Author Topic: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western  (Read 2863 times)

Offline Omollo

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Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« on: January 23, 2017, 05:41:03 PM »
So desperate is Jubilee in Western that they have resorted to ferrying people from as far as Kapsabet and Eldoret to come and pose as locals to cheer Ruto.

Sadly some of the buses come nearly empty meaning even the source is not so forthcoming.

Angalieni wenyewe. This was taken today in Mumias. The same "crowd" was headed to Bungoma when it ran into headwinds and had to turn around.

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Offline patel

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2017, 08:16:15 PM »
Jubilee is trying too had to prop tyranny of numbers nonsense.  Kenyans are woke to the fact that this is the most corrupt and incompetent regime in kenya history.

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2017, 09:41:21 PM »

There is something bothering me.

Ruto was "given" Western and Nyanza while Uhuru has given himself Ukambani, Kisii and Pwani.

Ruto's game plan is that whether Jubilee wins this time or not, his eyes are on 2022. He intends to groom a Luhya candidate and run for office with him since he knows the will not get Kikuyu votes. We heard that Jubilee operative (=Kikuyus) had got wind of that and they were very angry) and then today happens. Today was a huge setback for Ruto.

What is surprising is that CORD has issued very clear instructions that Jubilee shall not be hindered in CORD zones unless we get hindered in Jubilee or contested zones. Then we see youth dropped in town and they start shouting and heckling. The Police are standing by and do nothing.

My take is that this is internal Jubilee politics. CORD has nothing to gain from harassing Ruto. The official line has been to completely ignore Ruto and never attack him. But focus all attacks on Uhuru Kenyatta. It is Uhuru to be demonized so today is a deviation from that strategy. We get no votes shouting Ruto's name but for every time we shout Uhuru's name there are five to ten solid votes.

BTW do you notice that there is something seriously wrong below

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline patel

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2017, 10:36:17 PM »
Ruto will never run for president he has resigned to being a power broker by pimping kalenjin votes.

On kisii Jubilee women leaders...are their no women in kisii?

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2017, 10:34:56 AM »
I think Raila and by extension CORD have managed to retain their strong holds,Kisiis look more corded than ever,Western is completely locked,coast is corded,jubilees next srategy is to rig

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2017, 12:25:15 PM »
Really - they've lost huge chunks of western (mumias-ababus-Gov Lusaka) - coast (Jubilee is playing stronger than ever) - Gusii(now 50-50) - and other swing counties. There is no doubt that jubilee will improve it's 53% (not 50% plus 1 as popularly alleged) to 55% on the minimum or 60% on the upper bound.

Uhuru is coming back with 57%!

I think Raila and by extension CORD have managed to retain their strong holds,Kisiis look more corded than ever,Western is completely locked,coast is corded,jubilees next srategy is to rig

Offline Omollo

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2017, 04:17:50 PM »
We are back to the Moi-Era thinking. Kibaki tried it in 2005 and when he lost the referendum wised up somewhat and got out of state house  long enough to learn that he had to steal.

Under Moi, he counted MPs and demagogues as representing the people from their home areas. Kamotho would come and tell him Murang'a and Nyeri were with him; Omamo would "bring in" Kisumu and Mwangale sat at the high table for Bungoma while Shariff Nassir represented Pwani. Moiu got a rude awakening in 1992.

So Pundit keeps using that same line. He lists Mumias because Washiali tells them so. This is despite the fact that there is no Raila friendly sub district in Kakamega like the Wanga dominated Mumias. The entire belt from Mumias is a Luo-speaking zone stretching naturally into Luoland. Part of the reason Shikuku and Wameyo were treated with suspicion under Moi was because they would not send their "condemnation" of Jaramogi to VOK. They feared a backlash in their own backyards. Dr. Elon Wameyo represented the wider Mumias before the Washialis of today took portions of it.

