You are moving from unserious to ridiculous. Mutua is practically sucking Ruto's stick to stay out of prison. Latest yesterday more allegations emerged when it was found that the auditor general had found 2.8 million missing which was collected in cash by Mutua to hand over to the Mutula Kilonzo family to help with the funeral!
Please name one case of impropriety against Nanok. Uhuru sent the EACC after him since 2014. To this day they have not found anything to pin on the man. So the result is "he has done nothing".
Nanok has increased the roads under tarmac in Turkana. He has built bridges and recarpeted old neglected roads in Turkana. Since Turkana is a massive and expansive territory, it is amazing that he has managed to upgrade roads linking urban centres.
Here is what he has done:
Promoted the commercial production of non wood forest products (Gum Arabic and Frankincense). There is a huge market for this in South and North Sudan not to mention the middle east! The National government had long refused to assist this sector.
I name a few to show that the claim of "nothing" is just another jubilee lie to smear nanok after Uhuru hurled shtani insults at him.
Ethuro got 30% while running for the senate?
and Munyes got 40% while running for the same senate seat?
and they will put it together and get 70% ???

If you are one of the top brains of URP in Jubilee then you people are easier than I expected.
I thought you were the Goebbels of Elections - concentrating on detail and cross checking every detail. We shall wallop you so badly you will accuse NASA of rigging elections.
Rege can defect and he would have as much effect as if Moses Kuria defected to NASA. You will notice that there is nobody in Jubilee I have compared the likes of Rege, Dalmas Otieno etc. You can have Midiwo today if you want, I doubt his wives would vote for Uhuru. So you are the one making a false equivalence.
Governors are trouble yes but not all of them. Where they have mobilized wanainchi to coalesce around a common concern they are riding back to the Governors mansion. Mombasa, Garissa and Turkana come to mind. Mandago simply made Ruto's interference the issue and rode on it to victory. (FYI we gave him some advice informally just to get back at WSR)
I have not seen your claims on the other counties. I have stated that marsabit is ours and we shall be expanding our vote over there. Garissa is no longer a battleground zone having become a sure NASA zone.
Uhuru needs those counties to make it to 25% on 24 counties. We think we can lock him out. So far he down to 21 counties. We want to make sure he stay there or reaches 23 maximum. Then we hear about that runoff.
I am not counting the fact that Rege of Homabay defected to Jubilee. Let us not split hairs -fact remain NANOK has received A LOT OF MONEY and has done very little with it. Most governors are seeing dust. I don't think Nanok is exceptional. Only Dr Mutua seem the obvious performer. Speaker Ethuro gave URP 30% of the vote; Munyes will add 40%; leaving the unpopular Nanok with 30%.
You can insist defection of someone like Munyes & all those Mps have no effect and we will have 30%;70% in favour of NASA but that is just been obstinate. These Mps,senators and governors are formidable leaders in their own small enclave...and will influence the vote. They are the folks to watch.
I guess you've no reply in Marsabit & Mandera. Do you have anything on WestPokot where CORD got 20% and are set to get 5% as the battle is now btw Jubilee and KANU. Going into 2013 - ODM had Ass minister like Sigor MP Litole & Julius Murgor -close Raila allies -- now they've nobody on ground --as the battle is btw Prof Lonyapou grp in Kanu & Jubilee governor grp - all supporting uhuru candidature.
Do you have anything on Samburu - where Jubilee I think are gonna sweep it or you want to move straight to Isiolo & Wajir - where the battle is btw Jubilee & Frontiers guys.