Author Topic: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet  (Read 99084 times)

Offline bittertruth

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #160 on: September 22, 2014, 07:57:19 AM »
Christianity, Islam, Budhism, Hinduism and all that are relatives of witchcraft, superstition and all archaic belief systems. Science is something else. Yes they are people who dabble in many or all of them. CJ Mutunga believes in probably all of them. Boko Haram strictly on Sharia. Some waganga forbid their kids to go to schools.

Bottomline...i can only engage in scientific debate...or historical debate (regarding religion or christianity) certainly beneath my intelligence to discuss the stupid stone age theories of your bible.

But you're free to start  yet another 100 page thread of biblical nonsense....but for me humanity or will not have advanced an INCH.

Whatever definition you have of science and technology, it has not been powered by atheists alone or to any significant extent. You may have zero regard for Christianity but Christianity is not the opposite of science and tech
Whatever definition you have of science and technology, it has not been powered by atheists alone or to any significant extent. You may have zero regard for Christianity but Christianity is not the opposite of science and tech
Prov 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #161 on: September 22, 2014, 08:01:13 AM »
That is nonsense. How otherwise intelligent people can have time and energy to devour really childish stone age stories about adam, god, devil,angel,archangel, amazing. Those are theories that are only relevant from historical perspective of understanding how the humans are evolved...from stone age.

If the stone age man was to wake up...his religion will be our current science. Their god will be carrying iphone..not a rossetta stone.

India god who is swimming in ocean of milk from sacred cow...would be feeding on chapatis and birianis.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #162 on: September 22, 2014, 08:09:25 AM »
I have not participated in it. I am just amazed that some of you can try to equate evolution and scientific concepts with stone-age theories. Keep debating god,adam and serpents...just know it a mighty waste of your time and energy...
Pundit, you know if you find religious topics stupid, you don't have to participate in them. You don't even have to read. It really is a free world. :D

Offline vooke

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #163 on: September 22, 2014, 08:40:40 AM »
Do you mind keeping your feelings to yourself? You are not adding anything to this debate
Termie is a very sober negro. Learn from him. I see ladies chit chat, I don't understand it, I don't jut in brandishing teststerone. I see negroes discussing rudge,Formula 1 or basketball. I let them be, am an Arsenal fan. I don't panic because am clueless unlike you

Atheism is as old as humanity so you are not the first and definitely not the last
The same way you cannot wish away withcraft and the same way we have to tolerate christianity..which i find to be such a waste of time and energy.

In-secured when i have been an atheist nearly all my life. If you met me in primary school..i was an atheist. In high school too. In university the same. I was instinctively atheistic since i was young kid. The only theory i grappled with when i was 10yrs is that earth was round...this i was told by Kiplimo who was in std 8....i agonized how that was possible until we were thought in std 7 about earth...but i knew bible stories were bunch of nonsense very early in my life..and ate all my sadaka (offering)...until i became rude about 10yrs old and completely refused to go to sunday school..1shs sadaka was less an incentive compared to hunting rabbits and other fun things i could do on sunday,

My beef is simple....i am gutted that otherwise intelligent people can spend 10 threads discussing NONSENSE. I know it not my energy or my time..but i would feel the same way if i found somebody running aimless up and down a hill.

The bible is the most concentrated BULLSHIET EVER PUBLISHED.

You can't wish Christianity away. You usually come off like a negro who is insecure in their atheism. Like you wish everyone was so you can be many. There are intelligent and dumb Christians who are more productive than you will ever imagine both here and elsewhere

2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #164 on: September 22, 2014, 08:50:53 AM »
And why do we a forum..again..if not to share our feelings. When you call evolution..evilution..that is your feeling..the same way i describe the bible as child like theories that are monumental waste of time and energy.
Do you mind keeping your feelings to yourself? You are not adding anything to this debate
Termie is a very sober negro. Learn from him

Atheism is as old as humanity so you are not the first and definitely not the last

Offline vooke

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #165 on: September 22, 2014, 08:55:55 AM »
when you run into a debate between negroes whose common ground is the Bible is inspired word of God, you are spamming if you keep on insisting that it is not or there is no God because that is not the subject of discussion.

