The man finally realizes that the court takes interfering with witnesses so seriously that he could easily be the only person left to be sorted out at the end of all this, with his "protectors" in the "clear" and abandoning him. The court in the last year has made it quite clear that the time has come to send a strong signal on tinkering with witnesses; so one wonders what he and his lawyer have been thinking all along.
At any rate, after public statements and Kenyan-courts cases, in which he gave all sorts of reasons as to why he "cannot" and "must" not end up at the Hague, he has suddenly changed tune: he is ready to appear "
with or without conditions". As he puts it, all he needs to be on his way is to the arrest warrant to be replaced with summons. the court be agreeable to such a "replacement"? Why knows. In the judges' shoes, I would simply say, "
If you are ready to appear, then just hop onto a plane and appear".
Barasa could be thinking of singing and cutting a deal. If so, we could well see another Yebei-style "incident". At any rate, his application gives some hint as to what is on his mind, deal-wise or when he is finally dealt with: