I followed the story for some time and then gave up when it turned into a sort of media circus and the "trials" seemed to be endless.
Anyways ... I'm not sure about
With the very distinct possibility that the innocent party in the whole case, was the one that went on to serve time and bear the blame for the whole crime. A young black man, at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
The guy seemed to have some peculiar stories. I also never understood his opting for "fast track"; he probably should have latched onto the other two.
Guede's story is indeed peculiar. His story is made more peculiar because he leaves his poop in the other bathroom. Interestingly, this fact is one of the factors that convinced me he was telling the truth. He heard the loud scream and jumped out of the bathroom, with barely enough time to pull his pants up or flush the toilet.
I think the man is behind bars because the only story that the court could accept was one consistent with his guilt. A young black man, looking to get laid, finds himself at the scene of a very serious crime. This predicament downs on him, correctly as it turns out, he panics, and flees to Germany. He was like early 20s late teens at the time. Nobody wants to believe that the victim was making out with a black dude; that is apparently adding insult to injury for the victim's family and the good people of Perugia.
That is very incriminating. Yet, apart from fleeing, he has never said anything that has been confirmed to be a lie. Everything he says, is consistent with the forensic evidence. And independent confirmation from the victim's room mates.
From the doorbell, his bloody footprints, DNA on the victim, no evidence consistent with rape or forced entry. His own admission is that he was indeed there, and they were making out with Meredith at some point before he had the urge to use to the bathroom.
While in the bathroom, he hears the door bell and Meredith answers the door. He wasn't sure who it was. But he thought it sounded like Amanda. So why would Amanda, who lives there, have to ring the door-bell? It turns out that she had to because the state of the door meant it had to be locked with a key left inside when any of the room mates were at home. Guede had no way of knowing this.
After some loud discussion, he hears a loud scream over his ipod. He rushes out of the toilet to find Meredith had been stabbed in the neck. He spends the rest of his time there trying to staunch her blood with towels. Basically trying to save her life. In the process he leaves the "incriminating" evidence.
The reason I find his involvement unlikely, especially in a threesome attack. He was not serious friends with Amanda Knox. He did not know her boyfriend at all. There wasn't that level of familiarity for him to commit that type of crime
with them and vice versa. Guede was a player, not a fetishist. That has been one of the biggest weaknesses with the prosecution's theories.
The only way he could be involved was if he did it alone. But it would mean that he killed her, and then staged a scene to make it look like a break-in, took nothing of value, moved her body to make it look like a rape, then left DNA, bloody fingerprints and footprints on his way out. The key question is who has to gain from diverting attention to an outsider? It does not seem like Guede, the outsider in this whole saga.