This thread has garnered the highest views yet on this forum because the topic means alot to members and guests. If it is not your cup of tea, vamooz
And why do we a forum..again..if not to share our feelings. When you call evolution..evilution..that is your feeling..the same way i describe the bible as child like theories that are monumental waste of time and energy.
Do you mind keeping your feelings to yourself? You are not adding anything to this debate
Termie is a very sober negro. Learn from him

Atheism is as old as humanity so you are not the first and definitely not the last
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline kadame

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #166 on: September 22, 2014, 08:57:54 AM »
I have not participated in it. I am just amazed that some of you can try to equate evolution and scientific concepts with stone-age theories. Keep debating god,adam and serpents...just know it a mighty waste of your time and energy...
Pundit, you know if you find religious topics stupid, you don't have to participate in them. You don't even have to read. It really is a free world. :D
Pundit, with respect, I find this attitude towards Christian books to be a tad bigoted.

Personally, I have never encountered anything more sublime than the sermon on the mount anywhere, or prayers more moving than the psalms. Find me something more beautiful than the life of Christ and I will reconsider  :D There are people who disbelieve Christianity yet they recognize the profound teachings found in Christian holy books.

To me, Christ is real, even on a balance of probabilities measured on the evidence surrounding his life and the lives of his earliest followers. And since he taught the God of the Jews and their scriptures, I believe them too, on his authority. The Hebrews also were a simple nomadic animal-herding middle-eastern tribe, as far from academia as you can imagine. In fact, they were stone-age, as you put it!??? Yet they knew a God who fits a lofty philosophical concept that no other tribes around them ever knew about. YHWH- the ultimate Being, the actus purus. The definition of the first cause deducted by the most sophisticated human thinkers was long already in ancient Jewish oral History and then literature. Isn't that a tiny bit impressive?  :D This tribe claimed that they had encountered this being, a belief that caused them to be radically set apart in lifestyle and beliefs from the entire ancient world and to stringently hold on to their weird uniqueness against all odds/influences, simply based on their non-conventional God. Something happened to this tiny group to make them this way in mind-set, especially as odd as they were in the ancient world.

Besides...I honestly miss what is illogical about God :D It's not illogical to believe in an ultimate, unlimited, immaterial, singular being that is the cause of existence. When people say its illogical, it boggles the mind (mine). There are leading atheistic philosophers who acknowledge that its not illogical, they just opt for a different solution to the problem of existence :zen: I am not asking you to drop your world-view but to be more open minded towards different view-points, just for the sake of understanding if nothing else. :)
Just my 0.02 Kshs. wave  ;)

Offline TheDayTheDollarDies

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #167 on: September 22, 2014, 09:05:13 AM »
Not to be drawn into the debate  :D but I think the serpent in genesis is literal not symbolic. As we now know, satan can use anything or appear as anything even disguised as a person.
Mya, that's true. He can do that.

Yet it is narrated that God punished the serpent (the animal) by making him crawl on his belly. It is understandable that Adam and Eve could've been fooled by Satan's disguise, yet the same cannot be said for God. But if you read that literally, then it seems like God does not differentiate the animal from the tempter. I am therefore disinclined to treat that literally, but instead figuratively.

Remember, Genesis doesn't really tell us that it was Satan anywhere. This is something that has universally been understood regardless, that the serpent is the devil, who is called the deceiver and the tempter all over the scriptures. That tells me this was a symbol that everyone understood to be a reference to Satan as a tempter of humanity and not a literal occurrence involving a real snake. I see it the same way I see the dragon in revelation. These are generally symbols for Satan. St Peter also compares him to a roaring lion roaming the earth seeking whom he may devour. So satan is compared in many ways to animals deemed dangerous by the human psyche.

