You're starting to sound like MK- hint of misogyny and condescension. I get you defend him but just don't spiral down with him.
The US doesn't have EMR- the proper one. The US has an appalling healthcare system. At least in Kenya it's a British hybrid health system with a transparent subsidiary scheme for pt billing.
Kenya has a health system similar to UK and Oz. In US they charge the pt the full cost of healthcare or the insurance company the full cost. Doctors and hospitals charge whatever they want. I've written a paper about this and I'll post it up if I can find it. EMR - the legit one isn't possible in the US until they adopt a fully fledged public health system divorced from Big Pharma.
I have no issues with your gender. What's condescending in what I said? Can you quote it?
The way I understand EMR is that it's an electronic medical record. That is available in the US as far as I can tell.
I assume that to be case because a specialist, say a dermatologist, is able to pull up your medical history. On your first visit.
I am not sure how extensive it is or the levels of integration. The devolved nature of the country certainly imposes major constraints.
Is it different from Ozzy? I wouldn't be surprised.
The US healthcare has EMR,
It has always had EMR, but was optional in some corners.
Starting with the affordablecare ACT, all entities are required to implement EMR
If the dont implement it by a certain grace period, they will be fined large fees
For those smaller healthcare facilities, the goverment is willing to offer subsidies in revamping the whole thing.
Just like if you did not buy into Obamacare by the deadline, you will be charged in your taxes.
Doctors cannot just make up fees and charge patienst what they want unless it is a private practice.
That is the same in most countries even the ones with public health systems
All other healthcare facilities, most of them state owned and accept insuarances have to bill according to set rates
These rates were largely determined by medicare/medcaid which carse for almost all senior citizens
To bill you must have a diagnsos, backed up by evidence and tests done... price for the diagnosis is set
Insuarace pays, and you pay your copay which can be $ and up depending on your plan.
I dont know what Very means by what she wrore, given her relatively short stint.
Comparing the Kenyan healthcare system with the US one is laughable to say the least.
Kenya doesnt have the US kind of problems, and the US doesnt have the Kenyan kind of problems
More in this later.