Author Topic: Can CORD they really match Jubilee's strategy, planning, resources and execution  (Read 11605 times)

Offline Pajero

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Day dreaming

Offline hk

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That jubilee building was being auctioned the other day. Now it has an anchor tenant with long term lease that's already paid for. Talk about fortunes changing. Now the building is even getting an exit ramp to Thika rd.

Offline Georgesoros

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YOu mean entrance ramp!
The way I see it this is not good for democracy. Most money will go into these behemoths and nothing will get done. instead of building roads and schools, money will go into peoples pockets just to make them happy. PArliament willl get worse than it is, passing every bills - most that will favor the standing govt.

That jubilee building was being auctioned the other day. Now it has an anchor tenant with long term lease that's already paid for. Talk about fortunes changing. Now the building is even getting an exit ramp to Thika rd.

Offline Kichwa

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I really do not understand why folks are excited about this building. If Jubilee were to win or lose the 2017 elections, its not going to be because of this building. Hilary and Trumps national elections are run in a much smaller building.  Orange house is good enough for CORD to run its national elections and they should not try to keep up  with the Joneses.  CORD needs to keep calm and let Jubilee go through their show, knowing that after all is said and done, there will be enough Kenyans left out of the Jubilee parade to put together a formidable competition for the presidency in 2017.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Kichwa's own mp Rege of Karauchuonyo is defecting to Jubilee.
I really do not understand why folks are excited about this building. If Jubilee were to win or lose the 2017 elections, its not going to be because of this building. Hilary and Trumps national elections are run in a much smaller building.  Orange house is good enough for CORD to run its national elections and they should not try to keep up  with the Joneses.  CORD needs to keep calm and let Jubilee go through their show, knowing that after all is said and done, there will be enough Kenyans left out of the Jubilee parade to put together a formidable competition for the presidency in 2017.

Offline Kichwa

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Pundit, Rege is not my MP but Jubilee is where any self respecting MP who cannot win in CORD zones will go to for the money and the optics.  There will be a lot of movement to Jubilee house but once its packed to capacity, there will be enough people left to put together a formidable run for the 2017 presidency.
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Offline Nefertiti

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CORD needs to do its proper job of selling Kenyans a better option which they are not doing at present. Kenyan democracy is not mature so optics count if not countered with clarity and vision. Jubilee's performance is AVERAGE but trumpeted as great.
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Offline veritas

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Cord has done everything. Countless progressive vision manifestos, endless campaigns etc. what they haven't done as proficiently is bribe the media, hire hecklers, bribe Cord MPs like Jubilee Ruto has done, extra judicial killings, imprison opposition voices, train Mungiki hackers, steal billions for electioneering, fabricate a narrative on economic development and many more nefarious strategies, Eurobond, Westgate, extra judicial killings, Kenya genocide, South Sudan genocide etc... Jubilee is Kanu rebirthed badder and dangerous and an abomination.

What's the better option? My gosh, what's the better option? Jubilee isn't even on the same playing field as Cord. It's like a football match between a pack of wild dogs cheered on by wild dogs conditioned to howl on savagery cues- anti/hate sentiments- who happen to have the referee and their families on a leash vs a pro football team aka Cord. Cord is clean. They went in this clean and undoubtedly want to keep it this way win or lose the elections- Jubilee isn't worth compromising Cord's legacy.

Offline Kichwa

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Jubilee has unlimited resources and therefore CORD  trying to compete with them with grandiose optics is stupid. CORD can still win this with the limited resources that they have. Its a tall order but its doable.  CORD is the only hope for Kenya's democracy which Ruto wants to destroy before 2022.  People will get tired or even disgusted with the optics and no substance.   CORD must be strong and find ways to criticize, ridicule and even make who are not scared of the Jubilee extravagant, ostentatious, grandiose, fancy, opulent and swanky expenditure of stolen peoples money in a country where 60% of the people live in abject poverty.

CORD needs to do its proper job of selling Kenyans a better option which they are not doing at present. Kenyan democracy is not mature so optics count if not countered with clarity and vision. Jubilee's performance is AVERAGE but trumpeted as great.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Offline Empedocles

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Look like Joho's drug bizness has come to the rescue

On one hand, we have Jubilee JAP with this:


While on the other hand we have CORD with drug money.