The punishment to crawl on the belly seems to represent some kind of punishment or curbing of his powers by God; some way that his leeway in man's world is diminished as a result of his causing man to fall.

Even the proto-evangelium--the curse God uttered to the serpent--has been historically interpreted to be a promise of salvation to Adam immediately after the fall of man. So God says "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" (Genesis 3:15). That clearly announces the coming of Christ who will crush the serpent's head. After all, he may have lost his legs but yet he still roams free and can even "bruise the heel" of man still.

The tree of life is unmistakably a symbol for Christ, the bread of life, and Christ speaks of himself in the identical terms in which the tree is described, "eat and live forever".

The tree of knowledge of good and evil represents some kind of independence from God, which is why Adam is told not to eat from it. Eating from it means deciding good and evil for oneself instead of placing filial trust in God as one's Lord. It's basically the essence of rebellion, or desiring/becoming one's own God.

So for me, and I understand for many early church fathers, the story of the fall as narrated is not a literal story but a symbolic narration of the fall of Adam and Eve from grace.

I was hesitant to say this, but i will say it since you brought it up. The Bible is Sooooo simple that you really need to get someone to HELP YOU MISUNDERSTAND IT.

You are buying into the devils oldest temptation in the book - Did God REALLYY say That?

You are on a dangerous path. Are you going to tell us that Christ didn't REALLY rise from the dead but it was simply "figurative?"

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #168 on: September 22, 2014, 09:07:39 AM »
Hehehe. I see you want to have unfettered license to mock others without getting it back.
when you run into a debate between negroes whose common ground is the Bible is inspired word of God, you are spamming if you keep on insisting that it is not or there is no God because that is not the subject of discussion.

This thread has garnered the highest views yet on this forum because the topic means alot to members and guests. If it is not your cup of tea, vamooz

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #169 on: September 22, 2014, 09:13:01 AM »
I am sure witches,those who practise hinduism, budhism,devil worship, islam and others would say exactly the same thing about their religion and the beautiful prose in their holy book.

Rather than wasting time and enegry trying to decipher the bible [an impossibility for most of the time]...why don't you engage in an historical inquiry of the bible and christianity. It easier to know what serpent really meant to the people of middle east and north easier to understand why the bible is written the way it's written.

It easier to know the source of bible text....they were written by people who existed....within an historical context.

I have read for instance that the Noah and the flooding is actually somewhere in Chad. Such kind of historical inquiry will help unlock the bible for you.

But of course you're at libery to spend the rest of your lifetime trying to understand the literal meaning of the text in the bible.

Pundit, with respect, I find this attitude towards Christian books to be a tad bigoted.

Personally, I have never encountered anything more sublime than the sermon on the mount anywhere, or prayers more moving than the psalms. Find me something more beautiful than the life of Christ and I will reconsider  :D There are people who disbelieve Christianity yet they recognize the profound teachings found in Christian holy books.

To me, Christ is real, even on a balance of probabilities measured on the evidence surrounding his life and the lives of his earliest followers. And since he taught the God of the Jews and their scriptures, I believe them too, on his authority. The Hebrews also were a simple nomadic animal-herding middle-eastern tribe, as far from academia as you can imagine. In fact, they were stone-age, as you put it!??? Yet they knew a God who fits a lofty philosophical concept that no other tribes around them ever knew about. YHWH- the ultimate Being, the actus purus. The definition of the first cause deducted by the most sophisticated human thinkers was long already in ancient Jewish oral History and then literature. Isn't that a tiny bit impressive?  :D This tribe claimed that they had encountered this being, a belief that caused them to be radically set apart in lifestyle and beliefs from the entire ancient world and to stringently hold on to their weird uniqueness against all odds/influences, simply based on their non-conventional God. Something happened to this tiny group to make them this way in mind-set, especially as odd as they were in the ancient world.