Ken Lusaka is light weight of lightweights. One cannot rule out one's own clan or subclan voting for its son especially with County Money flowing like the River Nzoia. But Jubilee has to remember that it is the Bukusu we are dealing with. They brought down Mwangale with his millions; They dumped Mukhisa Kituyi who had been lying to Kibaki all along; They rejected Musikari Kombo. Wetangula had to steal the Sirisia seat in 2007 because they rejected him.

Ababu Namwamba: Pay attention Pundit:

Go to the results of the 2013 elections. Check what Ababu Namwamba received in Budalangi. Then check what Raila Odinga received. And in the true fashion of an honest man post it here and explain it. I will surely commend you for being honest if you do that.

In fact I will withdraw what I have been saying ton the effect that Ababu Namwamba served his purpose - to defect and embarrass ODM. We have revenged with Oloo. You got ours we got yours. But to assume that Oloo or Namwamba would add or subtract votes anywhere is naive.

The 57% that Pundit is talking about is what double registration and NIS Ethiopian and Ugandan voters will deliver. But we have the noose closing in on them. We are digging out each and eve3ry one of their plans exposing and destroying them.

I just heard of Jubilee tribulations in Garissa a few minutes ago. Ethnic appointments have ruined Jubilee
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2017, 04:23:41 PM »
If I were to use mps allied to Jubilee as indicator; it would be 70-80%; half of CORD are allied to Jubilee except for Luo Nyanza where only Rege has seen the light. I am basing my bold prediction that Jubilee will improve it 53% to 57% on the fact that Jubilee will not do any worse in western, coast, nyanza, pastoralist kenya,Ukambani and other swing areas than it did in 2013- they are doing far better than they did in 2013. Of course Jubilee has it's key plank of GEMA+RV under lock and key.

The only way for Jubilee is UP! With benefit of incumbency and it's solid development record and it's Ruto tireless policking; expect Jubilee to reap lots of votes in coast, western,gusii, ukambani and such areas.

After registration is done and we have final figures..we will ran MOAS...and we will know the next PORK months earlier.

We are back to the Moi-Era thinking. Kibaki tried it in 2005 and when he lost the referendum wised up somewhat and got out of state house  long enough to learn that he had to steal.

Under Moi, he counted MPs and demagogues as representing the people from their home areas. Kamotho would come and tell him Murang'a and Nyeri were with him; Omamo would "bring in" Kisumu and Mwangale sat at the high table for Bungoma while Shariff Nassir represented Pwani. Moiu got a rude awakening in 1992.

So Pundit keeps using that same line. He lists Mumias because Washiali tells them so. This is despite the fact that there is no Raila friendly sub district in Kakamega like the Wanga dominated Mumias. The entire belt from Mumias is a Luo-speaking zone stretching naturally into Luoland. Part of the reason Shikuku and Wameyo were treated with suspicion under Moi was because they would not send their "condemnation" of Jaramogi to VOK. They feared a backlash in their own backyards. Dr. Elon Wameyo represented the wider Mumias before the Washialis of today took portions of it.

Ken Lusaka is light weight of lightweights. One cannot rule out one own clan or subclan voting for their son especially with County Money. But Jubilee has to remember that it is the Bukusu we are dealing with. They brought down Mwangale with his millions; They dumped Mukhisa Kituyi who had been lying to Kibaki all along; They rejected Musikari Kombo. Wetangula had to steal the Sirisia seat in 2007 because they rejected him.

The 57% that Pundit is talking about is what double registration and NIS Ethiopian and Ugandan voters will deliver. But we have the noose closing in on them. We are digging out each and eve3ry one of their plans exposing and destroying them.

I just heard of Jubilee tribulations in Garissa a few minutes ago. Ethnic appointments have ruined Jubilee

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2017, 04:25:45 PM »

Let us go concrete.

