That is exactly what I am saying. GEMA Supremacists have been busy. Look at Senator Wamatangi trying to change the Revenue Sharing Formula in a way that will favor GEMA and aggravate historical imbalances.
The last this happened it was another Supremacist - Ephraim Maina - trying to change the Ligale Commission findings to favor GEMA until got the shock of realizing that GEMA's population was in a steep "decline". I rather think the previous cooking of figures failed this time.
The Supremacists have yet to explain how the voters figures Dropped from a high of 2007. Was there an epidemic in Central?
I recall the Ligare circus, One man One vote and whatnot. Gema supremacists don't get it, "representation" is about equity as much as equality. So economics, logistics, etc are relevant. One suggested that NEP MPs should simply be issued helicopters but absolute vote counts be equal

Of course they could not explain away the concept of nominated slots.
GEMA numbers... exclusive of stuffing they are bound to plummet onwards. With an improving economic situation (empowered women, etc) it's an expected trend. RV, Western to follow later.
The tyranny will follow the NEP child boom. With some turnout incentive out there Gema, etc may start crying parliamentary equity sometime in future. This is prolly the reason the hustler clings to Duale, Kerrow et al -- foresight. NEP problem remains their quite poor turnout.
GEMA strength is state monopoly and cohesion. The hustler is to be lent support at an arms length. You must note how keenly spoils are allotted in the house (
nyooba) -- no FORD-K, UDF, ODM-like squabbles. Ligare was let to slide by the consoling imperial presidency. GEMA knows (intimately) of the dire numbers hence the Maa, Mutua, etc outreach. They played ODM that card like a guitar last 5+yrs -- Kilgoris/Konchella, Kitutu Masaba/Nyambati, Kamukunji/Yusuf, Kajiado N/Sakuda, etc. GEMA would sponsor a local via direct nomination while ODM would roll the dice with primaries. GEMA strategy has been to leverage diaspora by suppressing "mtu yetu" greed. Jubilee zoned the counties while CORD parties split the votes everywhere.
DEVOLUTION BUDGET... GEMA does not have the numbers to alter the Burnett/CRA formula. But you're right to be concerned about their devious scheming. When do you suppose Jubilee was mooted -- Naivasha or later?