Besides...I honestly miss what is illogical about God :D It's not illogical to believe in an ultimate, unlimited, immaterial, singular being that is the cause of existence. When people say its illogical, it boggles the mind (mine). There are leading atheistic philosophers who acknowledge that its not illogical, they just opt for a different solution to the problem of existence :zen: I am not asking you to drop your world-view but to be more open minded towards different view-points, just for the sake of understanding if nothing else. :)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #170 on: September 22, 2014, 09:14:28 AM »
I am sure witches,those who practise hinduism, budhism,devil worship, islam and others would say exactly the same thing about their religion and the beautiful prose in their holy book.

Rather than wasting time and enegry trying to decipher the bible [an impossibility for most of the time]...why don't you engage in an historical inquiry of the bible and christianity. It easier to know what serpent really meant to the people of middle east and north easier to understand why the bible is written the way it's written.

It easier to know the source of bible text....they were written by people who existed....within an historical context.

I have read for instance that the Noah and the flooding is actually somewhere in Chad.

But of course you want to spend the rest of your lifetime trying to understand the literal meaning of what is contained in the bible.

Pundit, with respect, I find this attitude towards Christian books to be a tad bigoted.

Personally, I have never encountered anything more sublime than the sermon on the mount anywhere, or prayers more moving than the psalms. Find me something more beautiful than the life of Christ and I will reconsider  :D There are people who disbelieve Christianity yet they recognize the profound teachings found in Christian holy books.

To me, Christ is real, even on a balance of probabilities measured on the evidence surrounding his life and the lives of his earliest followers. And since he taught the God of the Jews and their scriptures, I believe them too, on his authority. The Hebrews also were a simple nomadic animal-herding middle-eastern tribe, as far from academia as you can imagine. In fact, they were stone-age, as you put it!??? Yet they knew a God who fits a lofty philosophical concept that no other tribes around them ever knew about. YHWH- the ultimate Being, the actus purus. The definition of the first cause deducted by the most sophisticated human thinkers was long already in ancient Jewish oral History and then literature. Isn't that a tiny bit impressive?  :D This tribe claimed that they had encountered this being, a belief that caused them to be radically set apart in lifestyle and beliefs from the entire ancient world and to stringently hold on to their weird uniqueness against all odds/influences, simply based on their non-conventional God. Something happened to this tiny group to make them this way in mind-set, especially as odd as they were in the ancient world.

Besides...I honestly miss what is illogical about God :D It's not illogical to believe in an ultimate, unlimited, immaterial, singular being that is the cause of existence. When people say its illogical, it boggles the mind (mine). There are leading atheistic philosophers who acknowledge that its not illogical, they just opt for a different solution to the problem of existence :zen: I am not asking you to drop your world-view but to be more open minded towards different view-points, just for the sake of understanding if nothing else. :)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #171 on: September 22, 2014, 09:18:45 AM »
For instance if you want to understand Genesis; this is one blog by this lady who i love reading

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #172 on: September 22, 2014, 09:25:35 AM »
Some of these topics are wide and deep, and they are not mutually exclusive. For instance, the best rebuttal against Genesis creation account is that there are similar Babylonian tales, Dead Sea scrolls, Apocrypha, biblical languages...guys earn PhDs on these things

There are sites dedicated to that, I participate in them, I read books. But when I come to, I come as a Christian who believes the Bible is the inspired word of God. I think kadame does the same
I am sure witches,those who practise hinduism, budhism,devil worship, islam and others would say exactly the same thing about their religion and the beautiful prose in their holy book.

Rather than wasting time and enegry trying to decipher the bible [an impossibility for most of the time]...why don't you engage in an historical inquiry of the bible and christianity. It easier to know what serpent really meant to the people of middle east and north easier to understand why the bible is written the way it's written.

It easier to know the source of bible text....they were written by people who existed....within an historical context.

I have read for instance that the Noah and the flooding is actually somewhere in Chad. Such kind of historical inquiry will help unlock the bible for you.

