But how do you fight impunity when the same vice corrupts the guys impunity fighting agencies. You expect a EACC investigator earning 100K to pursue 100M and not end up cutting the deal. If he doesn't, the next guy up cuts the deal, all the way until the top judges.
The same case with Mps, there is enough research to show kenyans have been ruthlessly sending MPS home, but the replacement are equally rotten; they've put in ex-diaspora folks who have lived in countries with strict laws, ethics and name it, but a few months in Nairobi, and they are part of the gang.
It systemic... The economy has to grow....people have to have more opportunities to lead ethical lives.... it like the blacks in American slums or inner cities...they only recourse remain crime and drugs.
Maybe a few smaller countries with a benelovent dictator can deal with corruption...but any large economy has to grow through this labor pains.
Let us celebrate when we see corruption reducing by 5% every year and economy growing by 5%; in few generations; we will get out of the this; It won't be easy. It won't be fast.
The biggest names, in the biggest scams, Goldenberg, Anglo-leasing, SGR, it's interesting to see how many of them are from backgrounds that one would consider poor. I can't think of any that come from poverty. I'd say the vice better correlates to impunity.