There are many reasons being cited especially with neighboring countries snubbing her and voting for candidates from other regions. I am still trying find the detailed vote to see how countries voted.
Tanzania is confirmed to have NOT voted for her. There is a rumor that Uganda eventually failed to vote for her. That was expected after Kenya stabbed Specioza Kazibwe in the ribs by presenting Amina Mohammed.
Sudan voted for Chad which is natural with fellow Zaghawas being President and Foreign Minister.
There is talk of heavy bribes. I always wondered why Kenya thought they could bribe Idriss Debby who has the entire petro dollars at his disposal. It's a case of failing to understand the people you want to preach to.
Then the trip to South Africa. Did they read the various resolutions passed by ANC affiliates, SADC over who should succeed Nkosazana Zuma?