But of course you're at libery to spend the rest of your lifetime trying to understand the literal meaning of the text in the bible.

Pundit, with respect, I find this attitude towards Christian books to be a tad bigoted.

Personally, I have never encountered anything more sublime than the sermon on the mount anywhere, or prayers more moving than the psalms. Find me something more beautiful than the life of Christ and I will reconsider  :D There are people who disbelieve Christianity yet they recognize the profound teachings found in Christian holy books.

To me, Christ is real, even on a balance of probabilities measured on the evidence surrounding his life and the lives of his earliest followers. And since he taught the God of the Jews and their scriptures, I believe them too, on his authority. The Hebrews also were a simple nomadic animal-herding middle-eastern tribe, as far from academia as you can imagine. In fact, they were stone-age, as you put it!??? Yet they knew a God who fits a lofty philosophical concept that no other tribes around them ever knew about. YHWH- the ultimate Being, the actus purus. The definition of the first cause deducted by the most sophisticated human thinkers was long already in ancient Jewish oral History and then literature. Isn't that a tiny bit impressive?  :D This tribe claimed that they had encountered this being, a belief that caused them to be radically set apart in lifestyle and beliefs from the entire ancient world and to stringently hold on to their weird uniqueness against all odds/influences, simply based on their non-conventional God. Something happened to this tiny group to make them this way in mind-set, especially as odd as they were in the ancient world.

Besides...I honestly miss what is illogical about God :D It's not illogical to believe in an ultimate, unlimited, immaterial, singular being that is the cause of existence. When people say its illogical, it boggles the mind (mine). There are leading atheistic philosophers who acknowledge that its not illogical, they just opt for a different solution to the problem of existence :zen: I am not asking you to drop your world-view but to be more open minded towards different view-points, just for the sake of understanding if nothing else. :)
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline kadame

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #173 on: September 22, 2014, 09:28:13 AM »
Not to be drawn into the debate  :D but I think the serpent in genesis is literal not symbolic. As we now know, satan can use anything or appear as anything even disguised as a person.
Mya, that's true. He can do that.

Yet it is narrated that God punished the serpent (the animal) by making him crawl on his belly. It is understandable that Adam and Eve could've been fooled by Satan's disguise, yet the same cannot be said for God. But if you read that literally, then it seems like God does not differentiate the animal from the tempter. I am therefore disinclined to treat that literally, but instead figuratively.

Remember, Genesis doesn't really tell us that it was Satan anywhere. This is something that has universally been understood regardless, that the serpent is the devil, who is called the deceiver and the tempter all over the scriptures. That tells me this was a symbol that everyone understood to be a reference to Satan as a tempter of humanity and not a literal occurrence involving a real snake. I see it the same way I see the dragon in revelation. These are generally symbols for Satan. St Peter also compares him to a roaring lion roaming the earth seeking whom he may devour. So satan is compared in many ways to animals deemed dangerous by the human psyche.

The punishment to crawl on the belly seems to represent some kind of punishment or curbing of his powers by God; some way that his leeway in man's world is diminished as a result of his causing man to fall.

Even the proto-evangelium--the curse God uttered to the serpent--has been historically interpreted to be a promise of salvation to Adam immediately after the fall of man. So God says "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" (Genesis 3:15). That clearly announces the coming of Christ who will crush the serpent's head. After all, he may have lost his legs but yet he still roams free and can even "bruise the heel" of man still.

The tree of life is unmistakably a symbol for Christ, the bread of life, and Christ speaks of himself in the identical terms in which the tree is described, "eat and live forever".

The tree of knowledge of good and evil represents some kind of independence from God, which is why Adam is told not to eat from it. Eating from it means deciding good and evil for oneself instead of placing filial trust in God as one's Lord. It's basically the essence of rebellion, or desiring/becoming one's own God.

So for me, and I understand for many early church fathers, the story of the fall as narrated is not a literal story but a symbolic narration of the fall of Adam and Eve from grace.

