All in all, Europe has done well by these immigrants/refugees or whatever appellation one may prefer.
The fact is, the Eastern European countries, by and large do not have a tradition of multiculturism and, Hungary, for example, is saddled with a right-wing leaning government antithetical to immigrants, especially of dark hue and different cultures -- read Islam. For the non-EU state like Serbia, there's the element of historical precedent to contend with vis-a-vis Muslims (I would refer anyone who wants to understand the complex issues in this part of Europe to read up on the Serbian Despotate and specifically on the Battle of Kosovo Polje). Just like in the Mid-East Arab vs.Israeli conflict, in the Balkans, old memories die hard.
That being said, this is what counts: out of this crisis we've come to see the worst, and best, of humanity. Europe is doing a stellar job, in my opinion, whereas the Arabs -- Saudis, Emiratis, Qataris, Kuwaitis, who have the financial means to assist and absorb this exodus of humanity are doing next to nothing to help their fellow Arabs and muslims (granted some Syrians and Iraqis are Christians or Yazidis).
Which brings me to an unintended consequence of this crisis. Going forward, Africans, that is, black Africans are bound to be the biggest losers in this new migration/asylum to Europe paradigm shift. The days when any random African, say, or Mungiki, would land in European capital abc, and claim that they were fleeing persecution in Africa or Kenya are over...gone.