World Bank has "Doing Business" thing that they use to track serious (small or big) investors and Kenya has been doing well lately. Those are the stuff that should worry many days to register a company, how cheap and reliable is our power, how affordable is land, how credible are land title deeds, does the justice systems works, does our road network works, how is our labour market, how competitive is our markets, how liberalized is our sectors of economy, how is regulation done, do we have sizeable middle class that can afford stuff, how is our productivity & efficiency, how is the security?
Those are the KEY DECISION that serious investors consider...not whether he met serious or not serious politicians.
The kind that require red carpet...should invest in a place without laws and regulation.
Anyone who need a politician to roll a carpet down before they commit money is really upto NO GOOD. You want to invest in kenya, because there is an opportunity to make more money, not because you're doing us a favor.
I would say politicians should only roll out a carpet to donors...guy wanting to invest money here, going around with brokers and such...get a lawyer first.
I think in a region trying to attract elusive industrialization, governments that lay out the red carpet are going to get ahead.
One would think kamwana's ministers would go out of their way to attract these investors.
Why would kamwana burn Wanjiku's money traveling to "attract investors" while his minions are too busy to lock up deals with those already knocking on the door?
Maybe his time would be better spent personally welcoming the investors that his minions are too busy for.