Author Topic: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade  (Read 11779 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2015, 07:14:46 PM »
Why is meeting Obama a big agenda for Ruto. Maybe we can begin there so we can interrogate if Ruto stance on gays is fake or real. Does Ruto need Obama validation? Jakom had his Obama moment and that didn't help much during last election did it.
I haven't said he will.  But I am just saying what it could be interpreted as if in fact Ruto is not present; doctor's appointment, too busy or whatever.  If that happens, Alai is neither here nor there.  People wouldl interpret it how they see it.  And the hustler would want to correct any unfavorable perception it may raise.

Offline vooke

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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2015, 07:17:15 PM »
That part is easy to understands. But it good to have leaders with known viewpoints. Ruto like Moi has his christian philosophy of life. That is something they had before, in power and even Moi in retirement still cherishes his christian values. I disagree with most of those values but I recognise it.

Meeting Obama is not career defining moment in Kenya. It a fleeting moment. Ruto I doubt gives much thought about that. They were elected despite Obama video.

They are CORDed theories....the root cause is Ruto cost Rayirla presidency so he is a mortal enemy
I agree. All Al shabaab need is to slaughter a few dozens a few days after or carry out their first suicide bombing and nobody will recall Osama was here
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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2015, 07:29:14 PM »
Why is meeting Obama a big agenda for Ruto. Maybe we can begin there so we can interrogate if Ruto stance on gays is fake or real. Does Ruto need Obama validation? Jakom had his Obama moment and that didn't help much during last election did it.
I haven't said he will.  But I am just saying what it could be interpreted as if in fact Ruto is not present; doctor's appointment, too busy or whatever.  If that happens, Alai is neither here nor there.  People wouldl interpret it how they see it.  And the hustler would want to correct any unfavorable perception it may raise.
Meeting Obama may not be a big deal.  Would NOT meeting him when he comes to Kenya be a big deal?  I think that's the issue. Maybe the hustler would be totally oblivious and go about his shugulis as usual; even as the entire government all the way to the janitor meets Obama.  And that is fine.

But people are free to interpret it and would  go about doing it.  If one assumes he cares, then MOON Ki's explanation would come in handy.  If he doesn't care, then it doesn't.  We'll see what happens.  Maybe he meets Obama with the rest of the government and there is nothing to talk about on that front.  If he doesn't that will keep people entertained for a few days.

The man is forcing the gay agenda where there is none.  The nature of the trip itself, leaves a gay agenda unlikely.  Obama has only mentioned business with respect to that trip.  Usually you would see such issues mentioned well in advance of the trip if they are part of the agenda.
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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2015, 07:30:59 PM »
Ruto speaks for majority of Kenians. Call it lack of tact but it's subtle intimidation by gay mafia, just like boda boda gangs. Hit one and they all descend on you.

I will start believing Osama when he will oppose Saudis for criminalizing homosexuality
Saudis are not Negroes.  You would be the first to know.  Why do you expect similar treatment?

Ruto might be speaking his mind.  But the point you are missing is the timing and relevance.  There is zero risk as far the gay agenda goes.  Even if Obama orders parliament to implement favorable laws.

Why does the hustler want to focus on it now?  Who cares?  I think MOON Ki has a good ponit.  He is preparing the ground to explain a likely snub.

If Obama comes to Kenya, and the hustler is nowhere in the photos that are sure to flood social media from the Jubilee youthwingers, some possibly including Raila, that is tough to swallow.
osama will meet both PORK and DPORK. those Alai-esque theories are from the usual suspects.
He is speaking about it NOW because the whole world is speaking about it because of SCOTUS
It's otherwise irrelevant.  Completely.
So irrelevant that they never threatened to freeze health aid to Uganda over homosexuality
Did they freeze it?

In any case it is irrelevant from the Kenyan's perspective.  Nobody really cares what Obama says about gays.  What does State House about it?
They took cue from Osama's statement. The very threat especially at ARV programs is sufficient whether it was carried out or not. Osama is not content with branding fagotry, he will export it to weaker and needy Negro countries
They took cue and did what?
And issued threats
I don't know what you are saying.
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Offline MOON Ki

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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2015, 10:14:34 PM »
The guest snubbing the host. That sound hilarious. I'd love to see that.

