Author Topic: The rise of the BRAIN DEAD - wakenya wamechoka na wanasiasa - sonko generation  (Read 3923 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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All over kenya - in places that have held free and fair nomination - we are seeing the rise of the hiphop generation - drug dealers, conmen, muscians, and all sort of charlatans replacing lawyers, engineers,proffesionals, career politicians and really safe pair of their number will be their audacity.

Where we had barely literate rural politicians - we know have literate D- & E urban politicians.

Tibim Owinos,
Steve mbogos,
many more sonkos

I predict at least 20 of such specimens will be making our laws :D :D or at least will be attempting to do so :)

Offline Kichwa

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Its a transition. Just like Ouruto in 2017. Once they fail, the people will go back to what has worked over the years. History is cyclical. American is experimenting with a moron as president. Let us see how long they can sustain it. At least they have the luxury of wealth plus strong institutions to provide checks and balances.

All over kenya - in places that have held free and fair nomination - we are seeing the rise of the hiphop generation - drug dealers, conmen, muscians, and all sort of charlatans replacing lawyers, engineers,proffesionals, career politicians and really safe pair of their number will be their audacity.

Where we had barely literate rural politicians - we know have literate D- & E urban politicians.

Tibim Owinos,
Steve mbogos,
many more sonkos

I predict at least 20 of such specimens will be making our laws :D :D or at least will be attempting to do so :)

"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RVtitem

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People have lost hope with Highly "educated" frauds like kidero. Now their last hope is the like of sonko who they believe will share loot unlike the former who steal and let nothing trickle.

Offline Kichwa

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You mean the whole country is like Esther Arunga back then.  They will find out the hard way like Esther that these bad boys is not the answer- just like they found out with the two conmen now occupying the state house.

People have lost hope with Highly "educated" frauds like kidero. Now their last hope is the like of sonko who they believe will share loot unlike the former who steal and let nothing trickle.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Omollo

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Which of the people Pundit has mentioned have not been encouraged by the Kibaki - Uhuru Regime?

Sonko should be completing his term in prison having been caught in parliament under an assumed name. Kibaki let him off the hook because he was helpful in throwing insults at Raila and bankrolling the regime

Joho started off under his brothers wings collaborating with pro-Kibaki drug cartels. He soon found that he could not make it to parliament in PNU so he crossed to ODM. The rest is history. So powerful is he that he can make a dirty video of Uhuru's son and get away with it. Uhuru knows if he orders EJK they may EJK him or his family. That is the power of drugs

The others Pundit has mentioned are what I call small chokora. The Small Chokora and the Big Chokora could never have existed under Moi or even kenyatta. Jomo Kenyatta valued, respected and rewarded education. Hence most of the early PhDs were absorbed in government even drunken Obama.

All these guys can vanish overnight with a good government in power sending the proper signals. They exist in a lawless environment. It is their habitat. You change the habitat with a little chemical reactions and the pest runs for dear life.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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In short Kenya is becoming Mexico

Offline Omollo

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In short Kenya is becoming Mexico

The more I think about this the more I get disgusted. I have never agreed with a Pundit topic like I agree with this.

Has anybody else noticed how education is now not just undervalued but despised! You have all manner of riffraff wearing bling blings driving fuel guzzlers and behaving badly all over the place.

One thing that I have openly worried about is whether NASA can stand up to these characters. I fear they will just cross the floor and join whoever is in power.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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You left out wheeler dealer extraordinaire, Paul Kobia.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline Nefertiti

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The moment we elected war crime suspects it was down a slippery slope. The trend is set... Mexico it is.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline patel

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Precisely.  The minute we accepted indicted criminals we set ourselves up on a slippery slope, now it's a race to the bottom.
Sonko did time at simo la tewa, escaped from is he able to navigate past chapter 6?
The moment we elected war crime suspects it was down a slippery slope. The trend is set... Mexico it is.

Offline Omollo

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... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Kadudu

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Very interesting that most people who backed the couple are now turning round and wondering what has happened to the nation.
The standards were set the minute those two suspects were allowed to vie for the highest offices in the land.

The moment we elected war crime suspects it was down a slippery slope. The trend is set... Mexico it is.

Offline MOON Ki

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All over kenya - in places that have held free and fair nomination - we are seeing the rise of the hiphop generation - drug dealers, conmen, muscians, and all sort of charlatans replacing lawyers, engineers,proffesionals, career politicians and really safe pair of their number will be their audacity.

Where we had barely literate rural politicians - we know have literate D- & E urban politicians.