Both sides dishing out money like it was free.

Offline Nefertiti

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CORD is not the government so its funding is less concerning than Jubilee's. Uhuruto need to publish their sources and financiers. They have claimed the parade of fuel guzzling SUVs is from "volunteers"  :)

CORD just needs to stop the kneejerk and organize in time. They have the carte blanche unlike Jubilee.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Empedocles

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CORD is not the government so its funding is less concerning than Jubilee's. Uhuruto need to publish their sources and financiers. They have claimed the parade of fuel guzzling SUVs is from "volunteers"  :)

CORD just needs to stop the kneejerk and organize in time. They have the carte blanche unlike Jubilee.

So what happens if CORD wins next year and the financiers demand their ROI, just like with Jubilee?

Offline Georgesoros

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ROI kitu gani?
Its going to be very messy after JAP wins.
Everyone wants a share of the loot, so there will be a lot of jostling with whatever little govt perks available.

CORD is not the government so its funding is less concerning than Jubilee's. Uhuruto need to publish their sources and financiers. They have claimed the parade of fuel guzzling SUVs is from "volunteers"  :)

CORD just needs to stop the kneejerk and organize in time. They have the carte blanche unlike Jubilee.

So what happens if CORD wins next year and the financiers demand their ROI, just like with Jubilee?

Offline veritas

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Drug money ? That's the MKM afia + Mungiki/matatu distributors. OMG.

Definitely not in Cord budget. That bus looks like it was plucked out of some rich country. Each of those would be at least 200 grand. Vicinity of millions. The only people who can  fund those in such a short amount of time are billionaires because they have the contacts and networks to get that done asap, then waste not want not convert them into tour buses after the elections. No drug cartel, even MKM can fund an election war chest of that magnitude. These are the hallmarks of Gates and Rockefeller types.

Offline veritas

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That bus design looks like Microsoft... login page for outlook.

You can smell billionaire from the design angles.

Offline Kichwa

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Robina, CORD is in the process of organizing.  Look at the past Kenyan elections and you will realize that they are still on schedule.  Give the process a chance. CORD cannot compete with Jubilee's unlimited resource, so CORD has to be very strategic.  They should wait for Jubilee to absorb to its capacity while at the same time protecting its vital zones. Once all the koigi's have been absorbed into the new jubilee, CORD will have more than enough left to form a formidable run for the presidency. CORD must be strategically patient. This is a long distance race and not a sprint.  Jubilee and their supporters like pundit think they can  knock CORD out in the first round but that is impossible because CORD is too heavy to be knocked out in the first round.  This fight will go all the way to the last round because the country is deeply divided. Whom ever wins will do so by only a few points if the elections are truly free and fair.

CORD is not the government so its funding is less concerning than Jubilee's. Uhuruto need to publish their sources and financiers. They have claimed the parade of fuel guzzling SUVs is from "volunteers"  :)

CORD just needs to stop the kneejerk and organize in time. They have the carte blanche unlike Jubilee.
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Offline Nefertiti

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I can't wait to see Ruto balance the massive Jubilee liver on his palm. Kanu broke up; FORD split; NARC, ODM,... sembuse Jubilee? The dicey nature of tribal blocks... hold a piece here and that piece there drops off. Trying to explain to Luhyas their shot at power through this great democratic party is 2042 :D
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline patel

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People all pundit is doing is setting kenyans up for some serious rigging. Muslims are still mad with Jubilee over Muslim cleric execution and who can forget rounding up of Muslim in all major cities and holding them in metal cages?

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I can't wait to see Ruto balance the massive Jubilee liver on his palm. Kanu broke up; FORD split; NARC, ODM,... sembuse Jubilee? The dicey nature of tribal blocks... hold a piece here and that piece there drops off. Trying to explain to Luhyas their shot at power through this great democratic party is 2042 :D

As soon as 2017 is done(assuming the jubilant wins), it's just a matter of time before the GEMA jubilant will discover that he as a Kenyan is entitled to a leader of his choice.  Not an anointed stranger.  It has been demonstrated time and again for those who care to learn.

2022 is wide open, regardless of what a would-be lameduck kamwana would suggest.  By his own admission, he can guarantee the hustler his wife's and children's votes.
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