1. How many votes did Uhuru score in Western. Please break them down per county
2. How many do you think he will get this time and why
If I were to use mps allied to Jubilee as indicator; it would be 70-80%; half of CORD are allied to Jubilee except for Luo Nyanza where only Rege has seen the light. I am basing my bold prediction that Jubilee will improve it 53% to 57% on the fact that Jubilee will not do any worse in western, coast, nyanza, pastoralist kenya,Ukambani and other swing areas than it did in 2013- they are doing far better than they did in 2013. Of course Jubilee has it's key plank of GEMA+RV under lock and key.

The only way for Jubilee is UP!

After registration is done and we have final figures..we will ran MOAS...and we will know the next PORK months earlier.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2017, 04:27:00 PM »
He got 5% mostly from Kalenjin in Mt Elgon, Bungoma County. He will get more than 5% especially in Bungoma & Kakamega (Mumias). I see them doubling that 5% to 10-15%.In region that register about 1.4M or less entirely - and maybe 80% get to vote - 1m votes - that is just about 100-150k votes - with Kalenjin of Mt elgon contributing 50K - and Lusaka & others working hard to bring another 50k. Unless Wetangula goes for Bungoma governorship - I see Lusaka beating Wangamati (an elitist snob) - and with Mumias's Wanga still smarting from Raila/Kidero mumias looting - I think we can see about 100K luhya votes - add to Kalenjin 50k - and you've 150k.

Let us go concrete.

1. How many votes did Uhuru score in Western. Please break them down per county

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2017, 05:22:33 PM »

Uhuru got no votes in Western. The 5% you are trumpeting was delivered by NIS operatives who infiltrated the IEBC. They would only transmit results once they got calls from IEBC with the "correct" figures to send. The preamble was to use the police to clear polling stations before the fake results were transmitted.

The Saboats are still smarting from Kibaki ordered KDF mass killings.

We are happy to have Jubilee play the discredited "Raila-Looted-Mumias" line because we want to keep the huge amounts Kikuyu farmers receive for their private loans alive.

Check the demographics of Mumias properly Pundit.

He got 5% mostly from Kalenjin in Mt Elgon, Bungoma County. He will get more than 5% especially in Bungoma & Kakamega (Mumias). I see them doubling that 5% to 10-15%.In region that register about 1.4M or less entirely - and maybe 80% get to vote - 1m votes - that is just about 100-150k votes - with Kalenjin of Mt elgon contributing 50K - and Lusaka & others working hard to bring another 50k. Unless Wetangula goes for Bungoma governorship - I see Lusaka beating Wangamati (an elitist snob) - and with Mumias's Wanga still smarting from Raila/Kidero mumias looting - I think we can see about 100K luhya votes - add to Kalenjin 50k - and you've 150k.

Let us go concrete.