There is nothing impossible about it.    The important point to remember is that the guest and the host are not peers; one is in a much stronger position than the other.
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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2015, 10:21:18 PM »
On what basis would Obama snub Ruto.

The question is whether or not he should be involved with a person on trial for crimes against humanity.   I can't say I know what the White House views are on such a matter,  and it is possible that the two will meet, but I consider the issue to be a serious one.
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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2015, 05:46:30 AM »

Offline Reticent Solipsist

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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2015, 11:17:51 AM »

It's always amusing to observe Kenyan politics unencumbered by political affiliation because one gets to have a clear picture of what is actually taking place. For instance, in this so-called homosexuality debate, Uhuru unleashes DP Ruto to the Jubilee base -- and to conservative Kenyans at large -- to give the fire and brimstone red meat rhetoric to the slavering masses while he says nary a word about homosexuality, thus staying above the fray. And Uhuru knows that liberal Obama will be in town, so he earns himself a tolerant badge - savvy guy this Uhuru.

As for Obama, my hunch is that he will be talking about security cooperation and terrorism, the economy and business, entrepreneurship, education, and human rights and tolerance, broadly speaking.


Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2015, 11:25:52 AM »

Offline Bella

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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2015, 07:03:59 AM »
I won't blame Ruto...I blame Obama. Ruto is against gays just like some Americans are anti-gay. He has not shied away from pushing forth his "christian" way of life. And he shouldn't be vilified.

Quick google search shows Obama last time he was in Senegal spoke about Gay rights and had to be rebuked

Obama and US are out of touch when it come to the real issues that should be dealt with in Africa.

Gays and Abortion are not issues that you bring to Africa...where basic human right that french got in 17th century are still an issues.

I was utterly surprised.  Given that Kenya is not at any risk of recognizing gay rights to be with each other, let alone implementing gay marriage, in the foreseeable future.  The man was almost making an effort to be obnoxious.
I agree with you and personally blame Western leftist radicals for the harsh treatment of gays that's been rising in African countries the last few years. Before then, Africans generally did not concern themselves with such issues and even where it is in the books, it was not enforced. Its not so much a matter of content as it is approach. The West is forcing Africa onto its own timetable, thats what I see as the issue. Obviously gay rights will eventually happen, but not in the way they would like. Since right now they are high on the gay issue, they feel they must involve others where the cultures still have a long long ways to go before such issues can be meaningfully debated on a public level. Ruto is reacting like many Africans reacted in 2013, and I'm sure as bazungu leaders would have reacted in the 1940s if a Russian or foreigner told them to decriminalize it and recognize gay rights then.  I personally see this as something easily foreseeable by anyone who actually knows Africans. What surprises me is that when you read the internet around such news reports, bazungu seem totally shocked by African reactions. This thing needs time before Africans will not be reacting like this. At this point, to 90% of them, its about as strange an issue as proposing marriage to a tree. Sometimes people living outside for too long simply forget how the common Kenyan views things and are therefore surprised when things happen that are not all that shocking when viewed in a certain context..
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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2015, 07:38:57 AM »
Whether or not Obama will be willing to make merry with a fellow who's on trial for crimes against humanity is not clear.   It is certainly doubtful.  Ruto seems to be preparing the country for an "explanation": "I took a firm stand against homosexuality, and they didn't like it".  Silly, but somewhat understandable.   

What is astonishing, however, is the stance by all those other characters who have gone as far as threatening to throw Obama out of parliament.    So, here we are: instead of Kenyans considering how they could make the most of this visit, which many have been clamouring for, it is nonsense all around.   But, later, there will be complaints about the lack of "help" that people, for some strange reason, seem to actually consider a right to which they are entitled!

Interesting observation...could not figure out exactly where he was going with that stance...Ruto in general since becoming DP has "Changed"...He sounds more like an MP than his former self, the Kalenjin accent is veerry present and he seems to have suddenly aged Intellectually...not a very rosy picture for someone who seemed to have alot of ambition...

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Ruto Et. Al.'s New Anti-Gay Crusade
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2015, 04:56:16 PM »
Ruto has to come up with something that resonates with the populace, otherwise hes invalid. Most Kenyans will wake up to gay rather than the condition of their schools. They have accepted the low quality of public education but not gays.