I was hesitant to say this, but i will say it since you brought it up. The Bible is Sooooo simple that you really need to get someone to HELP YOU MISUNDERSTAND IT.

You are buying into the devils oldest temptation in the book - Did God REALLYY say That?

You are on a dangerous path. Are you going to tell us that Christ didn't REALLY rise from the dead but it was simply "figurative?"
@Kadude, tusianzane na wewe pia. 8) The fall has been interpreted like that from the earliest times. I am not denying the existence of Adam and Eve, the temptation of the devil, the sin/fall from grace of Adam and Eve, and the consequences that followed. Tell me what is wrong with that interpretation, don't just go into bible-thumping mode. That's less productive.

I have already stated here that the Gospels and the majority of New and Old Testament texts are historical accounts, so I don't know why you are bringing it up. What I am saying about Genesis, especially the first 2 chapters is that it is to me allegorical, and I am not the first Christian to approach these creation narratives this way. How to understand genesis, whether literal or symbolic, has been a thorny issue in the church from the beginning.

@Pundit. Why do you assume Christian scholarship does not involve historical inquiry of the sort you are describing? See, that's the bigotry I was referring to. You seem to assume Christians never think...they do, my friend.
Just my 0.02 Kshs. wave  ;)

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #174 on: September 22, 2014, 09:32:52 AM »
Negro, there is a big difference between mocking and spamming.
Look at this thread, what value do you add by regurgitating your mantra of Bible is crab, Jewish myth? How relevant is that?  Was that in question?

My Christian faith is so secure, I have had opportunities and exposure to all things you can imagine but I choose Christ. So your mocking is not the problem. It is spamming. I don't believe in evilution and I have infinite reasons not to and none to believe in it, but I don't spam evilutionist threads.

If you want to debate the stupidity of Christian faith, start a thread and we can join if otherwise this is pure spamming which is quite unlike you especially as a moderator

Hehehe. I see you want to have unfettered license to mock others without getting it back.
when you run into a debate between negroes whose common ground is the Bible is inspired word of God, you are spamming if you keep on insisting that it is not or there is no God because that is not the subject of discussion.

This thread has garnered the highest views yet on this forum because the topic means alot to members and guests. If it is not your cup of tea, vamooz
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #175 on: September 22, 2014, 09:50:27 AM »
First am sorry is not a christian forum.

Moving swiftly.

Yes such of stuff (biblical anthropology) interest me. It certainly help unlock the kind of lockjam you're engaged with kadame here endlessly. Even the constitution...which is our country bible...when the literal meaning fails....then you've to go into the drafter notes,minds and circumstances of that time.

This is another good one

It easier to unlock the genesis by digging into annals of middle and north africa history....mostly ancient egypt....just across our borders in sudan...than yet another 100 thread of evilusion.

Even even kalenjin religion of the yore is similar to your bible.  One god. Praying 5 times a day. And many similarities. need to step back from seeing the bible as holy text..and realize this was just a text written by people...mostly pharaohs priest of the yore.

Some of these topics are wide and deep, and they are not mutually exclusive. For instance, the best rebuttal against Genesis creation account is that there are similar Babylonian tales, Dead Sea scrolls, Apocrypha, biblical languages...guys earn PhDs on these things

There are sites dedicated to that, I participate in them, I read books. But when I come to, I come as a Christian who believes the Bible is the inspired word of God. I think kadame does the same

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #176 on: September 22, 2014, 09:52:07 AM »
First am sorry is not a christian forum.

Moving swiftly.

Yes such of stuff (biblical anthropology) interest me. It certainly help unlock the kind of lockjam you're engaged with kadame here endlessly. Even the constitution...which is our country bible...when the literal meaning fails....then you've to go into the drafter notes,minds and circumstances of that time.

This is another good one

It easier to unlock the genesis by digging into annals of middle and north africa history....mostly ancient egypt....just across our borders in sudan.

