend money - and their win is now "easy" - and you think possibly rigged.Those are the folks Ruto like to work with.

Only Uhuru has the luxury to be lazy. He has lots and lots of money and come of the largest tribal grouping (GEMA).

It is unfair and disingenuous to ask Robina to provide you with evidence of Ruto's interference in the primaries. The right target for your question is the hundreds of Jubilee candidates who lost and are loudly blaming Ruto and accusing him of engineering their losses.

I have to say they make a good case of circumstantial evidence. 

I do not think Ruto had any interest in RV. He may have had superficial interest, especially in his native home but once it backfired he was content not to rock the boat.

Ruto's interest lies in taming potential rivals in central. Which makes me wonder who his advisers are and how competent could they possibly be? Pundit Ruto has already lost - even if Uhuru wins or loses. He had 4 and half years to run away with this thing.

I can now tell you because earlier than now and I would have helped him. The moment he got hold of the Ministry of Finance is the moment he had this in the bag. He should have resisisted the conversion of Rotich in to Uhuru's drinking pal. All Finance decisions should have been made in his office and Rotich asked to sign.

He would have bankrupted or disrupted Kabogo, Kirubi, PK and anybody else he saw as a danger. Without money they pose no threat.

Instead he is going after them politically - something you do when they are on their knees begging to s..k you pipe (sorry Robina).

He started off well when he went after Uhuru's femme fatale - Waiguru. But he got derailed in to becoming an attack dog. His raiding Western and launching personal attacks on Raila got him more enemies than he needed. In away instead of rewarding his rivals with enemies, he took them himself.

But Pundit believes in the magic and miracles of William Ruto (just like my dear friend and brother Kichwa believed in Raila in 2008 - 2012 leading to our clash) and will realize a bit too late that he's been had.

In machiavellian terms, Ruto's best chance is to engineer a defeat for Uhuru this time.

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2017, 05:41:35 PM »

Independent is GEMA escape-valve to "2022 deal".  Sending the jubilant party post-2017 into the Safina, FORD-A ranks.
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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2017, 07:43:34 AM »
And Ruto should listen to you because you've a record of engineering PORK wins? :).Ruto as young as he is has 30 yrs experience at the kitchen of politics. From my reading Ruto understand the amount of hardwork, resource and patience that politics requires..ruthleness & decisiveness needed when hard decision have to be made. Ruto is working mt kenya very well. He has running mate in Kiunjuri who has won many allies..not through rigging..but through what Kabogo calls Kikuyu proverbs.

Anyway Ruto meteoric rise is not stoppable by any of of the current crop of half-baked politicians. The so called independent politician in central making the loudest noises are mostly first-timers who failed on their first test :) and will be forgotten on 9th August.

Ruto of course worked for the current outcome where many potential difficult gema leader fell by the wayside - not by RIGGING - but 4 years of scheming, facilitating & networking. The same with western, coast, somali, kalenjin, maa and name it...Ruto big difference with most of our politician like Raila or Kalonzo or simple...Ruto is hardworking go-getter who makes thing happen - and doesn't wait like a lazy fool for things to just happen.

Ruto is not waiting to be made PORK by anybody - he is making himself PORK - by slowly, meticulously and pain-painstakingly winning voters or people who can influence voters.

Only baba Moi can rival Ruto energy - county the numbers of trips, visits, meetings - most ruining into late nights, phone-calls, and billions of money ruto has spend - and you realize all that coming together is not happenstance - wait for last minute and rig yourself & allies in. That will only lead to Raila type of problems.

For example - Look at Sonko or Kabogo - they just didn't emerge like lazy peter kenneth - but have really worked hard and spend money - and their win is now "easy" - and you think possibly rigged.Those are the folks Ruto like to work with.

Only Uhuru has the luxury to be lazy. He has lots and lots of money and come of the largest tribal grouping (GEMA).
Ruto worked his way to the DP post. There have been ten other people who have occupied that office.

Let's see how he navigates this Pundit. Had this been a one party system, his approach of knocking out rivals would have worked. Instead it has spectacularly backfired.

I see you still believe the independents are working on their own and have to be dismissed. P.K losing would be no different from Uhuru who lost a parliamentary election, a presidential election and had to step down for Kibaki. It's no issue. What is important for him is to be seen running for an office this election round.

If you celebrate Sonko you must celebrate Kabogo even more. One is older in politics and certainly more prepared to take on Ruto. But then you are not strong on logic. You give credit for the same achievement you discredit depending on who is the recipient.

I predicted the loss of Uhuru in 2002 and the victory of Kibaki at a time when everyone thought it was a mirage.

I clearly stated that Raila would win in 2007 and added intelligence I had acquired on meetings and plots in State House to deny him the victory. I was locked out of RCB for that by a Kikuyu moderator. It happened.

In 2013 I did not participate in the campaigns but followed. Raila made one blunder and that was to ignore the IEBC as his opponent and focused on the wrong people. I specifically (before the campaigns) fingered Karangi and Mama Ngina. CORD should have declared war on Karangi, they did not and he gave Hassan the backing to shamelessly tinkle with figures eventually avoiding a fatal runoff. But then who am I telling? You have in your genes that there was no rigging and have refused to even look at the evidence!

NASA will go to the polls under free and fairl conditions. If there is a tincture of prepared rigging, there will be no need to grant Uhuru legitimacy by participating. The elections can be held inb 20 counties. There will be none in 27 plus. Share it with Ruto as he prepares to get ballots from Dubai for marking and transporting using the choppers Uhuru bought.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: In Their Own Words: Jubilee Primaries Were Not Free & Fair
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2017, 04:49:58 PM »
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread