Author Topic: What's Going On In Europe?  (Read 3868 times)

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What's Going On In Europe?
« on: September 03, 2015, 04:58:16 PM »
Poor countries like Kenya have been taking in refugees from Sudan, Somalia and others, even at the risk of their own security.  But we've never seen anything like what's going on in Europe.
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Re: What's Going On In Europe?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2015, 05:42:59 PM »
Methinks there's racist elements. If those fleeing were white, you wouldn't see such pictures, I don't think. Then again, maybe that's too simplistic. We had politicians wanting to force refugees back into Somalia in Kenya...but at least we didn't watch them die. Though I have never forgotten Raphael Tuju turning back fleeing mothers and babies at the Somali border right in the middle of a fresh and serious skirmish when he was Foreign Minister. I hear Hungary is building a wall like Ruto had suggested we do in Kenya (is that still going on?) to keep the vermin out? This is why I think poverty is everybody's problem, not just the poor people. Those migrations will continue as long as some places remain so badly off that you have so many risking everything to escape. Migration is terribly human, always has been. That's how we colonized all those continents outside Africa. Ironically, Germany is among the most generous....saying, its ok, Italy and Greece and Spain cant handle all the incoming, so let them come to Germany, we wont force them back into the European country of their first landing. Still, such does not seem to help matters with those Mediterranean states. Just a few decades ago, Germany would've made pictures like that of the kid look like a picnic! 
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Re: What's Going On In Europe?
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2015, 05:49:47 PM »

Collapse is inevitable. The whole world is on the cusp of collapse. Scientists predict it so for 2030. Political advisors I've spoken to think earlier because of bioterrorism capabilities. Stash as much gold as you can and invest in a bunker in a remote location away from potential contaminents, pollutants etc.

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Re: What's Going On In Europe?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2015, 01:55:34 PM »
Methinks there's racist elements. If those fleeing were white, you wouldn't see such pictures, I don't think. Then again, maybe that's too simplistic. We had politicians wanting to force refugees back into Somalia in Kenya...but at least we didn't watch them die. Though I have never forgotten Raphael Tuju turning back fleeing mothers and babies at the Somali border right in the middle of a fresh and serious skirmish when he was Foreign Minister. I hear Hungary is building a wall like Ruto had suggested we do in Kenya (is that still going on?) to keep the vermin out? This is why I think poverty is everybody's problem, not just the poor people. Those migrations will continue as long as some places remain so badly off that you have so many risking everything to escape. Migration is terribly human, always has been. That's how we colonized all those continents outside Africa. Ironically, Germany is among the most generous....saying, its ok, Italy and Greece and Spain cant handle all the incoming, so let them come to Germany, we wont force them back into the European country of their first landing. Still, such does not seem to help matters with those Mediterranean states. Just a few decades ago, Germany would've made pictures like that of the kid look like a picnic! 
Race has everything to do with it.  Just as it does for Donald Trump's hatred of Mexican immigrants and the strong support it generates among Republicans.

For Kenya and Somalia it could be a similar thing.  The Somali has been so dehumanized some people think he does not suffer.
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Re: What's Going On In Europe?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2015, 03:54:26 PM »
Is it that Hungary won't let them through or the train companies don't want them going beyond Hungary?  Granted, after seeing the savagery perpetrated by people that look like the refugees in Syria, there is a certain reluctance to have too many of them in your neighborhood.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

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Re: What's Going On In Europe?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2015, 05:11:33 PM »
Not sure. I think both have been blocked. I recall before that mass domino effect i.e. the fall of communism, Hungary was its first casualty by borrowing money from capitalist countries.

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Re: What's Going On In Europe?
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2015, 10:26:12 AM »
All in all, Europe has done well by these immigrants/refugees or whatever appellation one may prefer.

The fact is, the Eastern European countries, by and large do not have a tradition of multiculturism and, Hungary, for example, is saddled with a right-wing leaning government antithetical to immigrants, especially of dark hue and different cultures -- read Islam. For the non-EU state like Serbia, there's the element of historical precedent to contend with vis-a-vis Muslims (I would refer anyone who wants to understand the complex issues in this part of Europe to read up on the Serbian Despotate and specifically on the Battle of Kosovo Polje). Just like in the Mid-East Arab vs.Israeli conflict, in the Balkans, old memories die hard.

That being said, this is what counts: out of this crisis we've come to see the worst, and best, of humanity. Europe is doing a stellar job, in my opinion, whereas the Arabs -- Saudis, Emiratis, Qataris, Kuwaitis, who have the financial means to assist and absorb this exodus of humanity are doing next to nothing to help their fellow Arabs and muslims (granted some Syrians and Iraqis are Christians or Yazidis).

Which brings me to an unintended consequence of this crisis. Going forward, Africans, that is, black Africans are bound to be the biggest losers in this new migration/asylum to Europe paradigm shift. The days when any random African, say, or Mungiki, would land in European capital abc, and claim that they were fleeing persecution in Africa or Kenya are over...gone.