Even even kalenjin religion of the yore is similar to your bible.  One god. Praying 5 times a day. And many similarities. need to step back from seeing the bible as holy text..and realize this was just a text written by people...mostly pharaohs priest of the yore.

Some of these topics are wide and deep, and they are not mutually exclusive. For instance, the best rebuttal against Genesis creation account is that there are similar Babylonian tales, Dead Sea scrolls, Apocrypha, biblical languages...guys earn PhDs on these things

There are sites dedicated to that, I participate in them, I read books. But when I come to, I come as a Christian who believes the Bible is the inspired word of God. I think kadame does the same

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #177 on: September 22, 2014, 09:57:40 AM »
Stop being stupid. If you cannot handle completely divergent views..don't call it spamming. You do not get to choose who you engage in a public forum.
Negro, there is a big difference between mocking and spamming.
Look at this thread, what value do you add by regurgitating your mantra of Bible is crab, Jewish myth? How relevant is that?  Was that in question?

My Christian faith is so secure, I have had opportunities and exposure to all things you can imagine but I choose Christ. So your mocking is not the problem. It is spamming. I don't believe in evilution and I have infinite reasons not to and none to believe in it, but I don't spam evilutionist threads.

If you want to debate the stupidity of Christian faith, start a thread and we can join if otherwise this is pure spamming which is quite unlike you especially as a moderator

Offline vooke

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #178 on: September 22, 2014, 10:02:31 AM »
How many threads have you 2tarted in the last 24 hours?
let's pick SGR. Supposing I responded by bringing up ballin bae? That's spamming. While you can't control who responds to your posts, you would rightfully call me a spammer if I start talking about RV sodomy there
Stop being stupid. If you cannot handle completely divergent views..don't call it spamming. You do not get to choose who you engage in a public forum.
Negro, there is a big difference between mocking and spamming.
Look at this thread, what value do you add by regurgitating your mantra of Bible is crab, Jewish myth? How relevant is that?  Was that in question?

My Christian faith is so secure, I have had opportunities and exposure to all things you can imagine but I choose Christ. So your mocking is not the problem. It is spamming. I don't believe in evilution and I have infinite reasons not to and none to believe in it, but I don't spam evilutionist threads.

If you want to debate the stupidity of Christian faith, start a thread and we can join if otherwise this is pure spamming which is quite unlike you especially as a moderator
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline vooke

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Re: An evilusion debate, the board is too quiet
« Reply #179 on: September 22, 2014, 10:05:56 AM »
Nobody said it is. Christianity is a faith and a topic just like SGR or devilution. And I doubt it is against any RULE of .org. So swallow your pride from a far and watch those who don't subscribe to your faith enjoying Veritas magic :)

Like I said, just because I have never discussed those topics don't mean they are foreign to me. vooke is a Christian and debates from that perspective. You need to write something I haven't come across, share it with me to convince me to abandon my faith. Otherwise you are wasting your time
First am sorry is not a christian forum.

Moving swiftly.

Yes such of stuff (biblical anthropology) interest me. It certainly help unlock the kind of lockjam you're engaged with kadame here endlessly. Even the constitution...which is our country bible...when the literal meaning fails....then you've to go into the drafter notes,minds and circumstances of that time.

This is another good one

It easier to unlock the genesis by digging into annals of middle and north africa history....mostly ancient egypt....just across our borders in sudan...than yet another 100 thread of evilusion.

Even even kalenjin religion of the yore is similar to your bible.  One god. Praying 5 times a day. And many similarities. need to step back from seeing the bible as holy text..and realize this was just a text written by people...mostly pharaohs priest of the yore.

Some of these topics are wide and deep, and they are not mutually exclusive. For instance, the best rebuttal against Genesis creation account is that there are similar Babylonian tales, Dead Sea scrolls, Apocrypha, biblical languages...guys earn PhDs on these things

There are sites dedicated to that, I participate in them, I read books. But when I come to, I come as a Christian who believes the Bible is the inspired word of God. I think kadame does the same
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.