It makes perfect senses.You need to understands that households or homes do not use much power. Apart from lighting and a few home appliances there isn't much to use power for...whether in kenya or any developed country. The real users of power are industries. And we don't have that many. Which is why industrial park being proposed in Naivasha and Dongo Kundu Mombasa are targetted to use some of that
So first hurdle is to nail ACCESS. Make sure at least everyone has power. Universal access.
The next hurdle is to attract industries. You'll be surprised that our few cement manufactures probably uses 30-40% of all our power.
We will get to next stage by generating really cheap & reliable power together with infrastructures (roads+railway+ports) that will allows us to attract manufactures here. Our growing and maturing population will also make economical sense for manufacturers to come here and set up shop...we were barely producing 0.5M tonnes of we are nearly producing 6M tonnes...that in 10 yrs is growth of 10-15 times...if we can replicate that in many other industries...then voila...we are nearly there.
what corner?? over two million new connections and only 106 MW increase in consumption??!! 1,463 MW in 2013 to 1,569MW today. These figures do no make sense