Raila as PM lost his head. He was easily manipulated by Kibaki. They appealed to his love for flattery - the same disease now afflicting Uhuru - and got him to jettison his constituency. Mau Forest marked the lowest point in Raila's politics.
Still the Kibaki handlers had more on him. His decision to accept government offers of a "holiday" to Italy with an unlimited credit card was one of the most stupid I have ever seen. It is at that point I parted from him and only supported the party.
Raila's problem is no different from that of Kibaki. Or should I say both men have the same problem: Overbearing and dominating wives. Kibaki eventually managed to tame Lucy in the final years of his rule. Raila has yet to tame Ida. Many people I know speak about this in low tones lest they face ostracization. The fear is how she will act when Raila becomes President. The consensus would be that just like Lucy believed it was her government and humiliated Saitoti, Ida may go further and fire ministers on live TV.
Exactly. Kalenjin were going to be victimized. Considering Raila-Kibaki were the ones to appoint Judges.
I guess it is because Raila and Ruto had fallen out and Kibaki and Raila were to be in-charge and thus the fear of interference