common sense tells me the kids in those despicable schooling conditions (and the larger community) are the ones likely to benefit even more from tablets and such learning aid technologies or just any technology just like the poor, unbanked have benefited more from MPEsa
You want common sense?
What makes you think poor kids will even receive a tablet? Whenever they dish out freebies like those crappy laptops not even well to do Kenyan parents would purchase for their kids, it's for a portion of schools for political mileage. Poor kids don't qualify for a tablet or laptop or anything else since those schools aren't considered legit.
When I was at Kibera school, the teachers were telling me how they relied on textbook donations since the govt ignored their existence.
You are an example of why street kids continue to beg even with a support system because they'd rather beg and sniff glue over hope for a future.
The money to buy those tablets could equally fund sorely needed free secondary education. I believe that was an ODM edu objective the coalition for the common Kenyan.