Tibim Owinos,
Steve mbogos,

Your observation is timely and on the mark.   Except for the red.   A quick look at the names on your list suggests that this "interesting" wave is largely in the urban areas---"enlightened" people with access to "information" and "knowledge" (think "locally" and world-wide-web) making their choices ... not "clueless" country bumpkins who have been led astray.    And it is a neat summary of where the "leaders of tomorrow" are---all the males wish to be "hustlers" and all the females wish to be "sponsored"---and what we can expect of the future.  Education?   Bugger that.   Babu Owino---perpetual student and perpetual student-union leader, youthful hustler, etc.----is the new model for our ""educated" youth.  At the other end from that we have the Waiguru Model: an appointment "on merit" is just a start, a stage-1 rocket to bigger and better things; theft and getting fired are  the fuel for the stage -2 rocket. Between those two, we have a pretty good idea of what's what: Sonko Model, etc.

Elsewhere ( Friend Omollo dishes up all sorts of gloomy headlines and demands an explanation from hk.   To explain what?   Kenyans have now started on the process of choosing their leaders for the next five years.    So far, there is not the slightest hint that anyone is particularly concerned about the relationship between those choices (and any desire for improvements, relative to how things are right now) and what the next five years will look like.   Of the next five, I  expect more of the same and then some ... major begging for food from the end of 2018, etc.

Kenya right now is a very interesting place for students of sociology, history, psychology, ... , whatever: people who have had the experience (and, by now, ought to have the knowledge) that should lead to better choices are now making choices that can only lead to "worse".   Why do they do it?  What is especially interesting---for me anyway---is that we can see this coming disaster unfold in "real time".

Now for some wagers: How long will it take after the second week of August for Kenyans to start complaining that their elected thieves leaders are (after all!) all thieves and will get thrown out in 2022?  State a period and how much you will put on the line.
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
Your True Friend, Brother,  and  Compatriot.

Offline Georgesoros

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Unfortunately its the same thing in the USA. Republicans are voted in by hilly billies - uneducated. They call teh educated "Elites", so we get policies that are hushed instead of being thoroughly vetted.

Offline hk

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Why urban areas? In my humble opinion, the urban areas has the highest percentage of poor people. Nairobi has more poor people than Turkana, samburu and marsabit combined. The new crop of "leaders" dish out cash and are very flashy that tends to appeal to alot of people. Even the so called educated leaders hardly ever do anything of substance. There's probably only less than 5 legislators who have come up with impactful legislation e.g Karue(CDF),Ndiritu(liberalization of rice farming) or Julius kones(tea reform).

Offline Georgesoros

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Its good to give out cash but its not sustainable.
The problem we have in Kenya is we have leaders who have no idea how to come up with policies that can sustain Kenya. Uhuru has no policy skills and Ruto is more interested in more power, that leaves Sonko et al style in charge. You dont need any education, just make money.

Why urban areas? In my humble opinion, the urban areas has the highest percentage of poor people. Nairobi has more poor people than Turkana, samburu and marsabit combined. The new crop of "leaders" dish out cash and are very flashy that tends to appeal to alot of people. Even the so called educated leaders hardly ever do anything of substance. There's probably only less than 5 legislators who have come up with impactful legislation e.g Karue(CDF),Ndiritu(liberalization of rice farming) or Julius kones(tea reform).

Offline Omollo

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Why urban areas? In my humble opinion, the urban areas has the highest percentage of poor people. Nairobi has more poor people than Turkana, samburu and marsabit combined. The new crop of "leaders" dish out cash and are very flashy that tends to appeal to alot of people. Even the so called educated leaders hardly ever do anything of substance. There's probably only less than 5 legislators who have come up with impactful legislation e.g Karue(CDF),Ndiritu(liberalization of rice farming) or Julius kones(tea reform).
If you hired a man to work for you and he put the same amount of time MPs spend on state work, you,d fire him summarily.
They work from Tuesday - Thursday then take Friday off and come back on Monday. They send their friends to sign in for them like lazy students do when missing lectures.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Georgesoros

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The speaker has failed to ensure that these people work, so we get crappy legislation that does not address peoples concerns.
If I were NASA leader ill run against the whole system. Its a win win situation.
Its a cossupt system - Corrupt executive, corrupt legislature, corrupt judiciary.

Why urban areas? In my humble opinion, the urban areas has the highest percentage of poor people. Nairobi has more poor people than Turkana, samburu and marsabit combined. The new crop of "leaders" dish out cash and are very flashy that tends to appeal to alot of people. Even the so called educated leaders hardly ever do anything of substance. There's probably only less than 5 legislators who have come up with impactful legislation e.g Karue(CDF),Ndiritu(liberalization of rice farming) or Julius kones(tea reform).
If you hired a man to work for you and he put the same amount of time MPs spend on state work, you,d fire him summarily.
They work from Tuesday - Thursday then take Friday off and come back on Monday. They send their friends to sign in for them like lazy students do when missing lectures.

Offline gout

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The younger generation want to see results. NOW! Hunger, unemployment, inability to marry due poverty, zero social mobility is real and personal to the younger generation in face of people pushing millions in gunny bags, helicopters. The younger generation is attempting last options of structured change, before they engage other options.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine