Author Topic: NCCK On SCOK and IEBC  (Read 8753 times)

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2016, 12:13:08 AM »

I would rather you demanded that I back up my assertions or withdraw them entirely.

I simply see no reason why the rest of us should pretend not to notice The Imperial President's nakedness while he insists on walking the streets without as much as banana leaves around his waist. Uhuru has shown that like Kibaki he is NOT comfortable with Non Kikuyus in certain positions. It is his record that exposes him not Omollo.

I do not believe one becomes anti-Kikuyu by simply pointing out the discrimination meted out to other people and the favoritism poured on Kikuyus. Am I blaming Kikuyus for that? Hell no. I am blaming Uhuru and his government for running such a policy that favours Kikuyus. Hitler loved Wagner's music. Should I hate the music because Hitler loved it? Wagner had no say in the matter as he was in fact dead long before Hitler was born.

Are there people - mostly Kikuyu - who benefit from this and they defend it? Of course there are. Their hallmark is to seek to label anybody who raises the red flag over the discrimination with intimidating terms such as tribalist and "Anti-Kikuyu" - an attempt to evoke a comparison to "Antisemitism"

Omollo has to stop being so anti-Kikuyu to see issues objectively. One could assert that Raila would like to Luonize IEBC but lacks the power, no?

Any reforms in IEBC and SCOK must be longterm and widely consensual. Not changing individual commissioners or judges unprocedurally. 

Presidential election petition timeframe -- it is set so shortly because the petition period can cause instability. You have to weigh the pros and cons of an extension.

Letting Wetangula off the hook -- is that a reform issue or just negligence? Sharing servers with TNA -- what reform is needed for this? There was the allegation of excess supply of voter registration agency in Jubilee strongholds... Most of these are the he-said-she-said variety than fact.

The new constitution exacerbated tyranny of numbers with the pure presidential system and 50%+1. Thanks mostly to ODM internal wrangles in the last parliament. Elections come down to strategy. Blaming Uhuru is escapism. 

It's true most beneficiaries of the last two regimes are Kikuyu; that's not the same thing as most Kikuyus having benefited.  My thinking is that this blatant tribalism intended to keep the country polarized, which benefits the ruling elite; at the expense of putting a bullseye on innocent Kikuyus, who don't benefit any from a criminally inept  and corrupt government.

My real beef with NCCK and others calling for changes is the shortsighted approach.  They want everything to be done before the next elections, which just pollutes the whole process with Raila this Raila that, tyrannical numbers etc.  Those changes, while good, should not be done with the next election in mind. 

That's why I am fine with a goat rigging itself into power in the next elections, as long as there are steps being taken to ensure credible processes in the future.  Next elections should just be done to avoid chaos.
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Offline Omollo

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« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2016, 12:56:11 PM »
I accept your analogies. Although honestly "anti-semite" is also abused by Jewish supremacists and their defenders. Labels are real just like tyranny of numbers and we must stand up to them with our facts and principles.
That is exactly what I am saying. GEMA Supremacists have been busy. Look at Senator Wamatangi trying to change the Revenue Sharing Formula in a way that will favor GEMA and aggravate historical imbalances. 

The last this happened it was another Supremacist - Ephraim Maina - trying to change the Ligale Commission findings to favor GEMA until got the shock of realizing that GEMA's population was in a steep "decline". I rather think the previous cooking of figures failed this time.

The Supremacists have yet to explain how the voters figures Dropped from a high of 2007. Was there an epidemic in Central?
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Offline Nefertiti

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« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2016, 02:45:39 PM »
That is exactly what I am saying. GEMA Supremacists have been busy. Look at Senator Wamatangi trying to change the Revenue Sharing Formula in a way that will favor GEMA and aggravate historical imbalances. 

The last this happened it was another Supremacist - Ephraim Maina - trying to change the Ligale Commission findings to favor GEMA until got the shock of realizing that GEMA's population was in a steep "decline". I rather think the previous cooking of figures failed this time.

The Supremacists have yet to explain how the voters figures Dropped from a high of 2007. Was there an epidemic in Central?

I recall the Ligare circus, One man One vote and whatnot. Gema supremacists don't get it, "representation" is about equity as much as equality. So economics, logistics, etc are relevant. One suggested that NEP MPs should simply be issued helicopters but absolute vote counts be equal  :) Of course they could not explain away the concept of nominated slots.

GEMA numbers... exclusive of stuffing they are bound to plummet onwards. With an improving economic situation (empowered women, etc) it's an expected trend. RV, Western to follow later.

The tyranny will follow the NEP child boom. With some turnout incentive out there Gema, etc may start crying parliamentary equity sometime in future. This is prolly the reason the hustler clings to Duale, Kerrow et al -- foresight. NEP problem remains their quite poor turnout.

GEMA strength is state monopoly and cohesion. The hustler is to be lent support at an arms length. You must note how keenly spoils are allotted in the house (nyooba) -- no FORD-K, UDF, ODM-like squabbles. Ligare was let to slide by the consoling imperial presidency. GEMA knows (intimately) of the dire numbers hence the Maa, Mutua, etc outreach. They played ODM that card like a guitar last 5+yrs -- Kilgoris/Konchella, Kitutu Masaba/Nyambati, Kamukunji/Yusuf, Kajiado N/Sakuda, etc. GEMA would sponsor a local via direct nomination while ODM would roll the dice with primaries. GEMA strategy has been to leverage diaspora by suppressing "mtu yetu" greed. Jubilee zoned the counties while CORD parties split the votes everywhere.

DEVOLUTION BUDGET... GEMA does not have the numbers to alter the Burnett/CRA formula. But you're right to be concerned about their devious scheming. When do you suppose Jubilee was mooted -- Naivasha or later?

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Offline RV Pundit

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« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2016, 03:04:43 PM »
Raila & CORD are now camped outside IEBC office demanding they leave office. I think Jubilee should look into kicking IEBC out. The problem is who do replace these guys with. There has to be agreed formulae to ensure you get the best kenyans out there. I don't know where.The new team will then have to re-start again. A very expensive business.

Maybe Jubilee need not bend on this. Let CORD identity the IEBC commissioner they have a problem with, bring evidence of their impropriety and or why they are not qualified.

CEO of IEBC is CORD fellow..Chiloba...who replaced Oswago.

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2016, 04:54:37 PM »
Raila & CORD are now camped outside IEBC office demanding they leave office. I think Jubilee should look into kicking IEBC out. The problem is who do replace these guys with. There has to be agreed formulae to ensure you get the best kenyans out there. I don't know where.The new team will then have to re-start again. A very expensive business.

Maybe Jubilee need not bend on this. Let CORD identity the IEBC commissioner they have a problem with, bring evidence of their impropriety and or why they are not qualified.

CEO of IEBC is CORD fellow..Chiloba...who replaced Oswago.

This is the destructive approach.  I am not in doubt that eventually these guys have to go.  But things cannot always be done so that Raila can feel comfortable in the next election.  History, for those who care to learn from it, has shown that changes made as part of a political strategy will just lead to more such demands in the future, if things don't go the way the politician wanted.

There will come a time when Raila and kamwana are long gone.  Should Kenya then be saddled with institutions that were made to suit their short term goals?
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Offline RV Pundit

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« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2016, 05:45:35 PM »
Yeah. I think we have solid election laws. All we need is for CORD and anybody to come forward with petitions against IEBC commissioners. A tribunal is formed. And they are fired. New ones hired.
This is the destructive approach.  I am not in doubt that eventually these guys have to go.  But things cannot always be done so that Raila can feel comfortable in the next election.  History, for those who care to learn from it, has shown that changes made as part of a political strategy will just lead to more such demands in the future, if things don't go the way the politician wanted.

There will come a time when Raila and kamwana are long gone.  Should Kenya then be saddled with institutions that were made to suit their short term goals?

Offline gout

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« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2016, 01:07:55 PM »
I was surprised that Raila followed up on his threat to storm with real actions... Could show how serious he takes the issue or his organizational skills are getting better 
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Offline Georgesoros

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« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2016, 03:58:25 PM »
In my opinion, the opposition has not used any of its weapons at its disposal. Their MPIGS have been mediocre or non existent, leaving Ruto to call the shots. A take over of parliament and counties in the next elections will be more effective than just the executive.

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2016, 05:00:27 PM »
In my opinion, the opposition has not used any of its weapons at its disposal. Their MPIGS have been mediocre or non existent, leaving Ruto to call the shots. A take over of parliament and counties in the next elections will be more effective than just the executive.
There is no opposition in the National Assembly as far as I can tell.  All the major issues over the last 3 years have been raised outside the precincts.  National Assembly is where you go to get sitting allowances and a pay check.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

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Offline Georgesoros

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« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2016, 05:07:16 PM »
If I were to run for president I will run against the establishment. I will rail against all that is wrong, and the corrupt system, how I will reduce the size of govt. constitutionally. AM sure I will win big.

In my opinion, the opposition has not used any of its weapons at its disposal. Their MPIGS have been mediocre or non existent, leaving Ruto to call the shots. A take over of parliament and counties in the next elections will be more effective than just the executive.
There is no opposition in the National Assembly as far as I can tell.  All the major issues over the last 3 years have been raised outside the precincts.  National Assembly is where you go to get sitting allowances and a pay check.

Offline gout

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« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2016, 11:12:00 AM »
There is very little you can do against tyranny of numbers in so called democracy set up ... unless you are as energetic, innovative, lucky like Malema who is making some impact despite only having a handful lieutenants in parliament
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine