Thanks somebody for sending me a link that took me to : (please don't sent me anymore Cesspool links. My curiosity dictates that I investigate but you know visiting reduces one's akili by 20%)
It reminds me of RCB when we launched the place before it became a cesspool. Then like now, the baboons we left behind soon joined us. Unfortunately they did not know how to use the modern WC and defecated every where.
One thing I picked there apparently somebody believes we left because we were beaten. I challenge the one who beat me to come to the colosseum for a one on one re-match. I have no recollection of losing any argument against anybody at Kuna Dawa can now speak after I stopped posting. Hakuna. If anything it got extremely boring. It is therefore a pity to read that ours is the boring site. People can't enjoy civilized debate.
The Originator of the offending thread is the Habitual Drunk Eddy Garbage.