It easy to lay all the blames on one convenient man like Moi or Kenyatta or our leaders. That doesn't require any thinking.If you believe that US will regress to third class if we exported Moi there; then your argument will be valid.
British ran kenya for 60 yrs since 1900 and they didn't leave us a wealthy nation.
I believe poverty is caused by many many many things. Some are easy to solve. Others are hard.
If I was given a clean slate like South Sudan and I was as clean as Obama....I doubt I would turn the fortunes of that country very quickly. First you'll be dealing with really illiterate folks. About 99% have never gone to school. And that is what likes of Jomo found. All the key indicators completely at the very base.
How do you fix such a country in one generation. It impossible. By the time the first lot who go to school today graduate, it will be 16yrs from now. Meanwhile the country will be filled by boozos who do not even understands why you need toilet or why you need to bath or why you shouldn't cattle rustle or name any primitive culture. Heck they won't even understand why you need to send kids to schools. Why you need to immunize them. or heck to go hospital.
At least South Sudan are lucky they strike imagine being the president of Kenya in 1960s...a country of ignorant diseased malnourished illeterate people mostly eking their lives digging and herding...who cannot feed themselves..leave alone pay taxes...enough to do anything. All they do is popping out kids and dancing as they drink Busaa. The country has nothing. No schools. No roads. Nearly nothing. The biggest town is Juba like..with tents.
Democracy alone cannot fix that. Institutions alone cannot fix that. Leadership alone cannot fix time. Maybe ONLY TIME can fix that.
If those MIT dudes are serious...let them find any remote place in kenya...and use it as experiment. We can give them a it "Millenenium Village" like Prof Sach deluded idea...and we see the transformation happening. Given it a small area..we can even afford to give each person about 40K usd per annum..the same per capita like US...and then we can return after 5yrs to see how advance they've become.
It's as easy as pie. Kenyatta/Moi believed in themselves and killed almost all institutions. Meanwhile Korea et al strengthened institutions. Difference is clear. We could be where Korea is if we had running institutions.