Author Topic: WSR on his PHD on (lol) the impact of human activities on riparian reserve  (Read 3103 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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William Samoei Ruto ?@WilliamsRuto  15m15 minutes ago
Presenting my Ph.D. progress report at the @uonbi on the impact of human activities on riparian reserves

Offline Kadudu

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I pity Samoei. What time does a hustler have to write a Phd?
Guy should get serious and just be given an honourable degree. Anything else is a joke and makes others who have hard earned their Phds to look like jokers.

Offline RV Pundit

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There is enough time to do almost everything when you're driven like WSR. Honourable degree is never equal to PHD. Maybe it his dream to earn one. Maybe he thinks he will become a better person if he had the PHD.

The joker part...I don't get it...are you alleging he didn't earn his bsc, the msc and now his phd?

WSR brilliance is self-evident.

I pity Samoei. What time does a hustler have to write a Phd?
Guy should get serious and just be given an honourable degree. Anything else is a joke and makes others who have hard earned their Phds to look like jokers.

Offline gout

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Great. We need to explore in our lifetime as we ain't sure where our redemption, moment of truth, meaning/purpose of life will come from. For those with leadership/influence positions it is even more imperative to seek all sort of experiences.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

Offline yulemsee

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One thing you have to give this guy is he is industrious, we are about to have a Dr./Prof. as president

Offline Kadudu

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To earn a doctorate you have to work 24/7 for at least 3 to 5 years. What time does Samoei even have to study for KCPE exam? This is a big joke. Any serious scientist will tell you Samoei cannot pretend to be doing a Phd at the same time being DP. He will be given that title by the UoN surbodinates and you can see already in this photo who is setting the pace.

One thing you have to give this guy is he is industrious, we are about to have a Dr./Prof. as president

Offline RV Pundit

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Where is that stated :) All the PHDs are know are working full time--either in industry or as teaching staff. Never hard of this full time phd engagement. Me think you're the joker here.
To earn a doctorate you have to work 24/7 for at least 3 to 5 years. What time does Samoei even have to study for KCPE exam? This is a big joke. Any serious scientist will tell you Samoei cannot pretend to be doing a Phd at the same time being DP. He will be given that title by the UoN surbodinates and you can see already in this photo who is setting the pace.

Offline Kadudu

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What I meant is even people who work on a PhD and are at the same time working in the enviroment they are doing their research. Ruto can do his PhD in accumulating mashamba or hustling. This is his main occupation and he is an expert.

Where is that stated :) All the PHDs are know are working full time--either in industry or as teaching staff. Never hard of this full time phd engagement. Me think you're the joker here.

Offline RV Pundit

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You're inventing as you go. Ruto is certainly doing something by even attempting this. There is no where stated that PHD has to be working on their PHD area. They have to do research necessary.
What I meant is even people who work on a PhD and are at the same time working in the enviroment they are doing their research. Ruto can do his PhD in accumulating mashamba or hustling. This is his main occupation and he is an expert.

Offline MOON Ki

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DP Ruto is, as far as I can tell, a very determined and hard-working fellow.   He also doesn't seem to have a lot of time for the bottle and p*ssy, which, in his position and in Kenya, means that he has plenty of time for such things.   His biggest mistake is that he went astray (in 1992) and decided to devote himself to land-grabbing and electoral violence.    Perhaps he thinks the riches have justified that.  (Kaparo, using his legal powers, has just called on people to repent.  You there, DP?)

There are obvious "conflict of interests" here": The "student" arriving for his "progress meeting" is met by a supplicating head-of-the-university---mheshimiwa, mheshimiwa, mheshimiwa!---whose departure the "student" can easily arrange, professors looking for lucrative "consulting" contracts, ....

But I give the man points for actually (apparently) working at it,  instead of---step forward, "Prof. Dr." Ngunyi and "Prophet Dr." Kanyari---just waking up one morning and declaring that now this is this, and I am that and the other!  And I'm pretty sure the DP knows a thing or two about " the impact of human activities on riparian reserves". A catalogue of some his activities should be enough to produce Dr. Ruto.
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
Your True Friend, Brother,  and  Compatriot.

Offline Kadudu

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It tells you all about education in Kenya. where I live giving yourself such a title is a crime. Guys are lucky they live in Kenya where the law of the jungle lords.

DP Ruto is, as far as I can tell, a very determined and hard-working fellow.   He also doesn't seem to have a lot of time for the bottle and p*ssy, which, in his position and in Kenya, means that he has plenty of time for such things.   His biggest mistake is that he went astray (in 1992) and decided to devote himself to land-grabbing and electoral violence.    Perhaps he thinks the riches have justified that.  (Kaparo, using his legal powers, has just called on people to repent.  You there, DP?)

There are obvious "conflict of interests" here": The "student" arriving for his "progress meeting" is met by a supplicating head-of-the-university---mheshimiwa, mheshimiwa, mheshimiwa!---whose departure the "student" can easily arrange, professors looking for lucrative "consulting" contracts, ....

But I give the man points for actually (apparently) working at it,  instead of---step forward, "Prof. Dr." Ngunyi and "Prophet Dr." Kanyari---just waking up one morning and declaring that now this is this, and I am that and the other!  And I'm pretty sure the DP knows a thing or two about " the impact of human activities on riparian reserves". A catalogue of some his activities should be enough to produce Dr. Ruto.

Offline veritas

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He has a ghost writer. It's common to get someone else to write your phd.

Most phds at my previous university in the medical faculty are written by someone else. Supervisors encourage it but they don't call it "ghost writer" just someone to "help" you write it. It's more common these days to complete a PhD in 2-3 years with a ghost writer. You just give them the framework, pay others to collect/analyze data. I've been told management knows about it but they don't care. So much of today's research output is rubbish anyway. They invite a lot of international students because they have to pay 3 times more than local students, even if their level of English can barely pass a native speaking high school student let a lone be considered a viable phd candidate. Universities need their money. That's why I have zero interest in the academia and zero respect for academics.

Ruto's fake permanent head damage is a political stunt that's been going on and off for over a decade to serve a political agenda on education solidarity.