On corruption: You are only partially correct IMHO. Take the Waiguru-Harakhe Heist. Nearly a billion was siphoned out of the public funds using trickery. Another 800 Million was on its way out before Opus Dei put a stop to it. Ask yourself how many such heists have taken place in the short time Uhuru has been president?
For KRA to be blamed or form the solution, we need to know if there has been any shortfall in their collection so far.This end of October so we are seeing the second quarter coming to and end (assuming the cycle remains from June as has been the case). Is there a deviation from the norm? Has KRA collected less than it would in this period. I seriously doubt that.
If not the revenue, then the finger naturally points at spending. Has the regular GoK spending increased beyond the norm?
If the answer to these two questions is negative, it would mean there is something unusual.
In any case what is GoK doing about the various slush funds as in the NIS, Interior Ministry, Defense (opaque spending), State House etc.
Surely KRA revenue collection can't go down so drastically without cause.
I can try find out what it was like when USD was at 107 during Kibadinga grand collision.
Anyway I there are two parts to the equation; Revenues and Payments. All these are captured by projected budget estimates.
In kenya...revenues...are mostly from taxes (maybe 60%)+debt(30%)+Grants &Aid(10%).The payment..are about the same..salaries+admin(30%);debt(30%)+development!
Corruption cannot exceed projected spending. You can steal all the money meant for the road...but at end of the day...the gov won't be broke...there just won't be a road..and in the long term (how many years)...this will affect the general economy. The other part of corruption would be those ango leasing like scam where we commit to more debts...mean debt repayment increment every year.Overspending...should not arise...are working within the budget..and that is job of Adhiambo to ensure budget lines are kept.
Anyway unless there are serious issues at KRA and Dr Njoroge does unearth some serious mess in CBK...I see this as temporary shock. USD will soon come to around 90.