1. How many votes did Uhuru score in Western. Please break them down per county

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Pajero

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2017, 05:59:03 PM »
 Deputy President William Ruto for the second day encountered a hostile crowd as he toured Trans-Nzoia County where he took the voter registration campaign on Tuesday. Tension was high in Kiminini Township, his first stop, in the County before Ruto's arrival when Ford Kenya and Jubilee youths faced off before the local security team led by County Commissioner Ann Gakuria acted swiftly and intervened to calm both sides of the supporters. A chopper carrying the DP, which was supposed to land at Masaba primary school grounds within Kiminini Township was forced to land at Kitale Members Club as security team sorted the tension. There were some exchange of words between police officers and a group of youths who were singing in support of Ford Kenya as they tried to barricade the road leading to Masaba primary school grounds where the DP had landed. The crowd at the Kiminini stage burst into jubilation when area Ford Kenya MP Dr Chris Wamalwa emerged a top his vehicle as Ruto's convoy snaked into the area from the school. ALSO READ: DP William Ruto's Bungoma tour met with hostility The DP braved the hostile reception from the Ford Kenya youths and addressed the crowd urging residents to register in large numbers as voters. Ruto listed development projects initiated by Jubilee administration in the area including the construction of the Kitale-Kakamega road amid shouts of Ford Kenya that rent the air from the crowd. "For less than four years, Jubilee has made strides to ensure Kenyans are supplied with electricity and provision of free education to untie parents from the burden of raising money to pay school levies," Ruto said. He lured the residents to join the Jubilee promising that more development projects by the government were underway. "Let us walk with the government to enable the country move forward. We have done more than what has not been achieved since independence," Ruto told the crowd. Ruto appeared incensed by remarks by Dr Wamalwa who said Jubilee should stop wasting time luring residents of Trans Nzoia who he calimed were deeply in the Opposition. Dr Wamalwa told Ruto to his face that Jubilee has no room in Trans Nzoia singling out his Kiminini constituency. ALSO READ: Uhuru, Ruto plead with voters for another term "Your Excellency, we love you and we appreciate development projects initiated by the Jubilee government in the county but the truth of the matter is that this is an opposition zone and JP should stop wasting time luring residents," Wamalwa told the DP. In apparent criticism to Jubilee's laptop project, Dr Wamalwa told Ruto that Masaba primary school where he landed had not received the gadgets. The DP dismissed remarks by Dr Wamalwa arguing that his statement were 'personal and not the political position of the locals'. "What do you mean that Jubilee has no room here? That is your personal statement and does not represent the feeling of the locals," Ruto hit at the MP. At one moment, a furious Ruto told off a Ford Kenya youth who tried to shout down Women representative Janet Nangabo. "Who forced you to attend this meeting? You should have stayed away at your home instead of coming to heckle leaders," Ruto retorted before his convoy left for Kitalale. Nangabo accused Dr Wamalwa of 'planning the heckling attack' on the DP and termed the incident as 'primitive'. ALSO READ: We need your numbers to retain power, Ruto tells Kericho voters "How can you do this? This is unacceptable. It is primitive to incite youth to humiliate other elected leaders," a visibly angry Nangabo told Dr Wamalwa in local dialect. Ruto was accompanied by Saboti MP Mr David Lazaro, Jubilee Gubernatorial aspirant Maurice Bisau, Senators Kithure Kindiki (Tharaka Nithi) and Kipchumba Murkomen (Elgeyo Marakwet). Murkomen hit out at Dr Wamalwa accusing him of misleading Kenyans over the performance of Jubilee administration.
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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2017, 06:12:49 PM »
The heckling is getting worse. I always thought it was a huge mistake for Jubilee to sponsor heckling against CORD. I now see that the lessons have been learnt and Ruto is not handling very well. He may soon break another neck like Jirongo said he did.

Even if they are told to their faces they still believe they have votes in Luhyaland.

The Kitale kakamega road is one of the oldest roads in Kenya. It was constructed before Ruto's father was born. He now claims Jubilee constructed it!!! Jubilee Lies

 Deputy President William Ruto for the second day encountered a hostile crowd as he toured Trans-Nzoia County where he took the voter registration campaign on Tuesday.

Tension was high in Kiminini Township, his first stop, in the County before Ruto's arrival when Ford Kenya and Jubilee youths faced off before the local security team led by County Commissioner Ann Gakuria acted swiftly and intervened to calm both sides of the supporters.

A chopper carrying the DP, which was supposed to land at Masaba primary school grounds within Kiminini Township was forced to land at Kitale Members Club as security team sorted the tension.

There were some exchange of words between police officers and a group of youths who were singing in support of Ford Kenya as they tried to barricade the road leading to Masaba primary school grounds where the DP had landed.

The crowd at the Kiminini stage burst into jubilation when area Ford Kenya MP Dr Chris Wamalwa emerged a top his vehicle as Ruto's convoy snaked into the area from the school.

ALSO READ: DP William Ruto's Bungoma tour met with hostility

The DP braved the hostile reception from the Ford Kenya youths and addressed the crowd urging residents to register in large numbers as voters.

Ruto listed development projects initiated by Jubilee administration in the area including the construction of the Kitale-Kakamega road amid shouts of Ford Kenya that rent the air from the crowd.

