This EJK you keep celebrating is changing face. No longer do the police have the monopoly. The groups they have been killing have picked up vital lessons and have started targeting the police and from patterns in other countries, will move to softer targets like their families.
Where do you think it will end? Columbia had it running for over 50 years and now only negotiations will put an end to it. In fact the Colombian government started it all but the other groups overcame it, expelled it from certain areas and forced it to acknowledge their writ had no power in those rebel areas. The rebels then set about killing anybody - from Presidential candidates, MPs, Ministers and even lowly civil servants.
I would wish you would cheer something else. EJK is nothing to cheer. YOU TOO can be EJK'ed by either side. You are not immune.
Plus you cannot pontificate here about the wrongs of the state, opposition etc when you support one of the worst tenets of a dictatorship.