The only way to avert the crisis in Kenya is for a working class solidarity. The source of the crisis in Kenya is the neo-liberal economic policy that had deprived millions access to basic lives which has degenerated to ethnic disharmony in the absence of a working class solidarity that will oppose economic policies of public service privatization, social service commercialization, trade liberalization and retrenchment. This is where the role of the labour leadership comes in. Workers, cutting across ethnic lines can unite all other poor and oppressed class together to oppose economic and political policies that deprive the masses the basic necessities of lives. This will mean the formation of a working class political party that will oppose imperialism, neo-liberalism and capitalism but will fight for the nationalization of the commanding height of the economy under the working poor democratic political control and management, which will see the huge resources of the country, rather than going to the pockets of the rich few in big business and multinationals, will be used to provide adequate and secure jobs for all citizens, adequate living wages for workers, massive development of the economy, technology and infrastructure and provision of basic social services like free education, healthcare, housing, road, etc. This will mean the labour leadership abandoning the political support for the corrupt ruling capitalist class and wrest power from the political class through a democratic socialist policies.