"For less than four years, Jubilee has made strides to ensure Kenyans are supplied with electricity and provision of free education to untie parents from the burden of raising money to pay school levies," Ruto said.

He lured the residents to join the Jubilee promising that more development projects by the government were underway.

"Let us walk with the government to enable the country move forward. We have done more than what has not been achieved since independence," Ruto told the crowd.

Ruto appeared incensed by remarks by Dr Wamalwa who said Jubilee should stop wasting time luring residents of Trans Nzoia who he claimed were deeply in the Opposition. Dr Wamalwa told Ruto to his face that Jubilee has no room in Trans Nzoia singling out his Kiminini constituency.

ALSO READ: Uhuru, Ruto plead with voters for another term

"Your Excellency, we love you and we appreciate development projects initiated by the Jubilee government in the county but the truth of the matter is that this is an opposition zone and JP should stop wasting time luring residents," Wamalwa told the DP.

In apparent criticism to Jubilee's laptop project, Dr Wamalwa told Ruto that Masaba primary school where he landed had not received the gadgets.

The DP dismissed remarks by Dr Wamalwa arguing that his statement were 'personal and not the political position of the locals'.

"What do you mean that Jubilee has no room here? That is your personal statement and does not represent the feeling of the locals," Ruto hit at the MP.

At one moment, a furious Ruto told off a Ford Kenya youth who tried to shout down Women representative Janet Nangabo.

"Who forced you to attend this meeting? You should have stayed away at your home instead of coming to heckle leaders," Ruto retorted before his convoy left for Kitalale.

Nangabo accused Dr Wamalwa of 'planning the heckling attack' on the DP and termed the incident as 'primitive'.

ALSO READ: We need your numbers to retain power, Ruto tells Kericho voters

"How can you do this? This is unacceptable. It is primitive to incite youth to humiliate other elected leaders," a visibly angry Nangabo told Dr Wamalwa in local dialect.

Ruto was accompanied by Saboti MP Mr David Lazaro, Jubilee Gubernatorial aspirant Maurice Bisau, Senators Kithure Kindiki (Tharaka Nithi) and Kipchumba Murkomen (Elgeyo Marakwet). Murkomen hit out at Dr Wamalwa accusing him of misleading Kenyans over the performance of Jubilee administration.

Read more at:
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2017, 06:13:34 PM »
Omollo as always you go for nis n witchcraft when faced with sound arguments.Didnt realize kibaki ran and mt elgon folks vote for jubilee except potus..Ruto is popular all thr way to Uganda sabaots.Ford k if they are confident of bukusu voters whats the violence for.Chris chicken out of governorship coz tranzoia is tricky.Jubilee will do well in parts of Bungoma and Kakamega compared to 2013...all this will move Jubilee from 53 to 57.

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2017, 08:58:54 PM »

Unlike you I have my feet on the ground in all the 47 counties and get updates regularly. That is why I am able to tell you Ruto has been heckled in Bungoma (as your darling Lusaka helplessly looked on) before The Ethnic Rag publishes the same.

You are calling Chris Wamalwa chicken. I thought Uhuru appointed Wamalwa to the cabinet and because of that the people of Trans Nzoia moved solidly to Jubilee? How come they prevent Ruto's chopper from landing?

Think about it. How many places has Ruto been heckled and sent off? He was so mad in Trans Nzoia he was throwing insults. It is just a matter of time before he orders his guards to shoot to kill people.

Omollo as always you go for nis n witchcraft when faced with sound arguments.

Didnt realize kibaki ran and mt elgon folks vote for jubilee except potus..

Ruto is popular all thr way to Uganda sabaots.Ford k if they are confident of bukusu voters whats the violence for.

