My views on this one are very much similar to those of Pundit. Anyone who believes that the KDF foray into Somalia was a good idea should consider this:
We have had more deaths and injuries to Kenyans, in Kenya, since KDF went into Somalia than before it did. And there is little to suggest that this is about to change any time soon.
* In a place like Mandera, this is not the first time; it appears to be the case that Somalian crazies can come, attack, and go almost at will. Meanwhile, KDF is in Somalia "securing" Kenya!
We went to war to allegedly protect tourism...that tourism is now DEAD as dodo.
All (or most) evidence suggests that Wikileaks are not the fabrication of an active imagination. On that basis, I will rely on them to point out that:
* GoK had it in mind to go into Somalia long before it actually did, and the reasons had nothing to do with tourism.
* The US government made very strong efforts to dissuade GoK from such action. GoK disagreed: in the words of Wetangula (Foreign Minister at the time), sorting out Somalia would be like a "hot knife going through butter"!
Some knife! Some butter!
Somalia will be fixed by Somalis. What we should have done before stirring the hornest nest was EASY.
The sooner this gets into heads, the better off Kenyans will be.
Now NEP is no go zone for non-muslims.
One of the ironies of GOK's misadventures is that Al Kebab has finally managed to achieve what the Shifta War did not: apart from the fact that some tax money goes there, NEP is,
de facto, part of Somalia; those of Somalian ethnicity are probably OK there, but other Kenyans are definitely not welcome.