Uhuru apparently had invited the biggest loud makers - Githongo and Ndii --to Corruption summit -where they could head to head with Executive- and they chicken out -apparently the invite didn't sufficently reconginse their big status as the foremost gov loud mouths . Maybe they should be appointed to be our corruption czar for a week.
http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/440808-3425502-10quusu/index.htmlDr Ndii turned it down like he turned down UON's invite to public debate Eurobond coz it obvious he is like many civil society type running on empty and cannot match the brains of UhuRuto.
These are the kind of idiots who have been running empty for quite some time and whom them media should not given the free license to write baseless nonsense week in week out.
It upto NationMedia to turn the switch off these charlatans. They are doing a great injustice to country that need to attract foreign debts to deal with a serious infra backlog.
UhuRuto have not only manage to silence the envoy type from EU-US but seem to even their few lackeys still in business are scared of facing Uhuru or Ruto.