Chris chicken out of governorship coz tranzoia is tricky.Jubilee will do well in parts of Bungoma and Kakamega compared to 2013...all this will move Jubilee from 53 to 57.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2017, 07:36:21 AM »
Chris wamalwa - is ford-k guy who wanted to remove khaemba as tranzoia governor. Transzoia ethnic composition is well known - maybe Bukusu have issues but Jubilee will get about half of Tranzoia votes. In all the heckling - I see the hand of Wetangula - who is panicked. He doesn't know how to proceed with MaDVD back from the dead. I think he is laying ground to go for Bungoma governorship and hence this proxy fight against Lusaka. Bukusu are split - one wing in Jubilee (formerly New Ford Kenya crew) and one wing is in CORD(Ford K).

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2017, 12:14:04 PM »

You want us to believe that for Wetangula to win Bungoma Governorship he has to campaign OUTSIDE Bungoma is Trans Nzoia?

If Jubilee has a majority in Trans Nzoia, why didn't it win the Governorship?

See for yourself how Raila beat Uhuru hands down. Add Mudavadi's 12% and some more disgruntled voters that will accompany Kirwa and tell me he will get 57%

Wetangula can run for Governor in Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, Nairobi or Kisumu and win. He could attempt Nakuru as well.

Chris wamalwa - is ford-k guy who wanted to remove khaemba as tranzoia governor. Transzoia ethnic composition is well known - maybe Bukusu have issues but Jubilee will get about half of Tranzoia votes. In all the heckling - I see the hand of Wetangula - who is panicked. He doesn't know how to proceed with MaDVD back from the dead. I think he is laying ground to go for Bungoma governorship and hence this proxy fight against Lusaka. Bukusu are split - one wing in Jubilee (formerly New Ford Kenya crew) and one wing is in CORD(Ford K).
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2017, 02:36:39 PM »
Omollo, the 12% that MaDVD got in Transzoia and Bungoma - belong to New Ford Kenya - those are Bukusu allied to Wamalwa, Lusaka, Kombos and the likes - and those are going to Jubilee.

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2017, 03:10:12 PM »

Still trying to apply the Bungoma reality in Trans Nzoia? All those people you whose names you drop to show you have support in Trans Nzoia are all but one from Bungoma.

Kombo is from Bungoma (webuye). He's a Tachoni. He had no votes in Trans Nzoia.

Lusaka is from Bungoma. No votes in Trans Nzoia

Wamalwa is a public shame. Only Jubilee think he has something to offer. You can have all of his votes which in my estimation is about two. His own uncle won't even vote for him.

Pole Ndugu. Your edifice is crumbling.

All polls CORD took showed that 99% of MaDvDs voters would vote for Raila. Jubilee had the same information (Onyango Oloo) hence the decision to steal in the first round.

Omollo, the 12% that MaDVD got in Transzoia and Bungoma - belong to New Ford Kenya - those are Bukusu allied to Wamalwa, Lusaka, Kombos and the likes - and those are going to Jubilee.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: Jubilee Ferrying Supporters to Cheer Ruto in Western
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2017, 04:34:05 PM »
We shall see come 9th August - when somebody will be crying stolen election.

Still trying to apply the Bungoma reality in Trans Nzoia? All those people you whose names you drop to show you have support in Trans Nzoia are all but one from Bungoma.

Kombo is from Bungoma (webuye). He's a Tachoni. He had no votes in Trans Nzoia.

Lusaka is from Bungoma. No votes in Trans Nzoia

Wamalwa is a public shame. Only Jubilee think he has something to offer. You can have all of his votes which in my estimation is about two. His own uncle won't even vote for him.

Pole Ndugu. Your edifice is crumbling.

All polls CORD took showed that 99% of MaDvDs voters would vote for Raila. Jubilee had the same information (Onyango Oloo) hence the decision to steal in the first round.

Omollo, the 12% that MaDVD got in Transzoia and Bungoma - belong to New Ford Kenya - those are Bukusu allied to Wamalwa, Lusaka, Kombos and the likes - and those are going to Jubilee.